14 resultados para South of Córdoba

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Abstract In the last years, several models have been presented trying to obtain lithosphere and Moho thickness in the Iberian Peninsula, using data related to geoid elevation and topography, gravity, seismicity and thermal analysis. The results obtained show a decrease in the thickness of the crust and the lithosphere in the SW part of the Iberian Peninsula. Density anomalies in the crust are also referred. Data obtained in the region was collected and deviations from average values used were detected. In this work, models were made taking into account the specific characteristics of the region. Heat flow, thermal conductivity, heat production, topography, gravity, seismic and geological data available for the region, were used to adjust the model. The results show that this region is different from other parts of the Iberian Peninsula and a special attention must be given to it. This work shows the importance of trying to know and understand the thermal structure of the region.


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ABSTRACT In the last years, several models were presented trying to obtain lithosphere and Moho thickness in the Iberian Peninsula, using data related to geoid elevation and topography, gravity, seismicity and thermal analysis. The results obtained show a decrease in the thickness of the crust and the lithosphere in the SW part of the Iberian Peninsula. Density anomalies in the crust are also referred. The work I intend to present is related with the south of the Ossa Morena Zone, the South Portuguese Zone and the Algarve, in the south of Portugal. Data obtained in the region was collected and deviations from average values used were detected. Models were made taking into account the specific characteristics of the region. Heat flow, thermal conductivity, heat production, topography, gravity, seismic and geological data available for the region, are used to adapt the models. A special attention will be given to the spatial variation of heat flow values and to Moho depth in the region. The results show that this region is different from other parts of the Iberian Peninsula and a special attention must be given to it. The different values obtained using seismic, gravity, and geoid height data, and the results obtained with models using thermal data shows the importance of trying to know and understand the thermal structure of the regions. Problems related with the use of average values will be focused.


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The present work describes the measurement effort for direct normal irradiance (DNI) evaluation in the sunny south of Portugal, with a network of eight radiation measurement stations in several locations (including Évora) providing a good coverage of the region. This new initiative for DNI measurement will still need many years (typically 10 or more) to produce a time series which can claim having long term statistical value. This problem can, however, be temporarily mitigated by measuring DNI at the same time as GHI and DHI, in a place where long term series dating back, already exist for those two. It so happens that a long term series (20 years) of global and diffuse solar irradiation exists for the location Évora. So the expectation is to establish correlations with the goal of attributing at least some long term statistical significance to the short and recent DNI series. The paper describes the setup of the measuring stations and presents the preliminary measurements obtained. It further presents the first correlations of monthly averages between normal beam (DNI), global and diffuse radiation. It then uses these correlations, admittedly without acceptable statistical significance (short series of less than one year of measured data), to exemplify how to get a prediction of long term DNI for Évora. This preliminary obtained value is compared to that predicted by the commercial data from Meteonorm.


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MEGAGEO - Moving megaliths in the Neolithic is a project that intends to find the provenience of lithic materials in the construction of tombs. A multidisciplinary approach is carried out, with researchers from several of the knowledge fields involved. This work presents a spatial data warehouse specially developed for this project that comprises information from national archaeological databases, geographic and geological information and new geochemical and petrographic data obtained during the project. The use of the spatial data warehouse proved to be essential in the data analysis phase of the project. The Redondo Area is presented as a case study for the application of the spatial data warehouse to analyze the relations between geochemistry, geology and the tombs in this area.


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Lavandula spp. belong to the family Lamiatae and some species are often used in popular medicine and have been used for centuries in a large number of medical applications and in aromatherapy. Although similar ethnobotanical properties of Lavandula spp., its essential oils, general chemical composition and therapeutic applications differ from different species. Lavandula stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Rozeira) Rozeira and L. viridis L’Hér are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, widespread in the South of Portugal, namely in Southern Alentejo and Algarve. The aim of our study was evaluate the chemical composition and toxicological and pharmacological activities of leaves essential oils of spontaneous plants of L. stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Alentejo) and L. viridis (Algarve). The essential oils of these wild plants, collected in spring, were obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was evaluated by GC/FID. The acute toxicity of essential oils was evaluated "in vitro" using brine shrimp (LC50) and "in vivo" using Swiss mice (DL50). The analgesic and anti-inflammatory pharmacological properties of L. stoechas subsp. luisieri essential oil were evaluated in mouse or rats by the Amour-Smith and carrageen-induced paw edema tests, respectively. Results showed important differences in chemical composition of essential oils from two species analyzed either to diversity and proportion of its constituents. The essentials oils showed citotoxicity against Artemia salina and a DL50 higher than 2000 mg/kg for mice. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of essential oils were exhibit for the doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg.


