3 resultados para Symbolism in architecture

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Abstract It was in the first decade of the twentieth century that the first white china Factory was implemented in Brazil. Fruit of the association between the Sao Paulo Aristocracy and the Italian Romeo Ranzini, this factory was responsible for producing significant amounts of crockery in industrial moulds in sao Paulo, Brazil. It was also the first factory to produce decorative tiles that would be part of the architecture of the public buildings built between 1919 and 1922 in Commemoration of the Centennial of the Brazilian Independence. Known as The Santa Catharina Factory, this factory was inaugurated in 1913 with the participation of Italian immigrants and German technologies for the development of its first manufacturing activities. As a result of a number of economic, political and social matters that started in the previous century in the city of Sao Paulo, The Santa Catharina factory played an important role in industrial development as regards the production of national white china and was used as a model for the construction of new ceramic factories in Sao Paulo. After acquired by Matarazzo industries in 1927, had closed their activities in 1937. This research is based on the identification and analysis of the first tiles produced in Brazil by the Santa Catharina Factory, which were part of the architectural decorations of the buildings built in Sao Paulo to the celebration of the Centennial of the Brazilian Independence. Designed by Victor Dubugras, The Largo da Memoria (located in the city of Sao Paulo) and the buildings located in the "Paths of the Sea" road marked the beginning of Brazilian industrialization and the emergence of Neocolonial Movement in architecture of Sao Paulo. Studies of the first national patterns of decorative tiles approach a subject poorly researched by experts in tiled studies in Brazil, although in this case these tiles have represented not only an important milestone in the national industrialization, but also have demarcated the significant changes in architectural and decorative practices in the country in the early twentieth century; RESUMÈ: C'est durant la premiere decennie du XXe siecle que la premiere usine de porcelaine blanche fut implant& au Bresil. Elle fut le fruit de l'association entre l'aristocratie de Sao Paulo et l'italien Romeo Ranzini. L'usine produisait une quantite signifiante de porcelaine sur le territoire industriel de Sao Paulo. Ce fut egalement la premiere usine a produire des carreaux decoratifs qui sont aujourd'hui visibles dans l'architecture des batiments publics construit entre 1919 et 1922, pour la commemoration du centenaire de l'independance bresilienne. Connue sous le nom de Santa Catharina, cette usine fut inaugure en 1912. Elle fut construite par des émigrés Italiens, et utilisa pour la technologie allemande pour so production. En tant que resultat d'un certain nombre de questions economiques, politiques et sociales qui ont &butes durant le siecle precedent dans la ville de Sao Paulo, l'usine Santa Catharina a joue un role important dans le developpement industriel de la production de porcelaine blanche nationale et a ete utilise comme modele pour la construction de nouvelles usines de ceramique a Sao Paulo. Apres avoir ete achete par l'industrie Matarazzo en 1927, elle cessa ses activites en 1937. Cette recherche est basee sur l'identification et l'analyse des premiers carreaux decoratifs fabriques au Bresil par l'usine Santa Catharina, qui etait une partie des decorations architecturales des batiments construits a Sao Paulo pour la celebration du centenaire de l'Independance Bresilienne. Connue par Victor Dubugras, le "Largo da Memoria" (situe dans la ville de Sao Paulo), et les batiments situes sur le "Path of the Sea", ont marque le debut de l'industrialisation bresilienne et l'emergence d'un mouvement neocolonialiste dans l'architecture de Sao Paolo. L'etude des premiers modeles nationaux de carreaux decoratifs est un sujet peut etudie par les experts bresiliens, bien qu'ils furent un jalon importante pour l'industrialisation nationale. Its ont egalement entrains des changements importants dans les pratiques architecturales, et decoratives au sein du pays au XXe siecle. Mots-cles: Ceramique - carreaux decoratifs — L'usine Santa