7 resultados para Spanish teaching as a modern language

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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In the early modern period, trade became a truly global phenomenon. The logistics, financial and organizational complexity associated with it increased in order to connect distant geographies and merchants from different backgrounds. How did these merchants prevent their partners from dishonesty in a time where formal institutions and legislation did not traverse these different worlds? This book studies the mechanisms and criteria of cooperation in early modern trading networks. It uses an interdisciplinary approach, through the case study of a Castilian long-distance merchant of the sixteenth century, Simon Ruiz, who traded within the limits of the Portuguese and Spanish overseas empires. Early Modern Trading Networks in Europe discusses the importance of reciprocity mechanisms, trust and reputation in the context of early modern business relations, using network analysis methodology, combining quantitative data with qualitative information. It considers how cooperation and prevention could simultaneously create a business relationship, and describes the mechanisms of control, policing and punishment used to avoid opportunism and deception among a group of business partners. Using bills of exchange and correspondence from Simon Ruiz’s private archive, it charts the evolution of this business network through time, debating which criteria should be included or excluded from business networks, as well as the emergence of standards. This book intends to put forward a new approach to early modern trade which focuses on individuals interacting in self-organized structures, rather than on states or empires. It shows how indirect reciprocity was much more frequent than direct reciprocity among early modern merchants and how informal norms, like ostracism or signaling, helped to prevent defection and deception in an effective way.


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Integrado na unidade curricular Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3.º ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, este Relatório incide sobre os documentos legais e orientadores que envolvem e orientam a atividade docente e sobre a sua prática específica, considerando a planificação, a condução de aulas, bem como a avaliação de aprendizagens no âmbito do processo de ensino-aprendizagem do Espanhol como língua estrangeira. Assim, são duas as dimensões sobre as quais centramos este trabalho, uma teórica e outra prática, que relacionamos criticamente ao longo de todo o Relatório. A par destas dimensões, também o nosso percurso profissional é alvo de reflexão, procurando, a partir da mesma, perceber-se quais os desafios experienciados e as competências adquiridas, tendo sempre o aluno e as suas aprendizagens como destinatário e principal alvo das conclusões alcançadas; Abstract: Report within the course Supervised Teaching Practice Included in the course Supervised Teaching Practice of the Master Degree in Portuguese and Spanish Teaching in the middle and upper schools, this report focuses on the legal and guiding documents which involve and direct the teaching activity and on its specific practice, considering lesson planning, organization as well as learning assessment within the teaching-learning process of Spanish as a foreign language. Therefore, there are two aspects over which we focus this assignment, one theoretical and other practical, which we critically relate along all Report. Aside these two aspects, our professional development is also object of reflection, seeking, from that same reflection, to understand the challenges experienced and the skills acquired, having always the student and his learnings as the receiver and main target of the achieved conclusions.


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Nesta dissertação estudou-se a relação entre a Norma e a Variação no Ensino do Português. No Capítulo I realiza-se uma revisão crítica da bibliografia relativa aos conceitos e aos pressupostos teóricos relativos ao tema. No Capítulo II procede-se à análise das diversas dimensões e dos níveis de regulação do ensino do Português, avaliando primeiro o papel dos programas, as suas linhas orientadoras e a função dos manuais escolares que os apoiam, para em seguida se proceder à análise desses materiais com vista à identificação de uma dimensão normativa do ensino do Português e do modo como este atende à variação linguística. Com a análise dos manuais, no Capítulo III, pretendeu-se identificar, quantificar e avaliar, por um lado, o peso de matérias e conteúdos que já não provêm da gramática tradicional, mas de diferentes áreas da Linguística e, por outro lado, verificar a existência de referências explícitas ou implícitas quer à norma quer à variação linguística. Tal análise permitiu comprovar e concluir que, atendendo às directrizes programáticas e à orientação geral do ensino da língua materna, o ensino da Língua Portuguesa, fornecendo embora uma perspectiva mais abrangente do fenómeno linguístico, no conjunto dos ciclos e anos aqui analisados, se caracteriza pela fraca progressão no que diz respeito à explicitação do Funcionamento da Língua e ao desenvolvimento de efectivas competências (meta)linguísticas. /ABSTRACT: This dissertation is about the relationship between the linguistic norm and the Variation in the teaching of the Portuguese Language. ln chapter I there is a criticai review on the literature of the theoretical concepts and assumptions relating to this subject. ln chapter II you can find an analysis on the several dimensions and levels of regulation in the teaching of the portuguese language by first evaluating the role of the school programs, their guidelines and the role of the school textbooks which support them and to then analyse these material so as to identify the normative dimension in the Portuguese Language teaching and the way it meets the linguistic variation. The analysis of school textbooks in chapter III sought to identify, quantify and evaluate, on the one hand, the weight of themes and contents which don’t come from the traditional grammar but from different areas of linguistics and, on the other hand, to check the existence of explicit as well as implicit references not only to the linguistic norm but also to the linguistic variation. Considering the program guidelines and the general orientation of the mother-tongue teaching, this analysis has demonstrated and concluded that the Portuguese Language teaching, although within a boarder perspective of the linguistic phenomenon and all the cycles and years which were here analysed, can be characterized by its slow progression concerning the explicitness of the workings of the Language and the development of effective (meta)linguistic skills.