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Lavenders belong to the family Labiatae and represent some of the most popular medicinal plants of great economic importance. Their essential oils are important for the perfume, cosmetic, flavouring and pharmaceutical industries. However, despite its popularity, and the long tradition of use, biological properties of the various Lavandula species are not yet been well sustained by scientific or clinical studies and some available data being inconclusive and controversial [1]. Although Lavandula spp. have similar ethnobotanical properties, however, chemical composition and therapeutic uses differ from different species and main composition of essential oils showed differences with species and with the region were they grow [1,2,3]. L. stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Rozeira) Rozeira. L. pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. and L. viridis L’Hér are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, widespread in the South of Portugal, namely in Alentejo and Algarve. In our work, essential oils from the stems or leaves from wild grown plants of L. luisieri (Alentejo), L. pedunculata (Alentejo) and L. viridis (Algarve), were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-FID. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated by solid diffusion disk assay and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and food spoilage fungi.


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O nemátode da madeira do pinheiro (NMP), Bursaphelenchus xylophiius, tem uma extensa distribuição na América do Norte, e encontra-se atualmente distribuído ao longo da maioria dos territórios de Canadá e dos Estados Unidos. Durante o último século, esta espécie foi transportada pelo Homem para outras regiões do mundo (não-nativas), associadas com o comércio e o fluxo global de produtos de origem florestal. Atualmente, esta espécie invasiva está reportada para algumas regiões do SE asiático (China, Japão, Coreia e Taiwan) e mais recentemente para a Europa (Portugal). Devido ao impacto que este organismo agente da doença da murchidão dos pinheiros causa nas florestas nativas destas regiões esta espécie assume uma elevada importância económica a nível mundial Em Portugal, a distribuição do NMP encontra-se confinada a uma área restrita e limitada (500 000 ha), a sul de Lisboa (península de Setúbal); contudo, constitui uma das maiores ameaças às florestas de pinheiro do país e da UE. Ate recentemente, nenhum consenso existia quanto à origem do NMP em Portugal. Diversas hipóteses têm sido colocadas para explicar esta introdução, nomeadamente a partir de zonas onde o nematode ocorre naturalmente (América do Norte), ou de outras áreas (não-nativas) onde o nematode se comporta como uma espécie invasiva (Leste da Ásia). A fim de avaliar a variabilidade genética do NMP proveniente da área afetada em Portugal, foram utilizadas várias técnicas moleculares, designadamente o random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR) e o satellite DNA (satDNA). No caso do RAPD-PCR, foram utilizados 24 isolados do NMP provenientes de Portugal, 1 proveniente da América do Norte e 1 da Ásia, tendo sido utilizado como out-group um isolado de B. mucronatus. A partir dos 28 RAPD primers utilizados obtiveram-se 640 fragmentos. No caso do satDNA, foram utilizados 21 isolados do NMP provenientes de Portugal, obtendo-se no total 206 sequências da família MspI. Ambos os métodos revelaram uma elevada similaridade genética entre os vários isolados do NMP da área afetada em Portugal O nível reduzido de diversidade genética obtido entre os isolados portugueses do NMP, permite concluir que se trata de uma única introdução deste organismo em Portugal, e proveniente de uma região asiática. A inexistência de uma de correlação entre a variabilidade genética e a distribuição geográfica do NMP dentro da área afetada em Portugal, indica que o NMP se encontra distribuído de forma uniforme ao longo de toda a área afetada, provavelmente relacionado com a distribuição e a expansão natural do inseto vector. The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, has a wide distribution in North America, and is present throughout most of the territories of Canada and the United Stata. During the last century, this species has been transported by man to several non-native regions of the world, associated with trade and the global flow of forest products. Up to date, this invasive species has been reported from Asia (PR China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan) and more recently in Europe (Portugal). Due to the impact on native pine forests of these regions, this nematode species, the causal agent of pine wilt disease, is of great economic importance worldwide. In Portugal, the distribution of the PWN has been constrained to a relatively small area (500 000 ha) in the south of Lisbon (Setúbal Peninsula); however, it has become the most serious threat to pine forests in the country. Until recently, no consensus had emerged on the possible pathway of the PWN introduction in Portugal. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this introduction, such as an origin from endemic areas where the nematode naturally occurs (North America), or non-endemic areas where the nematode behaves as an exotic pest (East Asia). Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR) and satellite DNA (satDNA) techniques were used in order to assess the level of genetic variability and genetic relationships, among several isolates of the PWN, representative of the entire affected area in Portugal. In the case of RAPD-PCR, 24 Portuguese isolates, plus two additional isolates of B. xylophilus, representing North America and East Asia were included. B. mucronatus was used as an out-group. Twenty-eight random primers generated a total of 640 DNA fragments. With satDNA, 206 Mspl sequence repeats were obtained from 21 Portuguese isolates of B. xylophilus. Both molecular methods revealed a high genetic similarity among the Portuguese isolates, and the low level of genetic diversity strongly suggests that they were dispersed recently from a single introduction, and from East Asia. The lack of apparent relationship between the genetic variability and the geographic distribution of the PWN within the affected area, suggests that the recent introduction of this pest (and pathogen) in Portugal has been uniformly distributed since its establishment, probably following the natural distribution and expansion of the insect vector.


