2 resultados para Transferts horizontaux de gènes

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Esta dissertação pretende contribuir para um melhor conhecimento da complexidade das redes de transferência de conhecimentos e técnicas, no domínio da engenharia civil e mais concretamente através dos caminhos-de-ferro, nos séculos XIX e XX. Em Portugal, os caminhos-de-ferro estiveram no cerne de um vasto debate, sobretudo político, concomitante com uma instabilidade crescente no cenário político e uma fase de fragilidade económica. É neste contexto que a Linha do Sul e Sueste vai ser construída (seguida pela sua extensão até Vila Real de Santo António e pela construção do ramal de Portimão, que chegará a Lagos). Este empreendimento é uma clara ilustração da realidade portuguesa de então, no que concerne ao desenvolvimento desta rede de transportes, que nos permite, igualmente, conhecer e compreender quem interveio no processo de construção da linha (os engenheiros, as empresas, entre outros aspectos) e assim determinar quais as influências e transferências técnicas que tiveram lugar; RESUMEE: Cette mémoire attire à la contribution pour une meilleure connaissance de la complexité des réseaux de transfert de techniques et connaissances qui ont eu lieu dans le domaine de l’ingénierie civile, surtout dans les chemins de fer, au XIXème et XXème siècles. Au Portugal, les chemins de fer sont été le cerne d’un très vaste débat, coïncidant avec une croissante instabilité dans le scenario politique et aussi une phase économique fragile. C’est dans ce contexte que la Ligne du Sud et Sud-est va être bâti (suivi par l’extension jusqu’à Vila Real de Santo António et la construction de l’embranchement ferroviaire Portimão). Cette entreprise c’est une illustration claire de la réalité portugaise, en concernant l’implémentation de cette réseau de transport, que nous permettre de comprendre et également bien connaitre qui a intervenu dans le processus de construction de la ligne (les ingénieurs, entreprises, etcetera), ainsi que déterminer les influences et les transferts techniques qui ont eu lieu; ABSTRACT: With this master’s thesis, the aim is to be able to contribute to a better understanding of the complex network of technique’s and knowledge transfers, that took place within the field of civil engineering, in the 19th and 20th centuries, namely on the railways. In Portugal, railways take-up was a wide and ample debate, coinciding with an uprising turmoil on the Portuguese political outskirt and a phase of economic frailty. It’s in this context that the construction of the South and Southeast Line took place (followed, later on, by its extension until Vila Real de Santo António and by the construction of the Portimão’s branch). This enterprise is, as we pretend to prove in this master’s thesis, a clear example of the Portuguese reality, enabling us to understand and to get to know those who intervened in the construction’s process (the engineers and the companies) as well as determining influences and technique transfers that have taken place.


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3D film’s explicit new space depth arguably provides both an enhanced realistic quality to the image and a wealth of more acute visual and haptic sensations (a ‘montage of attractions’) to the increasingly involved spectator. But David Cronenberg’s related ironic remark that ‘cinema as such is from the outset a «special effect»’ should warn us against the geometrical naiveté of such assumptions, within a Cartesian ocularcentric tradition for long overcome by Merleau-Ponty’s embodiment of perception and Deleuze’s notion of the self-consistency of the artistic sensation and space. Indeed, ‘2D’ traditional cinema already provides the accomplished «fourth wall effect», enclosing the beholder behind his back within a space that no longer belongs to the screen (nor to ‘reality’) as such, and therefore is no longer ‘illusorily’ two-dimensional. This kind of totally absorbing, ‘dream-like’ space, metaphorical for both painting and cinema, is illustrated by the episode ‘Crows’ in Kurosawa’s Dreams. Such a space requires the actual effacement of the empirical status of spectator, screen and film as separate dimensions, and it is precisely the 3D caracteristic unfolding of merely frontal space layers (and film events) out of the screen towards us (and sometimes above the heads of the spectators before us) that reinstalls at the core of the film-viewing phenomenon a regressive struggle with reality and with different degrees of realism, originally overcome by film since the Lumière’s Arrival of a Train at Ciotat seminal demonstration. Through an analysis of crucial aspects in Avatar and the recent Cave of Forgotten Dreams, both dealing with historical and ontological deepening processes of ‘going inside’, we shall try to show how the formal and technically advanced component of those 3D-depth films impairs, on the contrary, their apparent conceptual purpose on the level of contents, and we will assume, drawing on Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze, that this technological mistake is due to a lack of recognition of the nature of perception and sensation in relation to space and human experience.