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Este relatório realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3º ciclo do ensino básico e ensino secundário e de Espanhol nos ensinos básico e secundário, pretende descrever, analisar e refletir sobre todo o trabalho implementado no decorrer do processo de observação, na lecionação de aulas e no desenvolvimento de outras tarefas visando a integração na vida escolar. A referida prática foi desenvolvida no Agrupamento de Escolas de Reguengos de Monsaraz, ao longo do ano letivo 2015/2016. O trabalho compreendeu, principalmente, a planificação e condução de aulas, bem como a respetiva avaliação das aprendizagens. O processo de ensino-aprendizagem foi realizado em duas turmas de níveis de ensino diferentes na disciplina de Espanhol, e duas na disciplina de Português. Este relatório constituiu uma oportunidade para refletir criticamente sobre a globalidade do processo e, consequentemente, como uma etapa de consolidação de práticas fundamentadas; Abstract: Report within the scope of Supervised Teaching Practice curricular unit This report carried out in the ambit of the curricular unit of Supervised Teaching Practice of Master’s Degree in Portuguese and Spanish Teaching in the secondary school (Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4), has as main aim to describe, analyze and reflect about all the work implemented during the observation process, teaching classes and in the development of other tasks with the main purpose of integration in the school life. This practice was developed in Agrupamento de Escolas de Reguengos de Monsaraz, throughout the school year of 2015/2016. The work included, mainly, the planning and leading lessons, as well as the respective learning evaluation. The teaching and learning process was made in two classes of different levels of education in the Spanish subject, and in two other classes, also in different levels of education, in the Portuguese subject. This report was written as an opportunity to reflect critically on the overall process and, consequently, as a consolidation stage of substantiated practices.


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O presente relatório, que será apresentado à Universidade de Évora, foi elaborado no âmbito do Curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Português e de Espanhol, para o 3.º ciclo do ensino básico e ensino secundário, e resulta da reflexão da prática letiva realizada na Escola Básica de Alcáçovas, do Agrupamento de Escolas de Viana do Alentejo, no ano letivo de 2014/2015. Numa primeira parte, são revisitados os principais documentos legais orientadores da prática letiva, relativos ao ensino das línguas materna e estrangeira. Num segundo momento, após uma breve caracterização da Escola e do Agrupamento, dá-se a conhecer o trabalho realizado com os alunos do terceiro ciclo do ensino básico, enquanto professora de Português, fazendo-se simultaneamente uma reflexão sobre as escolhas pedagógicas efetuadas. Posteriormente, apresentam-se as atividades dinamizadas, os cargos desempenhados na Escola e no Agrupamento e faz-se um balanço do caminho percorrido até ao presente; Supervised Teaching Practise Report ABSTRACT: This report, which will be presented to the University of Évora, was elaborated within the context of the Master degree in Portuguese and Spanish teaching for the 3rd cycle of elementary and secondary school. It arises as a result of the teaching practice reflection carried out in Escola Básica de Alcáçovas, Agrupamento de Escolas de Viana do Alentejo, during the school year 2014/2015. In the first part, the main legal guiding documents, concerning the teaching of mother tongue and foreign languages and the teaching practice, are revisited. As a second step, after a brief characterization of School and School Grouping and while as Portuguese teacher, it is presented the work performed by the students of the 3rd cycle of elementary school, as well as a reflection about the chosen pedagogical choices. Subsequently, the carried out activities, the positions held at School and School Grouping are presented, as well as an assessment of what has been done so far.


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Este relatório, enquadrado na unidade curricular “Prática de Ensino Supervisionada” do Mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3.º ciclo do ensino básico e ensino secundário e de Espanhol nos ensinos básico e secundário, estrutura-se em torno de duas dimensões: uma dimensão teórica, respeitante aos documentos normativos e orientadores que norteiam a atividade docente e, mais especificamente, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem das disciplinas de Espanhol e de Português; uma dimensão prática que diz respeito à análise da prática de ensino desenvolvida na Escola E.B. 2, 3 André de Resende, no ano letivo de 2012/ 2013, no âmbito da planificação, condução de aulas, bem como da avaliação de aprendizagens. O principal objetivo deste relatório é relacionar criticamente essas duas dimensões no contexto da prática docente, na qual se englobam igualmente a participação nas estruturas da escola e o desenvolvimento profissional. ABSTRACT: This report, included in the course “Supervised Teaching Practice” of the Master Degree in Portuguese and Spanish Teaching in the middle and upper schools is organized according to two aspects: a theoretical aspect, concerning the normative and guiding documents that regulate the teaching activity and, more specifically, the teaching-learning process of Spanish and Portuguese courses; a practical aspect regarding the analysis of teaching practice developed in the School EB 2, 3 André Resende, in the school year 2012/2013, within lesson planning and organization and the learning assessment as well. The main goal of this report is to critically relate these two aspects in the teaching practice context which also includes the participation in school structures and professional development.


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The main aim of this chapter is to analyze the social and political effects of dynastic marriages between the Portuguese and Castilian-Aragonese crowns on the configuration of transnational, aristocratic families during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. To illustrate these questions we have chosen to follow the Soares de Alarcão family (known in Spain as Suárez de Alarcón) and the paths it took between the royal houses of Portugal and Castile for seven generations. The working hypothesis of the chapter is that the identity of the Iberian nobility during this era was characterized by a shared noble culture rather than by any particular features derived from the family’s land of origin. That assumption allows us to discuss whether the use of a particular language or culture indicates ties or political loyalties based on criteria of nationality, or, at the very least, place of birth. Therefore, this essay discusses the miscegenation of Iberian nobilities derived from dynastic marriages. It articulates the structural characteristics of this group and its political impact with the individual trajectories and historical contexts in which they developed. While these topics can be of interest for the comprehension of Portuguese early modern history, they can also help us to reflect more broadly on processes of identity construction.