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Cambisols are the major soil type in Portugal. The yield of annual crops in these soils is generally poor, and the situation is aggravated in wet winters. In the south of Portugal, manganese toxicity has been identified as the major cause of poor growth and leaching as the main reason for the negative effect of rainfall observed in Cambisols derived from granite Manganese toxicity also appears to be present in the Cambisols in other regions of Portugal. Manganese toxicity is cross-related to the magnesium concentration, either in the soil solution or in plant shoots. Therefore soil amendment using dolomitic limestone is needed to overcome the problem. Current soil test methods are unable to predict the level of Mn toxicity. However, new approach using the extraction of soil solution is proposed, although further work is needed to fully implement the method.


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Reinterpretation of old heat flow data or use of new data and new techniques of detection of the temperature under the surface have conducted to new heat flow density values in some regions of the globe. The problem of ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica caught the public's attention to the importance of knowledge on heat flow values and thermal structure of the globe. In the last years, several models were presented trying to obtain lithosphere and Moho thickness of the Iberia Peninsula. The work we intend to present is related with the SW part of the Iberia Peninsula ( south of the Ossa Morena zone, South Portuguese Zone and Algarve). The results obtained show a decrease in the thickness of the crust and the lithosphere in this region. Density anomalies in the crust are also referred. I intend to make the connection between the results of these models and the heat flow thermal conductivity, heat production and geological data available for the region, trying to explain the results of heat flow density data obtained.


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Solar resource assessment is essential for the different phases of solar energy projects, such as preliminary design engineering, financing including due diligence and, later, insurance phases. An important aspect is the long term resource estimation. This kind of estimation can only be obtained through the statistical analysis of long-term data series of solar radiation measurements, preferably ground measurements. This paper is a first step in this direction, with an initial statistical analysis performed over the radiation data from a national measurement network, consisting of eighty-nine meteorological stations. These preliminary results are presented in figures that represent the annual average values of Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) and its Variability in the Portuguese continental territory. These results show that the South of Portugal is the most suitable area for the implementation of medium to large scale solar plants.


