8 resultados para convent

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The present study is a multidisciplinary approach applied to architectural stone materials of the Convent of Christ in Tomar (Portugal) in order to understand and mitigate the active decay processes. The structure and appearance of the stonework from the Convent of Christ are strongly affected by stains, biofilms and structural degradation. To investigate these phenomena, a multianalytical approach comprising X-ray microdiffraction, scanning electron microscopy, microRaman and microinfrared spectroscopy was applied to the examination of altered outdoor stone areas being detected calcium oxalates, carotenoids and microbial proliferation. The presence of these alteration products seems to be correlated with the microbial activity of bacteria, microalgae, cyanobacteria and filamentous fungi. This work showed that the application of complementary methodologies is an efficient strategy to characterise the stone decay, and constitute a starting point for successful conservation intervention plans that are urgent to ensure the preservation and safeguard of this emblematic monument.


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O convento de S. Francisco, em Montemor-o-Novo, que durante cerca de quatro séculos esteve implantado fora do contexto urbano local, está, na actualidade, envolvido pela malha habitacional e por equipamentos colectivos. O estado de parcial abandono e de degradação acelerada em que se encontra o conjunto, obriga a que, por todas as formas, haja empenho da comunidade social na sua urgente recuperação e valorização cultural. É efectuada uma leitura do conjunto edificado remanescente, uma análise dos materiais aplicados e das técnicas construtivas utilizadas, a que se segue um diagnóstico do estado patológico, identificando-se as anomalias mais relevantes, de natureza estrutural e não estrutural. Apresentam-se propostas para a reparação e eliminação dos factores de alteração. Finalmente, sugerem-se algumas possibilidades para a valorização futura do conjunto, enquanto peça importante do nosso património colectivo. ABSTRACT; The St. Francisco convent in Montemor-o-Novo which during about four centuries was outside the urban context, is nowadays completely involved by the urban agglomerate and collective facilities. The situation of partial abandonment and the accelerated degradation where the joint is, requires to, by all the ways have interest by the social community in its urgent recovery and in its cultural valorization. Is done a reading of the built joint, an analyse of the employed materials and the techniques of construction used, which is followed by a diagnostic of the pathological condition, identifying the most outstanding anomalies, of structural and not structural character, presenting suggestions to its reparation and reduce of the transformation agents. Finally, are enumerate some possibilities to the future benefit of the joint, while important piece of our collective heritage.


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RESUMO: A cidade de Lisboa acolheu vários conventos e mosteiros que, apesar de actualmente albergarem diversas funções que não a religiosa, persistem na malha urbana da cidade. As antigas cercas conventuais e monásticas que perduraram conservam-se como lugares verdes da cidade. Estas áreas na sua maioria, jardins privados. Contudo, na zona ocidente de Lisboa, duas cercas conventuais são hoje exemplos notáveis de jardins públicos. São os casos da cerca do Convento de Nossa Senhora das Necessidades - hoje o Jardim da Tapada das Necessidades -, e da cerca do Mosteiro de Nossa Senhora da Estrela - hoje o Jardim da Estrela. Este trabalho, com base no estudo do Jardim da Tapada das Necessidades e do Jardim da Estrela, e na essência do jardim português procura estabelecer uma hipótese de intervenção nas cercas de Lisboa. Assim, é proposta a recuperação da cerca conventual do Beato António como espaço de jardim público. Desta forma, este trabalho não só contribui para o conhecimento sobre as cercas conventuais e monásticas de Lisboa, como para a enunciação de uma possível metodologia de intervenção nestes conjuntos; ABSTRACT: The city of Lisbon hosted several convents and monasteries that although currently harboring various functions other than religious, persist in the city. The old convent and monastic fences that lasted are preserved as green places in town. These areas are mostly private gardens. However, in the western part of Lisbon, two conventual fences are outstanding examples of public gardens. This is the case of the Nossa Senhora das Necessidades Convent - now the Jardim das Necessidades - and of the Monastery of Nossa Senhora da Estrela - now the Jardim da Estrela. This paper, based on the study of the Jardim das Necessidades and the Jardim da Estrela, and on the essence of Portuguese gardens, seeks to establish a hypothesis of intervention on the fences of Lisbon. It is therefore proposed to recover the conventual fence of Beato Antonio as a public garden space. Thus, this thesis not only contributes to the knowledge of the Lisbon's conventual and monastic fences, as to the enunciation of a possible intervention methodology in these sets.