Catharina, Bresil - Production de carreaux; RIASSUNTO: Nel primo decennio del Novecento vide luce la prima fabbrica di ceramica di porcellana in Brasile. Frutto dell'associazione tra l'aristocrazia Paulista e l'italiano Romeo Ranzini, questa fabbrica fu responsabile della produzione di notevoli quantita di ceramica di porcellana mediante stampi industriali nella citta di San Paolo, Brasile. Fu anche la prima fabbrica a produrre azulejos che avrebbero poi fatto parte dell'architettura degli edifici pubblici costruiti tra it 1919 ed it 1922, per la commemorazione del Centenario dell'indipendenza Brasiliana. Conosciuta come Fabbrica di Santa Catharina, questa fu inaugurata nel 1913, con la partecipazione di immigrati italiani e con l'impiego di tecnologie tedesche per lo sviluppo delle sue prime attivita produttive. Risultato di una serie di cambiamenti economici, politici e sociali, che ebbero inizio nel secolo precedente nella citta di San Paolo, la Fabbrica di Santa Catharina svolse un ruolo importante nello sviluppo industriale per quanto riguarda la produzione di ceramica di porcellana nazionale e fu adottata come modello per la costruzione di nuove fabbriche a San Paolo. Successivamente, fu acquisita dalle industrie Matarazzo nel 1927, vedendo poi chiudersi le sue attivita nel 1937. Questa ricerca si basa sull'identificazione e l'analisi dei primi azulejos prodotti in Brasile dalla Fabbrica di Santa Catharina che fecero parte delle decorazioni architettoniche degli edifici costruiti a San Paolo per la commemorazione del Centenario dell'indipendenza Brasiliana. Progettati da Victor Dubugras, it Largo da Mem(Via (situato nella citta di San Paolo) e gli edifici che si trovano nei Caminhos do Mar marcarono l'inizio dell'industrializzazione brasiliana e la nascita del Movimento Neocolonial dell'architettura Paulista. Gli studi dei primi modelli di azulejos nazionali affrontano un argomento poco studiato dagli esperti in azulejaria in Brasile, nonostante rappresentino un importante avvenimento dell'industrializzazione nazionale, ma segnano anche i cambiamenti di significative pratiche architettoniche e decorative nel Paese nel primo Novecento. Parole chiave: Ceramica - porcellana - La fabbrica di Santa Catharina - Produzione di ceramica .


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Abstract This communication reflects the work done in the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the University of Beira Interior (Portugal), and still ongoing, in the framework of the project ORFEUS - The Tridentine Reform and music in the cloistral silence: the Monastery of S. Bento de Cástris (Project FCT EXPL/EPH-PAT/2253/2013) and aims to bring the debate to a contribution to the study of the specificity of the monastery of St. Bento de Cástris in the context of Cistercian architecture, in which the shape and the music are intertwined. In this way, two dissertations have been developed in Architecture (integrated master course of architecture of the University of Beira Interior) within the project ORFEUS, which are divided by the importance and contributions of the Cistercian Architecture in contemporary religious architecture, the morphology of the Cistercian churches and the relationship between architecture and music in the specific case study of the church of the monastery of St. Bento de Cástris. Resumo Esta comunicação reflecte o trabalho desenvolvido no Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura da Universidade da Beira Interior, e ainda em curso, no âmbito do Projecto ORFEUS - A Reforma tridentina e a música no silêncio claustral: o mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris (Projecto FCT EXPL/EPH- PAT/2253/2013) e pretende-se com esta comunicação trazer a debate um contributo para o estudo da especificidade do Mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris, no contexto da arquitectura cisterciense, no qual a forma e a música se entrelaçam. Neste sentido foram desenvolvidas duas dissertações de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura, no âmbito do Projecto ORFEUS, que se repartem pela importância e contributos da Arquitectura Cisterciense na Arquitectura religiosa contemporânea, a morfologia das igrejas cistercienses e a relação entre a arquitectura e música patente no estudo de caso da igreja do Mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris.


