6 resultados para Special education needs

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Climate in the classroom is one of the determining factors in the development of practices in Inclusive Education. Many factors contribute to the climate in the classroom. However, there are predominance on affective-relational factors, with impact on action, norms and values, social interactions and learning processes. In this paper, the authors reflect on four studies which aim to identify and evaluate the relationship between several agents in the teaching–learning process (regular teachers, special education teachers and peer students) and the students with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Disability and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The studies were held in Primary Portuguese schools. The results are presented and discussed in their similarities and differences. The discussion shows that relationships between teachers and children with Special Education Needs (SEN) differ from those between teachers and typical children, but also according to different SEN. In general, there are not significant differences between regular teachers and special education teachers


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Com a realização deste trabalho pretendemos apurar as Respostas Curriculares e Educativas disponibilizadas entre 1997 e 2007 às crianças com síndrome X Frágil, no concelho de Alandroal. Foi privilegiada uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, que recorre à análise de conteúdos de documentos presentes nos processos dos cinco alunos sinalizados e também a actas dos conselhos de docentes e de turma. Depois de analisados os resultados, constatou-se que o tipo de respostas curriculares e/ou educativas mais utilizadas para esta população, assentou numa dimensão predominantemente pedagógica, mas também se salientam as dimensões terapêutica e curricular. Para tal, registou-se o recurso a espaços físicos, à legislação, a recursos didácticos e humanos, bem como a parcerias que se estabeleceram dentro e fora do concelho do Alandroal. As estratégias mais utilizadas para cada aluno em particular mereceram também a nossa atenção; ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to find out the "curricular/educational" responses that were in-place to meet the needs of the students with Fragile X syndrome, in the Alandroal’s county, between 1997/2007. A qualitative methodological approach has been preferred, consisting on the analysis of the documents present in the student’s individual processes (which have been referred for special education) and also in some minutes of the teacher’s council meetings and class council. Results have shown that the most used response within this population was mainly connected to the pedagogic dimension, but also it was also based on the therapeutic and curricular dimensions. So, it has been used resources related to physical spaces, legislation, human and didactic, as well as to partnerships inside and outside Alandroal’s county. Specific strategies used on particular students did also have our special attention.


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Neste relatório irão ser expostos os trabalhos realizados com as turmas do 7º ano, na Escola E.B.I. André de Resende e 12º ano, na Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira. Ainda será mencionada a participação numa actividade extracurricular, no âmbito das Necessidades Educativas Especiais. Nesta área foi também realizada uma exposição com os trabalhos dos alunos da Escola E.B. I. André de Resende, juntamente com escolas pertencentes a outros agrupamentos da região. O estágio mencionado previu proporcionar uma vivência entre alunos, professores e os restantes funcionários da escola. Não obstante, também o contacto exterior e a ligação interdisciplinar. Seguindo as orientações curriculares do Ministério da Educação, em cada caso especifico foram planificadas aulas adequadas ao ensinamento dos conteúdos determinados. ABSTRACT: ln this report will be exposed the works performed together with the 7th grade classes of Escola E.B.I. André de Resende and with the 12th grade of Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira. Also, it will be mentioned the participation in an extracurricular activity in the scope of Special Educational Needs. ln this area was also performed an exhibit of the works of the students from Escola E.B.I. André de Resende, along with schools belonging to other inter-school groupings of the region. The mentioned traineeship predicted the enabling of a relationship between students, teachers and school community, as well as contact with the exterior and an interdisciplinary connection. According to the curricular orientations of Ministério da Educação, for each specific case were planned classes adequate to teach the determined subjects.


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Sendo a docência umas das profissões onde existem elevados níveis de stresse e burnout, este estudo objetivou comparar estes níveis em professores de ensino regular que trabalham com alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais e professores de educação especial. Estudou-se também o bem-estar psicológico manifestado por este grupo, bem como a percepção do suporte social, o qual tem um efeito direto positivo sobre o burnout. Os resultados revelam que, relativamente ao stresse, no grupo de ensino regular são os homens que manifestam um nível mais elevado, enquanto que no grupo de educação especial, são as mulheres. Foram identificadas também diferenças no bem-estar e percepção do suporte social, tendo estes resultados sido obtidos para os docentes de educação especial, homens e mulheres, respetivamente. No que concerne ao burnout, foram observadas diferenças em função do género e habilitações literárias, tendo estas sido verificadas no grupo de professoras de ensino regular que possuem o bacharelato e professores que possuem mestrado e doutoramento. No grupo de educação especial, as diferenças foram obtidas nas professoras com doutoramento e nos homens que possuem a licenciatura; Comparative study of regular education teachers and special education in Portuguese public schools: stress, welfare, social support and burnout Abstract: Being a teaching professions where there are high levels of stress and burnout, this study aimed to compare these levels in regular education teachers who work with students with special educational needs and special education teachers. It is also studied the psychological well-being manifested by this group, as well as the perception of social support, which has a positive direct effect on burnout. The results show that for the stress in the regular education group are men who express a higher level, while the special education group, are women. They were also identified differences in well-being and perceived social support, and these results have been obtained for special education teachers, men and women, respectively. Regarding the burnout, differences were observed in gender and qualifications, and these were verified on the regular education teachers group who have a bachelor's degree and teachers who hold master's and doctorate. In the special education group, the differences were obtained in teachers with doctoral and men who have a degree.


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The Declaration of Salamanca proposes a deep reformulation of educational praxis which has as a main goal to create an environment where all students can enjoy learning, improve and grow in confidence, in a perspective of Inclusive Education. In this sense, it is necessary that teachers acquire scientific and educational skills but, also, development of personal and interpersonal competences that are crucial for a flexible and adequate professional praxis. The concept of competences integrates knowledge, skills, personal values and attitudes that are acquired through work experience and learning by doing. On other side, experiential work is lived through a body in movement. Acknowledging these ideas and considering active methods and expressive arts as valorous contributions to the positive model of inclusive education in this paper, the authors propose the training in Expressive Arts to promote Inclusion but mainly to develop personal and interpersonal competences of teachers to the Inclusion


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Inclusive Education values differences by reducing barriers to learning and promoting active participation and positive interactions between all members of school community. Nowadays, school faces numerous children/adolescents who for several reasons have developed challenging behaviours and high risk of dropping out school. They come often from socio-cultural-economic minority groups and have sometimes a repeated course of academic failure. Art has had the ability to bring together the interests of all, even of the most unsuitable. In this paper, the authors present an intervention through street art/graffiti done in a secondary school, with a ninth grade class covered by PIEF Programme. The project aimed to understand if the integration of graffiti art in educational process had impact on challenging behaviour. The study, with a qualitative methodology, shows contributions of artistic experience as an asset to educational development of students with challenging behaviours contributing to a better school and inclusion.