7 resultados para continuity of generations
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Isogeometric analysis of large-deformation thin shells using RHT-splines for multiple-patch coupling
We present an isogeometric thin shell formulation for multi-patches based on rational splines over hierarchical T-meshes (RHT-splines). Nitsche’s method is employed to efficiently couple the patches. The RHT-splines have the advantages of allowing a computationally feasible local refine- ment, are free from linear independence, possess high order continuity and satisfy the partition of unity and non-negativity, properties. In addition, C 1 continuity of the RHT-splines obviates to use of rotational degrees of freedom. The good performance of the present method is demonstrated by a number of numerical examples.
A developed and sustainable agriculture requires a permanent and reliable monitoring of climatic/ meteorological elements in (agro) meteorological stations which should be located close to agricultural, silvicultural or pastoral activities. An adequate network of meteorological stations is then a necessary condition to support innovation and development in any country. Developing countries, mainly those with a history of frequent conflicts, presents deficient number of weather stations, often poorly composed and improperly distributed within their territories, and without a regular operation that allows continuity of records for a sufficiently long period of time. The objective of this work was to build a network of meteorological and agro-meteorological stations in East Timor. To achieve this goal, the number and location of pre-existing stations, their structure and composition (number and type of sensors, communication system,… ), the administrative division of the country and the available agro-ecological zoning, the agricultural and forestry practices in the country, the existing centres for the agricultural research and the history of the weathers records were taken into account. Several troubles were found (some of the automatic stations were assembled incorrectly, others stations duplicated information regarding the same agricultural area, vast areas with relevant agro-ecological representativeness were not monitored …). It was proposed the elimination of 11 existing stations, the relocation of 7 new stations in places not covered until then, the automation of 3 manual meteorological stations. Two networks were then purposed, a major with 15 agro-meteorological stations (all automatized) and one other secondary composed by 32 weather stations (only two were manual). The set of the 47 stations corresponded to a density of 329 km2/station. The flexibility in the composition of each of the networks was safeguarded and intends to respond effectively to any substantive change in the conditions in a country in constant change. It was also discussed the national coverage by these networks under a “management concept for weather stations”.
Este estudo propôs-se investigar, como os Esquemas Iniciais Desadaptativos (EIDs) concebidos pelo indivíduo e a sua representação dos Estilos Parentais (EPs), influenciam na escolha amorosa da vida adulta considerando os relacionamentos amorosos de reparação narcísica: Submisso-Idealizador, Eufórico-Idealizante e Evitante-Desnarcisante. A amostra constituiu-se por 225 (jovens) adultos/as portugueses/as, entre os 23 e 63 anos, que tivessem tido ou possuíssem na altura do estudo uma relação amorosa. A investigação de natureza quantitativa utilizou como instrumentos o: Inventário de Tipos de Relacionamento Amoroso (ITRA), Questionário de Esquemas (QE) e Questionário de Estilos Parentais (QEP). Segundo os resultados, evidenciou-se a associação de EIDs0F 1 e EPs1F 2 mais precoces e rígidos (incondicionais) aos três tipos de relacionamento amoroso, verificou-se uma herança psíquica trans-geracional com conteúdos individuais e relacionais mantidos e apurou-se a necessidade de o sujeito procurar relações fornecedoras de uma imagem mais completa do seu self desestruturado, concluindo-se que houve uma continuidade de relações falhadas; Abstract: A lifetime of failed relationships: continuity or change? Study about the psychic heritage and narcissistic unlove in adulthood. This study proposes to investigate, how the Early Maladaptive Schemas (EIDs) conceived by the individual and, their representation about the Parental Styles (EPs), influence the choice of adulthood loving relationships considering the romantic relationships of narcissistic repair: Submissive-Idealizer, Euphoric-Idealizing and Avoidant-Devaluate. The sample consisted of 225 Portuguese (young) adults, between 23 and 63 years old, who have had or maintained at the time of the study a loving relationship. The quantitative research used as instruments the: Inventory Types of Loving Relationship (ITRA), Schema Questionnaire (QE) and Parental Styles Questionnaire (QEP). According to the results, it showed the association of more early and rigid (unconditional) EIDs2F 3 and EPs3F 4 with the three types of love relationship, it was found a trans-generational psychic inheritance with individual and relational content maintained and found out the need for the subject pursuit for supplier relations of a more complete image of your self unstructured, concluding that there was a continuity of failed relationships.
A integração de sistemas é uma necessidade cada vez mais necessária face à exigência e competitividade dos negócios. Uma forma de respondermos a estes factos é através da tecnologia, acompanhando-a e aprofundando-a. O presente documento apresenta uma proposta de solução tecnológica a estes factos. O caso que iremos abordar trata-se da necessidade de renovar o sistema de gestão portuária a nível nacional, garantido uma continuidade de negócio, assim como a implementação de novas funcionalidades que permitam a esta plataforma ser totalmente independente e integrável com outros sistemas e/ou adaptável a outras organizações no futuro. SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, foi a filosofia adoptada para garantir a facilitação do tráfego marítimo através da harmonização de processos e procedimentos entre os vários portos, fundamentalmente no referente à interconexão e interoperabilidade, e a partilha e troca electrónica de informação processual entre os vários membros da comunidade marítima e portuária. ABSTRACT; System integration is a necessity progressively more required due to the business demand and competitiveness. It is possible to respond to the latter facts with technology, by following it and developing it. This study proposes a technological solution for the abovementioned facts. The case to be addressed is the need to renovate the port management system in a nationwide scale, assuring simultaneously the continuity of the business and the implementation of new functionalities that allow for this platform to be utterly independent and applicable to other systems and/or adaptable to other organizations in the future. SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, was the theory adopted to guarantee the simplification of the maritime traffic, by harmonizing the processes and the procedures among the several ports, especially concerning the interconnection and interoperability, and the electronic sharing and exchange of information referent to processes amongst the numerous members of the maritime and port community.