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This essay addresses the application of indigenous plants in Landscape Architecture projects, based on studies carried out in the field of phytosociology and sinphytosociology. Through this knowledge, it is possible to increase and improve the use of indigenous plants in Projects, aiming at the preservation of biodiversity. Thus, to better understand the western Mediterranean territory, we present a brief biophysical characterization, in which we point out the main factors which contribute to the ground coverage’s distribution in the landscape, namely, concerning climate (oceanity, ombroclimate and thermoclimate) and substrate (geology and lithology). In view of the high level of uniqueness of the identified conditions, a synthesis of the potential main existing climatophilous woods is carried out, regarding sinphytosocialogical class/order, furthermore, pointing out, the main serial stages, their vegetation bioindicators and the ecological peculiarities of each stage (regressive or progressive). Therefore, based on the study area, we point out the vegetation bioindicator’s value as a work tool during analysis, thus allowing us to understand the existing edaphoclimatic conditions, as well as to elaborate a quick diagnosis of each potential climatophilous vegetation series. Moreover, based on the main stages of substitution, it is also possible to identify the presence of endemic plants, or under protection status, and finally, the conservation state of the study area. Further ahead, in project proposal phase, based on information gathered previously, we point out the possibility of elaborating a list of plants correctly adapted to the existing mesologicall conditions. Thus, within each serial stage, the necessary ecological conditions for a correct adaption of the vegetation material are referred, therefore, avoiding possible limiting factors to their development, such as precipitation, soil erosion, light availability, salinity, among many others. Lastly, some considerations are made about the main ideas that should be remembered throughout this essay, namely, regarding the importance of the use of sinphytosociology’s knowledge as an analysis tool, as well as of high interest for the elaboration of proposals which aim at the floristic heritage’s conservation and the landscape’s scenic quality. Ce travail traite de l`application de plantes autochtones dans des projets d`Architecture Paysagiste ayant pour base des études réalisées dans le cadre de la phytosociologie et Symphytosociologie. À travers ces connaissances, il est possible d`incrémenter et améliorer l`utilisation de plantes autochtones dans les Projets basés sur la conservation de la biodiversité. Ainsi, afin de mieux comprendre le territorie de la méditérrannée occidentale, on présente une brève caractérisation biophysique, dans laquelle nous soulignons les principaux facteurs qui contribuent à la répartition de la végétation dans le paysage, notamment au niveau climatique (l`océanité, ombrothermique et thermoclimatique) et du substrat (géologie et lithologie). Face aux conditions, identifiées ci-dessus, élévées en originalité, il est utile d`élaborer une synthèse des principaux bois potentiels climatophiles existants au niveau de la classe/ordre symphitosociologique, en soulignant également les principales étapes de série, leurs bioindicateurs végétaux et aux particularités écologiques de chaque étape (régressive ou progressive). Ainsi, sur la base de l`interprétation de la zone d`étude, le bioindicateur végétal se distingue comme un outil de travail durant l`analyse, permettant de cette façon comprendre les conditions édapho-climatiques existantes, ainsi comme élaborer un rapide diagnostic de chaque série de végétation potentielle climatophile. En outre, sur la base des principales étapes de remplacement, il est également possible d`identifier la présence de plantes endémiques, ou avec un statut de protection et enfin l`état de conservation de la zone d`étude. Déjà au stade de proposition du projet, basée sur l`information recueillie précédemment, il y a la possibilité d`établir une liste de plantes bien adaptées aux conditions mésologiques. Ainsi, dans chaque étape de série, les conditions écologiques nécessaires à une bonne adaptation de la matière végétale sont référées, évitant ainsi des facteurs limitant à son développement, tels que les précipitations, l`érosion des soís, disponibilité de la lumière, de la salinité, parmi beaucoup d`autres. Et enfin, quelques considérations se tissent sur les principales idées à retenir tout au long du travail, notamment l`importance d`utiliser la connaissance de la symphytosociologie comme un outil d`analyse d`un grand intérêt pour la développement de propositions pour la conservation du patrimoine floristique et la qualité pittoresque du paysage.