2 resultados para Visual form processing
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Esta dissertação apresenta uma arquitectura interoperável que permite lidar com a obtenção, manipulação, processamento e análise de informação geográfica. A aplicação 30, implementada como parte da arquitectura, para além de permitir a visualização e manipulação de dados dentro de um ambiente 30, oferece métodos que permitem descobrir, aceder e usar geo-processos, disponíveis através de serviços Web. A interacção com o utilizador é também feita através uma abordagem que quebra a típica complexidade que a maioria dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica apresenta. O recurso à programação visual reduz a complexidade do sistema, e permite aos operadores tirar proveito da localização e de uma abstracção de um processo complexo, onde as unidades de processamento são representadas no terreno através de componentes 30 que podem ser directamente manipuladas e ligadas de modo a criar encandeamentos complexos de processos. Estes processos podem também ser criados visualmente e disponibilizados online. ABSTRACT; This thesis presents an interoperable architecture mainly designed for manipulation, processing and geographical information analysis. The three-dimensional interface, implemented as part of the architecture, besides allowing the visualization and manipulation of spatial data within a 30 environment, offers methods for discovering, accessing and using geo-processes, available through Web Services. Furthermore, the user interaction is done through an approach that breaks the typical complexity of most Geographic information Systems. This simplicity is in general archived through a visual programming approach that allows operators to take advantage of location, and use processes through abstract representations. Thus, processing units are represented on the terrain through 30 components, which can be directly manipulated and linked to create complex process chains. New processes can also be visually created and deployed online.
The neurons in the primary visual cortex that respond to the orientation of visual stimuli were discovered in the late 1950s (Hubel, D.H. & Wiesel, T.N. 1959. J. Physiol. 148:574-591) but how they achieve this response is poorly understood. Recently, experiments have demonstrated that the visual cortex may use the image processing techniques of cross or auto-correlation to detect the streaks in random dot patterns (Barlow, H. & Berry, D.L. 2010. Proc. R. Soc. B. 278: 2069-2075). These experiments made use of sinusoidally modulated random dot patterns and of the so-called Glass patterns - where randomly positioned dot pairs are oriented in a parallel configuration (Glass, L. 1969. Nature. 223: 578-580). The image processing used by the visual cortex could be inferred from how the threshold of detection of these patterns in the presence of random noise varied as a function of the dot density in the patterns. In the present study, the detection thresholds have been measured for other types of patterns including circular, hyperbolic, spiral and radial Glass patterns and an indication of the type of image processing (cross or auto-correlation) by the visual cortex is presented. As a result, it is hoped that this study will contribute to an understanding of what David Marr called the ‘computational goal’ of the primary visual cortex (Marr, D. 1982. Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information. New York: Freeman.)