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O pintor Jorge Afonso (c. 1480-1540) ocupou cargos da maior importância e foi mestre de alguns dos mais importantes artistas da primeira metade do século XVI. Por laços familiares, por ligações profissionais, ou como representante régio no fornecimento e controle de empreitadas, esteve no centro das grandes obras artísticas do seu tempo. Fez uma carreira como oficial de armaria dentro da reestruturação manuelina, o que o tornou, também do ponto de vista simbólico, uma figura importante da corte do Venturoso. A Jorge Afonso são atribuídas as grandes tábuas da Charola do Convento de Cristo de Tomar, oito pinturas do mosteiro da Madre de Deus e o retábulo do Convento de Jesus de Setúbal. A dissertação reanalisa os dados biográficos do pintor, estuda as pinturas incluindo o seu desenho subjacente, e reelabora a compreensão da pintura portuguesa do tempo, vista sob a influência desta figura tutelar; ABSTRACT: Jorge Afonso. An essential quest on Portuguese primitive painting. Painter Jorge Afonso (1480-1540), held positions of major importance and was master of some of the most remarkable artists of the first half of the 16th century. By family links, by professional connections or as Royal representative for the supply and control of works, he was at the very center of the great artistic works of his time. He built a career as Herald what made him an important figure in King D. Manuel’s court . To Jorge Afonso are attributed the large paintings of the ‘Christ’s Convent’ Ambulatory in Tomar, eight paintings from the ‘Madre de Deus’ monastery and the ‘Covent of Jesus’ altarpiece in Setubal. This dissertation reanalysis the painter biographical data, studies the paintings including its underdrawing and reconstructs the understanding of Portuguese painting of that time, perceived under the influence of this tutelary figure.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado visa a apresentação de uma proposta de valorização para o espaço edificado do Convento de S. José da Esperança, da cidade de Évora. Procurámos traçar a história do Convento de S. José ao longo de um período de cerca de 200 anos, apresentando ainda as várias funções do imóvel, desde a sua extinção até à atualidade. Abordámos a questão da instalação física do cenóbio, relacionando-a com as razões da escolha da Ordem Carmelita Descalça. Contextualizámos este especto com as origens da Ordem do Carmo, a reforma desta Ordem, originando o nascimento da Ordem Carmelita Descalça, e a sua entrada em Portugal. Sublinhámos a importância das fundadoras e o seu legado testamentário para a subsistência desta instituição religiosa e como essa subsistência conheceu vicissitudes e contrariedades várias ao longo da vida da comunidade. Procurámos depois entender o espaço conventual edificado, pelo que procedemos a uma análise histórico-arquitetónica do conjunto conventual, nomeadamente a ampliação dos espaços, e depois da extinção e da mudança de propriedade, a adaptação a novas funções e as necessárias intervenções nele ocorridas. Por fim, atendendo à história do Convento, à riqueza patrimonial que ele representa tanto para a sociedade em geral como para os Eborenses em particular, atendendo à sua inserção no Centro Histórico de Évora - CHE, com a classificação de Património Mundial atribuída pela UNESCO em 1986, e atendendo ao vasto quadro legislativo nacional e internacional relativo à proteção e valorização do património cultural, apresentámos a nossa proposta de valorização do Conjunto Conventual, que nos parece, em conformidade com o exposto, a mais apropriada àquele espaço. ABSTRACT: This master's thesis aims to propose a recovery area for the valorization of the building space of Convento de S. José da Esperança, in Évora. We traced the history of the Convent of S. José over a period of about 200 years, by exploring the various functions of the building, since its extinction as religious community until now. We addressed the question of the physical installation the life of the religious community, linking it with the reasons for the choice of the Ordem Carmelita Descalça's to settle there. This aspect was then contextualized with the origins of the Ordem do Carmo, the reform of the Order, resulting in the birth of the Ordem Carmelita Descalça, and its entry into Portugal. We emphasized the importance of the founders and their legacy to the livelihood of the subsistence of this religious institution. Along the history the Ordem experienced several setbacks and problems over the life of the community. Our study led to an understanding of the conventual space as a physical building. For that we undertook an historical and architectonical analysis of the conventual set, namely the enlargement of spaces, and after the extinction and the property change, the adaptation to new functions and the necessary interventions that it suffered. We presented our proposal of historical and architectonical valorization of the convent, taking into account the history of the Convent, as a rich heritage, not only for the city of Évora, but also to the country, as a whole. We took into account the fact that the convent is inside the historical centre of Évora (World Heritage City- UNESCO- since 1986), and it must comply to national and international legislative framework for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage. Our proposal of recovery of the conventual set is, in line with the above, the most appropriate to that space.


