3 resultados para field trip
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
A emergência de questões tecnológicas, sociais e ambientais transformam o ensino das ciências num enorme desafio. A escassez e a contaminação da água, resultante de actividades antropogénicas, perspectiva-se hoje como um problema de futuro. Este tema, parte integrante do programa de Química do 11o Ano, inspirou uma intervenção didáctica baseada numa metodologia de resolução problemas que se pode enquadrar numa abordagem do tipo CTSA. A intervenção proposta, a partir de uma saída de campo que se concretizou na Mina de S. Domingos, teve por objectivos melhorar as aprendizagens realizadas pelos alunos e promover a mudança de atitudes face ao Ambiente e ao consumo de água em particular. Os dados recolhidos, analisados segundo métodos qualitativos e quantitativos, revelaram melhores conhecimentos e atitudes mais favoráveis relativamente à Ciência e à disciplina de Física e Química, e face ao Ambiente e ao consumo de água, reforçando a importância deste tipo de abordagens. ABSTRACT; The emergent technology, social and environmental issues are making the science teaching a huge challenge. The shortage and the contamination of water, as result of anthropogenic activities, are faced today like a future problem. This theme is part of the Chemistry subject curriculum of the eleventh grade level and it inspired a didactic intervention based upon a problem solving methodology that can be framed in a STSE approach. The goals of the proposed intervention, taking Mina de S. Domingos for a field trip, meant to improve the students' learnings and to promote a change of attitudes in relation to the environment and to the water consumption, in particular. The collected data, analyzed according to qualitative and quantitative methods, showed better knowledge and more favorable attitudes towards Science and Physics and Chemistry, as well as regarding the environment and water consumption, enhancing the importance of this kind of approach.
Nos programas actuais defende-se um ensino contextualizado numa perspectiva CTSA - Ciência, Tecnologia, Sociedade e Ambiente, e a diversificação de estratégias e actividades é recomendada. Numa perspectiva construtivista, a aprendizagem fora da sala de aula, aprendizagem em espaços não-formais - as visitas de estudo - são consideradas como uma das estratégias com elevado potencial pedagógico. No presente estudo foram realizadas e avaliadas duas visitas de estudo no âmbito da disciplina de Física e Química do 10° ano de escolaridade, tendo a primeira sido feita como estudo-piloto ao Centro de Ciência Viva de Constância e uma segunda como estudo principal, Na Rota das Energias Renováveis, à Barragem do Alqueva, Central Solar Fotovoltaica da Amareleja, Parque de Natureza de Noudar e Herdade do Esporão. Realizou-se uma pré-visita aos locais a visitar, estabeleceram-se contactos privilegiados com as instituições visitadas, preparam-se materiais didácticos, um Roteiro e um Guia de Campo para cada local visitado, foram elaborados e apresentados aos alunos questionários sobre o seu grau de satisfação com as visitas e realizaram-se ainda entrevistas em grupo com alguns alunos para recolher as suas impressões. Os alunos realizaram trabalhos de divulgação da visita tendo sido disponibilizada, no "site" da escola, informação detalhada sobre a visita. Neste estudo analisou-se em que medida uma aprendizagem contextualizada num espaço não-formal foi promotora de um envolvimento produtivo dos alunos. As aprendizagens realizadas situaram-se no domínio cognitivo, social ou atitudinal e os materiais didácticos, como o Guia de Campo tiveram um papel relevante para essas aprendizagens. A motivação dos alunos para a disciplina melhorou durante e após a visita. A colaboração com as instituições visitadas mostrou-se importante no estabelecimento de uma interface entre o espaço formal e o não-formal. A realização de visitas de estudo é uma componente importante dos curricula e deve ser encarada com naturalidade a sua realização frequente, como parte de uma estratégia para motivar os alunos para a disciplina e aumentar a sua capacidade de aprender os conteúdos. ABSTRACT: Nowadays programs defend teaching model that follows a perspective based in Science, Technology, Society and Environment, with special focus in the diversification of strategies. Outside of classroom teaching, in non-formal spaces, as in field trips, is considered one of the strategies with the highest pedagogic potential. ln this study, two field trips were made based on the Physics