4 resultados para family with children

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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O presente relatório de estágio desenvolveu-se no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, tendo por finalidade a obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Corresponde à descrição e análise de um trabalho desenvolvido em dois contextos, jardim-de-infância e 1º ciclo, inseridos num meio urbano, com grupos de crianças de três, quatro, cinco e seis anos e de seis e sete anos (respetivamente). Este trabalho procurou compreender de que forma ocorriam as conexões entre a vida na escola e na família em contexto. Começando por compreender como poderiam ser promovidas e ampliadas as relações entre ambos, de forma a envolver os familiares nas aprendizagens das crianças. No entanto criando sempre um espaço de troca de aprendizagens onde as diferenças sejam valorizadas. O enquadramento teórico foi construído de forma focada em três áreas de pesquisa: as conexões entre a escola e a família, e sua relevância; as tipologias de relação escola-família; e os problemas e estratégias de intervenção no âmbito da relação escola-família. Este relatório foi sustentado na metodologia de investigação-ação, utilizando diferentes instrumentos de recolha de dados de modo a responder às questões e objetivos propostos: observações, notas de campo e reflexões; revisão de literatura e questionário. Os resultados que emergiram deste relatório, sustentados nos instrumentos de recolha de dados, realçam a importância das conexões entre a vida na escola e na família. Apesar da existência de alguns obstáculos nesta relação, torna-se necessário encontrar estratégias que os eliminem por forma a compreender ambas as partes e um melhor rendimento escolar das crianças; Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool and Primary Education : Life at School and in the Family, which connections? Abstract: This is an action-reseach project research developed within the Supervised Teaching Practice, part of the master in Preschool Education and Primary Teaching. It entails the description and analysis of the work developed in one pre-school and one and primary school, inserted in an urban environment, with children from three to six and from six to seven years (respectively). This work sought to understand how occurred the connections between life at school and in the family context. Starting to understand how they could be promoted and expanded relations between the two context, in order to involve family members in the learning of children. However creating always a swap space of learning where the differences are valued. The theoretical framework focused on three subjects: the importance of the connections between the school and the family,; the types of school-family relationship; and problems and intervention strategies within the school-family relationship. This report adopted an action research methodology, using different data collection instruments in order to reach the objectives proposed: observations field notes and reflections; literature review and a questionnaire. The results that emerged from this report, supported by data, highlight the importance of the connections between life at school and in the family. Despite some obstacles in this relationship, it is necessary to find strategies to eliminate them in order to understand both parts and a better school performance of children.


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Este trabalho debruça-se sobre as exigências/expectativas de famílias com crianças com doença crónica face ao atendimento dos serviços de saúde, assim como na identificação de aspectos passíveis de serem melhorados. Neste processo, foi ainda sentida a necessidade de compreender como é que as famílias lidam com a problemática da doença crónica na criança, não só na vertente institucional, mas também familiar. Caracterizar as respostas institucionais face às famílias com crianças com doença crónica, no âmbito da Unidade de Saúde de Almada, Seixal e Sesimbra, constitui o objectivo principal da pesquisa. Metodologicamente utiliza-se a entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada a familiares e a profissionais de saúde. ABSTRACT; This work approaches the demands/expectations of families with children with chronic diseases face to health services, as well as the identification of the aspects to be improved. In this process, it was felt the need to understand how families deal with the problem of the chronic condition, not only in the institutional but also in the family point of view. The main goal of this research is to characterize institutional answers face to families with children with chronic conditions, in the Unit of Health of Almada, Seixal and Sesimbra. The methodological approach is based on the semi-structured interview to family members and health professionals.


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Nos últimos anos, devido às mudanças estruturais, relacionais e sociais, a família detém agora configurações diferentes; diferentes formas de atuar na sociedade e perceções diferentes consoante a faixa etária dos seus elementos. Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar e compreender a perceção das crianças de duas das diversas formas de família existentes, a família tradicional (FTr) e a família monoparental (FMn). Participaram no estudo 29 crianças, das quais 17 de famílias tradicionais e 12 de famílias monoparentais de ambos os sexos e com idades compreendidas entre os 8 e os 10 anos de idade. Para a recolha dos dados foi utilizada uma entrevista semiestruturada e os resultados obtidos resultaram da análise de conteúdo das respostas dos/as participantes. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a FTr é percebida pelas crianças de FTr e FMn, participantes no estudo, como sendo aquela que apresenta mais aspetos positivos e é percebida como sendo a família ideal. No entanto, a FMn apesar de ser percecionada menos positivamente, pelas crianças de ambos os grupos, pela perceção das crianças de FMn podemos inferir e realçar o fato positivo de que estas famílias têm capacidade de lidar com as adversidades e, tal como as FTr, são capazes de promover o bem-estar das suas crianças; Abstract: In recent years, due to changes in structural, relational and social, the family have now different settings, different forms to act acting in society, and different perceptions depending on the age of its elements. Thus, the objective of this study is to identify and understand the perceptions of children of two of the various forms of Family exist. Participated in the study, 29 children, of which 17 traditional families and 12 single-parent families of both gender and with ages understood between the 8 and 10 years of age. For the collection of data was used a semistructured interview and the results obtained resulted from the content analysis of the responses from the participants. The results obtained, suggest that the traditional family is perceived by children of traditional families and single-parent families study participants as being one that has more positive aspects and is perceived as being the ideal family. However, the single-parent family, despite being perceived less positively by the children of both groups, through the children's perception we can infer and highlight the positive fact that these families have the capacity to deal with adversities and, like the FTr, are able to promote the welfare of their children.


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This paper will focus on the issue of training future literary reading mediators or promoters. It will propose a practical exercise on playing with intertextuality with the aid of two children literature classics and masterpieces—The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865) and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1969). This exercise is not designed to be a pedagogical or didactic tool used with children (that could alternatively be done with the same corpora), but it is designed to focus on issues of literary studies and contemporary culture. The aim of this practical exercise with future reading promoters is to enable graduate students or trainees to be able to recognize that literary reading can be a team game. However, before arriving at the agan stage, where the rules get simplified and attainable by young readers, hard and solitary work of the mediator is required. The rules of this solitary game of preparing the reading of classical texts are not always evident. On the other hand, the reason why literary reading could be (and perhaps should be) defined as a new team game in our contemporary and globalized world derives directly from the fact that we now live in a world where mass culture is definitely installed. We should be pragmatic on evaluating the conditions of communication between people (not only young adults or children) and we should look the way people read the signs on everyday life and consequently behave in contemporary society, and then apply the same rules or procedures to introduce old players such as the classical books in the game. We are talking about adult mediators and native digital readers. In the contemporary democratic social context, cultural producers and consumers are two very important elements (as the book itself) of the literary polissystem. So, teaching literature is more than ever to be aware that the literary reader meaning of a text does not reside only in the text and in its solitary relationship with the quiet and comfortably installed reader. Meaning is produced by the reader in relation both to the text in question and to the complex network of texts invoked in the reading process and plural connections provided by the world of a new media environment.