2 resultados para dispersão larval
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
As galerias ripícolas são habitats com uma grande disponibilidade de recursos alimentares e abrigo para a fauna, estando entre os habitats mais importantes e vulneráveis do mundo. São uma fonte de produção de frutos, o que atrai muitos animais, como as aves frugívoras, que são os principais dispersores de sementes na bacia do Mediterrâneo. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi estudar os padrões de dispersão de sementes por aves na interface galeria ripícola-matriz florestal envolvente (Montado). Foram marcadas com fluorescência plantas-mãe produtoras de frutos, e utilizadas armadilhas para sementes e transectos, para a recolha dos dejetos de aves onde, posteriormente, se detetaram as sementes dispersadas. Constatou-se que a dispersão de sementes e a abundância de plantas-mãe foi superior a distâncias mais próximas da ribeira, diminuindo à medida que esta distância aumenta. A espécie mais dispersada foi Smilax aspera e as espécies com sementes de menor dimensão, foram dispersadas a uma maior distância da planta-mãe, provavelmente devido a este tipo de sementes permanecerem mais tempo no trato intestinal das aves. Os resultados deste estudo apresentam algumas implicações para a colonização da matriz adjacente por plantas produtoras de frutos; ABSTRACT: Riparian galleries are habitats with a large availability food resources and shelter for animals, being among the most important and vulnerable habitats in the world. These zones are a great source of fruits attracting many animals, such as frugivorous birds, which are the main seed dispersers in the Mediterranean basin. The objective of this thesis is the study of seed dispersal patterns by birds, in the riparian gallery and in the surrounding forest matrix (Montado). Fruits of several plant species were used to collect bird droppings and detect fluorescent seeds in those droppings. Fruit abundance and seed dispersal were higher close to the stream, and decreased rapidly with an increase in distance from the stream. From all species, the most dispersed was Smilax aspera and species with smaller seed were found at a significantly larger distance from parents plants than species with large seeds. This can be explained by the fact that smaller seed stay longer in the intestinal tract of the birds. The results of this study present some implications for the colonization of freshly fruit plants from the riparian gallery into the adjacent matrix.
Pollicipes pollicipes (Crustacea: Scalpelliformes) is a highly prized food in Portugal and Spain and con- sequently a species of considerable interest to aqua- culture. Surprisingly, however, larval culture conditions for this barnacle have not been opti- mized. This study investigated the effects of temper- ature, diet, photoperiod and salinity on the growth and survival of P. pollicipes larvae. Temperature had a significant effect on specific growth rate (2.6–5.9% total width per day, from 11 to 24°C), reducing mean development time to the cyprid from 25 days at 11 °C to 10 days at 24°C, although this was accompanied by a significant increase in mortality to over 90% above 22°C. Mid- range temperatures (15–20°C) maximized total survival (19–31% respectively). Algal diets of Tetra- selmis suecica, T. suecica/Skeletonema marinoi and S. marinoi/Isochrysis galbana did not affect specific growth rate significantly, but survival (on average 39% in 15 days) and the proportion of high-quality healthy cyprids was significantly higher on the lat- ter two diets (11–15% of initial number of larvae). Photoperiod did not significantly affect the survival, although specific growth rate was significantly higher at 24:0 and 16:8 L:D. Salinity (20– 40 g L 1 range) did not affect growth and survival significantly. The best growth and survival were accomplished using rearing temperatures of 15–20°C, daily feeding with T. suecica/S. marinoi or I. galbana/S. marinoi and a photoperiod of 24:0 L:D.