and Chemistry program for the 1Oth grade, with the first one as the pilot visit to Centro de Ciência Viva de Constância, and the second one as the main study, ln the Path of Renewable Energies, to Alqueva’s dam, Amareleja's Solar Photovoltaic Center, Noudar's Nature Park and Herdade do Esporão. A pre-visit was made for each one of the places to visit, contacts were made, materials were created, an itinerary and a Field Guide for both field trips, satisfaction questionaries were made to the students and the teacher also interviewed some students for appreciations about the visit. The students created posters about the field trip, and information was also showed in the school website. With this study, the benefits of a contextualized learning in a non-formal space were demonstrated. These acquisitions of knowledge were in various domains, such as cognition, social behavior and the didactic materials had a relevant role in these acquirements. Moreover, the students' motivation for the subject in question improved significantly during and after the field trip. The cooperation with the visited institutions revealed to be important in the establishment of an interface between the formal and the non-formal spaces. Making field trips is an important component in the curricula and should be encouraged and seen as a natural part of a strategy of motivation of the students for a certain subject, increasing its ability to learn matters.
After the Congress, a six-day field trip, will be held through three southwestern provinces of Angola (Huíla, Namibe and Cunene), every day starting and ending in the city of Lubango, for overnight stay in Lubango, with the purpose to observe some of the main sites of geological interest in this zone of Angola. The itinerary of this field trip presents the geologic history of Southwestern Angola and its evolution in the scope of the Congo Craton, through a trip that begins in the first excursion days by the oldest geologic formations and phenomena until the recent geologic formations and phenomena on the last excursion days. On the first and second excursion days, September 5th and September 6th, the field trip will go along the Kunene Anorthosite Complex of Angola (KAC), to observe some petrographic features of the KAC that are important to understand the emplacement of this huge igneous massif of the early Kibarean age. These days of the field trip allow the observation of Earthen Construction, because this region of Cunene is privileged to appreciate a kind of Eco-construction, made of raw earth and in wattle and daub, built with ancient techniques, which constitute a real GeoHeritage. On September 7th, in the morning, the destination will be Tundavala, to visit Tundavala Gap, a huge escarpment of more than 1,000 m high cutted in Neo-Archean and Paleo-Proterozoic igneous rocks, the Ruins of Tundavala (quartzite blocks with sedimentary structures) and Tundavala Waterfalls on a quartzitic scarp. After lunch, the field trip continues towards Humpata plateau to observe the panoramic view over Lubango city from the Statue of Cristo Rei, then the outcrops of dolomitic limestones with stromatolites and dolerites and finally the Leba passage, a huge escarpment and one of the most spectacular parts of the Serra da Chela, traversed by a mountain road built in the early 70s of the last century, that can be observed from the belvedere of the Serra da Chela. On September 8th, the destination is the carbonatite complexes of Tchivira and Bonga, belonging to the Mesozoic alkaline massifs of ultrabasic rocks, a rift valley system that occurs during the Early Cretaceous. In this forth excursion day, due to the huge dimensions of these two carbonatite structures it will be visited, only, the Complex of Bonga, namely the outcrops of the northern part of the structure and secondary deposits on the boundary on the southern part of the of the Complex. The last two excursion days, September 9th and September 10th, are to observe the Cretaceous Basin of Namibe. On September 9th, the northern part of Namibe Basin will be visited to observe the volcanic basic rocks of Namibe as well as the interesting paleontological site of Bentiaba. On September 10th, the destination is the southern and more recent part of Namibe Basin, where on the Namib Desert, the exotic plant Welwitschia mirabilis can be observed, as well as Arco, an oasis in the desert. This last excursion day, ends up at the dunes of Tombwa near the mouth of Curoca river and the beautiful bay of Tombwa, where can be observed heavy minerals in their beach sands.