3 resultados para Zoning.

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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A Análise conjunta de regressões, ACR, é uma técnica utitilizada para estudar a interação gentipo x ambiente baseada em regressões. Nesta técnica ajusta-se uma regressão linear por cultivar. Nestas regressões a variável controlada é o índice ambiental que mede a produtividade dos vários ambientes. Nas culturas anuais, os ambientes compreendem aos pares (local, ano). Os valores dos índices ambientais e dos coeficientes das regressões são ajustados simultaneamente. Até agora a ACR tem sido aplicada a uma única cultura de cada vez. Neste trabalho vamos procurar ultrapassar essa limitação através da modelação dos logaritmos dos índices ambientais tendo-se desenvolvido um modelo da forma: zi, j  v  l j  j , i  1,...,n, J  1,...,n onde zi , j é o logaritmo do índice ambiental para o i-essimo ambiente na j  essima cultura , v um valor médio geral , li j  essimo cultivar. o efeito do i  essimo local e  j o efeito do Ao utilizar esta modelação, os locais corresponderão a estações experimentais de forma a poder-se ter várias culturas no mesmo local. Ora, as estações experimentais são escolhidas por forma a serem representativas das regiões onde estão implantadas. Assim, os índices ambientais correspondentes às várias estações experimentais e, consequentemente, às respetivas regiões, pudesse ser utilizados para agrupar regiões contíguas com índices semelhantes obtendo-se assim, um elemento interessante para a Zonagem agrícola no que diz respeito às culturas que se trabalha. Pode-se ainda procurar uma Zonagem para grupos de cultivares. Por exemplo, adiante trabalharemos com dados da cevada e trigo os quais são cereais. ABSTRACT: Joint Regression Analysis, JRA, is one of the techniques for the study of genotypeXenvironment interaction based on the use of regressions .In JRA a linear regression of the yields of each cultivar on a controlled variable, the environment index ,is adjusted .The index miss erasures the productivity of each environment .In yearly cultures the environments correspond to the pairs (location ,years) .These indexes and the correlation coefficients are adjusted simultaneously. Up to now JRA has been applied to single crops .Now we try to overcome this restriction through modeling of the logarithms of the environmental indexes .We developed a model τ i , j = v + l j +λ j , i = 1,..., b, J = 1,...J where τ i , j is the logarithm of the environmental index for the i-th environment and the j-th crop , v is the general mean , li is the effect of the i-th environment and λ j is the effect of the j-th crop . When applying this model the location will correspond to experimental situations in order to have several crops in the same locations .Now experimental stations are chosen to be representative of the regions in which they are located .Then the l1 ,..., lb can be used to group contiguous regions with similar location effects .We thus get an useful tool for Agricultural Zoning for the crops we used or, even, for the group to which those crops belong . For instance we worked with barley and wheat that are cereals.


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O trabalho que se apresenta centra-se na elaboração de um conjunto de materiais passível de ser utilizado pelos professores da área do Ensino da Biologia - Geologia, do ensino básico e secundário, com o intuito de lhes fornecer algumas das competências essenciais para a realização de saídas de campo na região de Peniche- Torres Novas. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho contempla uma primeira parte em que a geologia e a geomorfologia da região são caracterizadas de uma forma detalhada. Esta caracterização permite que, inicialmente, sejam construídas cartas, geomorfológica, litostratigráfica simplificada, tectónica e de zonamento geológico, e que, posteriormente, seja apresentado um esboço da evolução geológica da região ao longo dos tempos. Na segunda parte da dissertação pretende-se adaptar a geologia regional aos curricula dos vários níveis de ensino da Biologia - Geologia. Assim, após uma selecção dos conteúdos principais dos diferentes programas disciplinares, foram escolhidos e identificados locais com interesse geológico na região que, pelas suas características, são susceptíveis de serem visitados/estudados em saídas de campo. Por último, são apresentadas sugestões para a estruturação de roteiros de carácter geológico assim como um exemplo concreto de roteiro. ABSTRACT: The here presented essay is based on the elaboration of a set of materials which can be used by Biology and Geology, elementary and secondary school teachers, with the purpose of providing them with essential skills for field trips in the Peniche-Torres Novas region. Therefore, the essay comprises a first section where the region geology and geomorphology are fully characterized. To begin with, this characterization allows geomorphologic, simplified lithostratigraphical, tectonics and geological zoning charts to be built and later on to present an outline of the region's geological evolution throughout the times. The essay second section aim is to adapt the region geology to the different teaching levels of the Biology-Geology school curricula. That is, after a careful selection of the curricula main contents, the region geologically interesting places were chosen and identified, according to the features that make them worthwhile being visited/studied, when field trips are planned. To complete the essay, suggestions on how to structure geological roadmaps along with a roadmap example are presented.


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A developed and sustainable agriculture requires a permanent and reliable monitoring of climatic/ meteorological elements in (agro) meteorological stations which should be located close to agricultural, silvicultural or pastoral activities. An adequate network of meteorological stations is then a necessary condition to support innovation and development in any country. Developing countries, mainly those with a history of frequent conflicts, presents deficient number of weather stations, often poorly composed and improperly distributed within their territories, and without a regular operation that allows continuity of records for a sufficiently long period of time. The objective of this work was to build a network of meteorological and agro-meteorological stations in East Timor. To achieve this goal, the number and location of pre-existing stations, their structure and composition (number and type of sensors, communication system,… ), the administrative division of the country and the available agro-ecological zoning, the agricultural and forestry practices in the country, the existing centres for the agricultural research and the history of the weathers records were taken into account. Several troubles were found (some of the automatic stations were assembled incorrectly, others stations duplicated information regarding the same agricultural area, vast areas with relevant agro-ecological representativeness were not monitored …). It was proposed the elimination of 11 existing stations, the relocation of 7 new stations in places not covered until then, the automation of 3 manual meteorological stations. Two networks were then purposed, a major with 15 agro-meteorological stations (all automatized) and one other secondary composed by 32 weather stations (only two were manual). The set of the 47 stations corresponded to a density of 329 km2/station. The flexibility in the composition of each of the networks was safeguarded and intends to respond effectively to any substantive change in the conditions in a country in constant change. It was also discussed the national coverage by these networks under a “management concept for weather stations”.