Atualmente, com a alta precoce após o nascimento emerge a necessidade de cuidados domiciliários no puerpério. A pertinência deste projeto consubstancia-se na reorganização da visitação domiciliária no puerpério na USF Salus, garantindo a continuidade de cuidados após a alta hospitalar. O desenvolvimento do projeto teve por base as necessidades identificadas pelos enfermeiros da USF Salus. Teve como finalidade promover a parentalidade positiva, contribuindo para a melhoria da saúde e bem-estar das puérperas, recém-nascidos e respetivas famílias, definindo-se como objetivo geral: Reorganizar a Consulta de Enfermagem do Puerpério no Domicílio, de forma a promover a parentalidade positiva nos pais com crianças até 3 meses de idade, utentes da USF Salus, até 2016. Neste relatório é feita uma análise reflexiva sobre a visita domiciliária no puerpério e apresentada a proposta de protocolo de atuação na mesma. A avaliação do projeto na perspetiva das puérperas e dos enfermeiros legitima a relevância do mesmo na criação de soluções práticas para um problema concreto; ABSTRACT: Today, with early discharge after birth emerges the need for home care in the postpartum period. The relevance of this project is consolidated in the reorganization of home visitation puerperal at USF Salus, ensuring continuity of care after discharge. The project development was based on the needs identified by nurses USF Salus. It aimed to promote positive parenting, helping to improve the health and well-being of mothers, newborns and their respective families, defining the general objective: Rearrange the Puerpério of Nursing Consultation at Home, in order to promote positive parenting in parents with children up to 3 months of age, users of USF Salus, 2016. This report is made a reflective analysis of the home visit puerperal and presented the proposed action protocol in it. The project evaluation from the perspective of mothers and nurses legitimizes the importance of it in creating practical solutions to a specific problem.
CONTEXTO: Na sociedade atual, a visita domiciliária é considerada promotora do acesso a cuidados de saúde de qualidade. Caracterizado pela sua vasta experiência na área dos cuidados domiciliários e pelo corpo de conhecimentos científicos, o enfermeiro tem um singular contributo neste contexto, em que os registos se revelam parte estruturante da prestação de cuidados. OBJETIVOS: Organizar e uniformizar os registos de enfermagem da visita domiciliária da Unidade de Saúde Familiar (USF) Eborae. METODOLOGIA: Recorreu-se à metodologia do planeamento em saúde e como instrumentos de recolha de dados foram aplicados questionários, construídos para o efeito, aos enfermeiros da USF Eborae. RESULTADOS: Após o diagnóstico da situação constatou-se a falta de instrumentos de registo facilitadores do planeamento, execução e continuidade dos cuidados prestados aos utentes da USF Eborae em ambiente domiciliário. CONCLUSÕES: Os instrumentos de registo elaborados possibilitam um funcionamento estruturado e protocolado que assegura a continuidade na prestação de cuidados; ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In today's society, home care is considered a prosecutor to access quality health care. Characterized by their vast experience in the field of home care and their body of scientific knowledge, nurses have a unique contribution in this context, in which the records are revealed a structuring part of care. AIM: Organize and standardize the nursing records of home visit of the Family Health Unit Eborae. METHODS: It was used the health planning methodology, as data collection tools they were applied questionnaires, purpose-built, to nurses of Family Health Unit Eborae. RESULTS: After the diagnosis of the situation is was found the lack of registration tools facilitators for planning, execution and continuity of care to users of Family Health Unit Eborae in home environment. CONCLUSION: The recording instruments elaborated enable a structured and documented operation that ensures continuity in care.
São conhecidos os benefícios da aplicabilidade da Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem, nos cuidados de enfermagem. Tivemos como objetivo, otimizar o SClinico na consulta de saúde materna da Maternidade Dr. Francisco Feitinha da Unidade Local de Saúde do Norte Alentejano, EPE. Para diagnóstico da situação foi aplicada uma entrevista que permitiu identificar as necessidades da população. Foram propostas intervenções de diagnóstico frequentes, necessárias para promover a melhoria dos cuidados prestados e a qualidade dos mesmos. Para avaliação da intervenção aplicamos um questionário. Constatou-se que a maioria dos enfermeiros considera os registos eletrónicos de enfermagem importantes e de muita utilidade, para a atividade profissional e constituem uma fonte de informação essencial que permite a comunicação entre os profissionais de saúde garantindo continuidade e qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem; ABSTRACT: The benefits of the application of the International Classification for Nursing Practice in nursing care are known. Our purpose was to optimize the Clinical System and Nursing health consultation Maternity Dr. Francisco Feitinha Unit of the North Alentejo Health, EPE. For the diagnosis of the situation, it was applied an interview to identify the needs of the population. It was proposed more frequent diagnosis of interventions necessary to promote the improvement of care and its own quality. For evaluation of the intervention, we applied a questionnaire. Thus, we concluded that most nurses consider important electronic nursing records and that they are very useful for the professional activity. They are seen as an essential source of information and enable communication between health professionals ensuring continuity of quality care.