3 resultados para exclusive breast feeding

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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O aleitamento materno exclusivo é uma recomendação universal e o contacto pele-a-pele mãe/recém-nascido é fator de desenvolvimento para a díade. O trabalho académico desenvolvido centra-se nos indicadores de medida e evidência - amamentação na 1ª hora de vida & contacto pele a pele entre a díade. Tal enraíza-se no projeto Maternidade com Qualidade, da Ordem dos Enfermeiros Portugueses e em curso no Centro Hospitalar Barreiro-Montijo EPE. O projeto iniciou-se em setembro de 2015, seguindo-se os procedimentos que se relatam no atual documento. No diagnóstico de situação recolheu-se o estado dos indicadores. A vertente de investigação considerou como amostras profissionais e utentes do Centro Hospitalar Barreiro-Montijo e recolheu dados. A intervenção realizada produziu evolução positiva nos indicadores. O bonding em período sensível é reconhecido pelos profissionais como um elemento relevante nos cuidados. Com a implementação deste projeto contribuiu-se para a melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados na área de saúde materna; Mother-Child early relationship. Evaluating postpartum indicators from the Project Maternity with Quality at CHBM-EPE ABSTRACT: Exclusive breastfeeding is a universal recommendation and skin-to-skin mother / newborn is a development factor for the dyad. The academic work focuses on the measurement indicators and evidence - breastfeeding within the 1st hour of life & skin-to-skin between the dyad. This is rooted in the Maternity design with quality, of the Portuguese Nurses and ongoing in-Hospital Center Barreiro Montijo EPE. The project began in September 2015, following the procedures that are reported in the current document. In the situation analysis was collected status indicators. The research strand considers sample practitioners and users Barreiro-Montijo Hospital Center and collects data. The intervention performed produced positive results for these indicators. The bonding in the sensitive period is recognized by professionals as an important element in the care. With the implementation of this project contributed to improving the quality of care in maternal health.


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São muitas as vantagens do aleitamento materno para a mãe e recém-nascido, havendo consenso de que a sua prática exclusiva deve ser até aos seis meses de vida. A intervenção teve como objetivo empoderar a puérpera para o sucesso no aleitamento materno. Foram aplicados três questionários a duas populações-alvo: um aos enfermeiros do Serviço de Obstetrícia do Centro Hospitalar Barreiro-Montijo, Entidade Pública Empresarial e outros dois às puérperas, que permitiram a recolha de informações sobre os conhecimentos dos enfermeiros acerca das práticas no aleitamento materno e da perceção das puérperas, quanto aos cuidados recebidos durante o internamento. Os resultados apontaram para a necessidade de formação dos enfermeiros sobre o aleitamento materno e a necessidade de empoderamento/acompanhamento no pós-parto. Desenvolveram-se atividades formativas e educacionais, quer para os profissionais, quer para as puérperas. A intervenção profissional revelou-se benéfica para a melhoria contínua dos cuidados de enfermagem na promoção do aleitamento materno exclusivo; EMPOWERMENT OF POSTPARTUM WOMEN FOR SUCCESSFUL BREASTFEEDING ABSTRACT: Breastfeeding presents several advantages to the mother and child, being generally agreed that its practice should be exclusive until six months of age. The goal of this intervention was to empower the puerpera towards breastfeeding success. Three questionnaires were applied to two populations: one to the nurses from the Obstetric Department of the Centro Hospitalar Barreiro-Montijo, Entidade Pública Empresarial and other two to puerperas, which allowed collection of information on the nurses’ knowledge about breastfeeding practices and the puerperas’ perception on received care during hospitalization. The results demonstrated the nurses’ need of training on breastfeeding and the need of empowerment/follow-up during the post-partum period. Educational and training activities, directed to professionals and puerperas, were developed. The professional intervention demonstrated benefits to the improvement of the nursing care in the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding.


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Biomarkers are nowadays essential tools to be one step ahead for fighting disease, enabling an enhanced focus on disease prevention and on the probability of its occurrence. Research in a multidisciplinary approach has been an important step towards the repeated discovery of new biomarkers. Biomarkers are defined as biochemical measurable indicators of the presence of disease or as indicators for monitoring disease progression. Currently, biomarkers have been used in several domains such as oncology, neurology, cardiovascular, inflammatory and respiratory disease, and several endocrinopathies. Bridging biomarkers in a One Health perspective has been proven useful in almost all of these domains. In oncology, humans and animals are found to be subject to the same environmental and genetic predisposing factors: examples include the existence of mutations in BR-CA1 gene predisposing to breast cancer, both in human and dogs, with increased prevalence in certain dog breeds and human ethnic groups. Also, breast feeding frequency and duration has been related to a decreased risk of breast cancer in women and bitches. When it comes to infectious diseases, this parallelism is prone to be even more important, for as much as 75% of all emerging diseases are believed to be zoonotic. Examples of successful use of biomarkers have been found in several zoonotic diseases such as Ebola, dengue, leptospirosis or West Nile virus infections. Acute Phase Proteins (APPs) have been used for quite some time as biomarkers of inflammatory conditions. These have been used in human health but also in the veterinary field such as in mastitis evaluation and PRRS (porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome) diagnosis. Advantages rely on the fact that these biomarkers can be much easier to assess than other conventional disease diagnostic approaches (example: measured in easy to collect saliva samples). Another domain in which biomarkers have been essential is food safety: the possibility to measure exposure to chemical contaminants or other biohazards present in the food chain, which are sometimes analytical challenges due to their low bioavailability in body fluids, is nowadays a major breakthrough. Finally, biomarkers are considered the key to provide more personalized therapies, with more efficient outcomes and fewer side effects. This approach is expected to be the correct path to follow also in veterinary medicine, in the near future.