2 resultados para bacterial pathogen

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Most Bursaphelenchus species are fungal feeding nematodes that colonize dead or dying trees. However, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus , the pine wood nematode, is also a pathogen of trees and is the causal agent of pine wilt disease. B. xylophilus is native to North America and here it causes little damage to trees. Where it is introduced to new regions it causes huge damage. The most severely affected areas are found in the Far East but more recently B. xylophilus has been introduced into Portugal and the potential for damage here is also high. As incidence and severity of pine wilt disease are linked to temperature we suggest that climate change is likely to exacerbate the problems caused by B. xylophilus and, in addition, will extend (northwards in Europe) the range in which pine wilt disease can occur. Here we review what is currently known about the interactions of B. xylophilus with its hosts, including recent developments in our understanding of the molecular biology of pathogenicity in the nematode. We also examine the potential developments that could be made by more widespread use of genomics tools to understand interactions between B. xylophilus , bacterial pathogens that have been implicated in disease and host trees.


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A bactéria Campylobacter fetus divide-se em duas subespécies C. fetus fetus (Cff) e C. fetus venerealis (Cfv). Cfv é o agente patogénico responsável pela campilobacteriose genital bovina (CGB), uma doença que provoca infertilidade em vacas. Cff pode provocar abortos esporádicos, mas não provoca CGB. Neste trabalho procedeu-se à pesquisa de C. fetus por imunofluorescência direta (IFD) em 117 amostras prepuciais, recolhidas por raspagem, de touros pertencentes a 25 explorações na região do Alentejo. A prevalência real de CGB na amostra, considerando a sensibilidade e especificidade do teste, foi de 52,89% de animais e 80% de explorações. Foi também realizada uma comparação entre dois testes de diagnóstico de CGB, a IFD e o isolamento bacteriológico. O isolamento bacteriológico foi difícil de executar e a presença de bactérias contaminantes foi bastante problemática, levando a resultados falso-negativos. A sua correlação com a IFD foi muito baixa, tendo esta revelado ser muito mais sensível; #### Abstract Search for Campylobacter fetus in preputial samples of bulls from Alentejo region The bacteria Campylobacter fetus comprises two subspecies, C. fetus fetus (Cff) and C. fetus venerealis (Cfv). Cfv is the pathogen responsible for bovine genital campylobacteriosis (BGC), a disease that causes infertility in cows. Cff may lead to sporadic miscarriages, but does not cause BGC. In this work we searched for C. fetus by direct immunofluorescence (DIF) in 117 preputial samples, collected by scraping, from bulls from Alentejo region. The actual prevalence of BGC, considering the sensitivity and specificity of the test was 52.89% of animals and 80 % of farms. It was also performed a comparison between two BGC diagnostic tests, bacterial isolation and DIF. The bacterial isolation was difficult to perform and the presence of bacterial contaminants was very problematic, leading to false-negative results. The presence of bacterial contaminants in bacterial isolation was problematic, leading to false-negative results. Its correlation with DIF was quite low, and DIF proved to be much more sensitive.