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Seven years (2003–2010) of measured shortwave (SW) irradiances were used to obtain estimates of the 10 min averaged effective cloud optical thickness (ECOT) and of the shortwave cloud radiative effect (CRESW) at the surface in a mid-latitude site (Évora — south of Portugal), and its seasonal variability is presented. The ECOT, obtained using transmittance measurements at 415 nm, was compared with the correspondent MODIS cloud optical thickness (MODIS COT) for non-precipitating water clouds and cloud fractions higher than 0.25. This comparison showed that the ECOT represents well the cloud optical thickness over the study area. The CRESW, determined for two SW broadband ranges (300–1100 nm; 285–2800 nm), was normalized (NCRESW) and related with the obtained ECOT. A logarithmic relation between NCRESW and ECOT was found for both SW ranges, presenting lower dispersion for overcast-sky situations than for partially cloudy-sky situations. The NCRESW efficiency (NCRESW per unit of ECOT) was also related with the ECOT for overcast-sky conditions. The relation found is parameterized by a power law function showing that NCRESW efficiency decreases as the ECOT increases, approaching one for ECOT values higher than about 50.


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Lavenders have been used in folk medicine as disinfectant, expectorant, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, laxative and stimulant. Some species are endemic of Iberian Peninsula and often found in the Portuguese montado, including Lavandula stoechas subsp. luisieri and Lavandula pedunculata. The investigation of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential of the Portuguese montado flora is very poor and restricted to a few botanical families, and their biological activities are mainly attributed to the essential oils. So, it is crucial to know the properties of Lavandula EOs, contributing for animal health and the valorisation of Portuguese montado flora. The aim of this study was to evaluate chemical composition, antioxidant properties and screening anti-inflammatory potential of EOs and extracts of Lavandula stoechas L. subsps. luisieri Rozeira, Lavandula pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. subsp. pedunculata and Lavandula viridis L’Hér, wild grown in the south of Portugal.


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Detrital zircons from Holocene beach sand and igneous zircons from the Cretaceous syenite forming Cape Sines (Western Iberian margin) were dated using laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry. The U–Pb ages obtained were used for comparison with previous radiometric data from Carboniferous greywacke, Pliocene–Pleistocene sand and Cretaceous syenite forming the sea cliff at Cape Sines and the contiguous coast. New U–Pb dating of igneous morphologically simple and complex zircons from the syenite of the Sines pluton suggests that the history of zircon crystallization was more extensive (ca 87 to 74 Ma), in contrast to the findings of previous geochronology studies (ca 76 to 74 Ma). The U–Pb ages obtained in Holocene sand revealed a wide interval, ranging from the Cretaceous to the Archean, with predominance of Cretaceous (37%), Palaeozoic (35%) and Neoproterozoic (19%) detrital-zircon ages. The paucity of round to subrounded grains seems to indicate a short transportation history for most of the Cretaceous zircons (ca 95 to 73 Ma) which are more abundant in the beach sand that was sampled south of Cape Sines. Comparative analysis using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistical method, analysing sub-populations separately, suggests that the zircon populations of the Carboniferous and Cretaceous rocks forming the sea cliff were reproduced faithfully in Quaternary sand, indicating sediment recycling. The similarity of the pre- Cretaceous ages (>ca 280 Ma) of detrital zircons found in Holocene sand, as compared with Carboniferous greywacke and Pliocene–Pleistocene sand, provides support for the hypothesis that detritus was reworked into the beach from older sedimentary rocks exposed along the sea cliff. The largest percentage of Cretaceous zircons (of the primary sources that became progressively more exposed to erosion during Quaternary uplift. This work highlights the application of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov method in compar- ison of zircon age populations used to identify provenance and sediment recycling in modern and ancient detrital sedimentary sequences.


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Portugal in the end of the 19 th century was characterized by a huge economic and political instability. This situation led to the publication of the Hunger Law (1899), which is identified as the critical breaking point since it imposed a political ideology over a vernacular landscape. The Alentejo (south of Portugal), between (1889-1929) emerges as a paradigmatic landscapes where an abrupt transformation take place: an ancient landscape with the loss of their ecological memory was lost and a false identities was created. The diversity and ecological richness of the vernacular landscape gave way to the monotony of the cereal and the ecological and social system that for centuries had built up and evolved was abruptly compromised. To analyze and understand the important transformation that happened in the ancestral countryside of Alentejo, the research was based on the concept of landscape as a system, and that the landscape represents the relationship between the natural system and the cultural.