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A temática proposta como objeto de estudo na presente tese, é o resultado de uma investigação dedicada ao fenómeno de utilização da imaginária processional nos cortejos de penitência de pendor franciscano, nos séculos XVII a XX na ilha de S. Miguel, Açores. Este tipo de manifestações religiosas, particularmente característico no espaço Iberoamericano, evidencia-se pela originalidade cenográfica, na qual são utilizados vestuário e adereços cénicos como complementos dos respetivos conjuntos escultóricos, as denominadas imagens de vestir. No arquipélago dos Açores, a Venerável Ordem Terceira da Penitência teve um papel de grande importância na organização destes eventos processionais, sendo que as ilhas de S. Miguel e da Terceira representam atualmente um dos últimos redutos na organização de procissões penitenciais, com recurso à utilização de imagens de vestir. No caso especifíco de S. Miguel, este tipo de imaginária pode ser ainda observada nos acervos de algumas das antigas igrejas conventuais da Ordem dos Frades Menores existentes nesta ilha, bem como na única procissão oriunda do espírito penitencial da Ordem Terceira, que se realiza anualmente na cidade da Ribeira Grande. O estudo agora apresentado pretende compreender as diversas componentes da utilização deste tipo de imaginária, bem como o registo do legado patrimonial que os seculares franciscanos perpetuaram até à atualidade, materializado num processo de patrimonialização das suas imagens de vestir, expresso na dicotomia entre os objetos, enquanto matéria, e as suas realidades biográficas, ligadas às comunidades de Terceiros que estiveram por detrás do uso destas imagens processionais; ABSTRACT: Religious sculptures for dressing of the Third Procession: history, concepts, typologies and traditions - A Franciscan heritage legacy in the island of S. Miguel, Azores, between the 17th and 19th centuries. The theme proposed as object of study in this thesis is the result of a research dedicated to the custom of adorning religious sculptures and displaying them in Franciscan penitential processions between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries, in the island of S. Miguel, Azores. This type of religious expression, particularly characteristic in the Ibero-American space, featuring up by scenic originality, in which clothing and scenic props are used to complement the respective sculptural groups, called religious sculptures for dressing. In the Azores, the Venerable Third Order of Penance had a major role in organizing these processional events, and the islands of S. Miguel and Terceira currently represents one of the last holdouts in organizing penitential processions, with the use of religious sculptures for dressing. In the case of S. Miguel, this type of imaginary can still be seen in the collections of some of the ancient Order of the convent churches of the Friars Minor existing on this island, and the only procession coming from the penitential spirit of the Third Order, which is held annually in the city of Ribeira Grande. The study now being presented aims to understand the various components of the use of such imaginary, and the recording of heritage legacy that the Franciscan secular perpetuated to the present day, materialized in a patrimonialization process of their dress images, expressed in the dichotomy between objects, as matter, and their biographical realities, linked to third-party communities that were behind the use of these processional images.


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Le Corbusier was a Swiss architect and urbanist who acquired French nationality in 1930, having set up his studio (“the atelier of patient research”) in that country. Just as he assumed an unconditional continuity in relation to the past, he also clearly confronted the circumstances of his time. Many of his works became icons of Modernism, like the Villa Savoye (1928), the Marseilles Housing Unit (1945), the Ronchamp Chapel (1950), the Convent of Sainte-Marie de la Tourette (1953) and the Chandigarh Capitol Complex (1950-55), to mention just a few examples. His architecture reflected the development of a modern industrialized economy, a western avant-garde society and a vibrant political and social context. He made a mark not only with his constructed work, but also with designs that were never built (and which were progressive in character), his painting (which reflected his experimentalist nature) and with his theoretical texts, which today bear witness to his modernist doctrine. Le Corbusier was above all one of the most prolific thinkers of Modernism, and one of the greatest figures of the 20th century.


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The commercial activity is and has been fundamental for the development of the society and our cities. We cannot forget that the medieval city was a market in itself. These urban spaces, as well as the new spaces generated after the different sales of Church lands, have been transforming continuously both from the point of view of urban development and social. In these spaces took place leisure activities as well as the exchanges and sales of products. Later, markets were transformed into covered spaces as we know today. Nowadays they are reflection objects. This abstract tries to make known the interesting and avant-garde Andujar Market, Pedro Rivas Ruiz`s architect work. It was built in 1949 and was inspired in Eduardo Torroja`s work with reinforced concrete. Its urban context`s relation explain this studio since the market was built on the place of the convent of San Francisco. This research is part of the result of the development of my thesis.