9 resultados para Solar Heating Systems
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Face aos padrões atuais de vida, em que despendemos a maior parte do nosso tempo no interior de edifícios, com um nível de conforto que ninguém quer abdicar, urge o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de climatização sustentáveis. Devido a uma combinação única de fatores, casas de baixo consumo de energia (e também casas passivas) em Portugal, são particularmente adequadas de explorar as vantagens da energia solar térmica, especialmente quando combinado com armazenamento sazonal de energia. No entanto nenhum exemplo documentado existe de como esta sinergia pode ser explorada com sucesso em Portugal, ilustrando assim o modo em que a necessidade de aquecimento pode ser colmatada de uma forma sustentável sem o uso de combustíveis fósseis. A energia solar é uma excelente alternativa de fonte de energia para aquecimento de edifícios. Um principal fator que limita a sua aplicação é que é uma fonte de energia com uma disponibilidade média de variação cíclica. O uso de armazenamento sazonal de energia pode reduzir substancialmente o custo do sistema solar que é capaz de fornecer até 100% das necessidades energéticas dos edifícios. Estes sistemas são projetados para armazenar a energia solar durante o verão e reter o calor armazenado para posterior utilização durante o inverno; Abstract: SEASONAL SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE FOR LOW TEMPERATURE HEATING BUILDINGS. Given the current standards of living, where we spent most of our time inside buildings, with a level of Comfort that no one wants to give up, urges the development of sustainable climate control technologies. Due to a unique combination of factors, low energy (and also passive) houses in Portugal are particularly well suited to exploiting the advantages of solar thermal energy especially when combined with seasonal energy storage. However no documented example there of how this synergy can be exploited successfully in Portugal, illustrating the way in which the need for heating can be addressed in a sustainable manner without the use of fossil fuels. Solar energy is an important alternative energy source for heating applications. One main factor that limits its application is that it is an energy source with an average availability of cyclical variation. The use of seasonal thermal energy storage can substantially reduce the cost of solar energy systems that can supply up to 100% of buildings energy needs. Such systems are designed to collect solar energy during the summer and retain the stored heat for use during the winter.
This paper presents the determination of a mean solar radiation year and of a typical meteorological year for the region of Funchal in the Madeira Island, Portugal. The data set includes hourly mean and extreme values for air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed and hourly mean values for solar global and diffuse radiation for the period 2004-2014, with maximum data coverage of 99.7%. The determination of the mean solar radiation year consisted, in a first step, in the average of all values for each pair hour/day and, in a second step, in the application of a five days centred moving average of hourly values. The determination of the typical meteorological year was based on Finkelstein-Schafer statistics, which allows to obtain a complete year of real measurements through the selection and combination of typical months, preserving the long term averages while still allowing the analysis of short term events. The typical meteorological year validation was carried out through the comparison of the monthly averages for the typical year with the long term monthly averages. The values obtained were very close, so that the typical meteorological year can accurately represent the long term data series. The typical meteorological year can be used in the simulation of renewable energy systems, namely solar energy systems, and for predicting the energy performance of buildings.
This short paper presents a numerical method for spatial and temporal downscaling of solar global radiation and mean air temperature data from global weather forecast models and its validation. The final objective is to develop a prediction algorithm to be integrated in energy management models and forecast of energy harvesting in solar thermal systems of medium/low temperature. Initially, hourly prediction and measurement data of solar global radiation and mean air temperature were obtained, being then numerically downscaled to half-hourly prediction values for the location where measurements were taken. The differences between predictions and measurements were analyzed for more than one year of data of mean air temperature and solar global radiation on clear sky days, resulting in relative daily deviations of around -0.9±3.8% and 0.02±3.92%, respectively.
This paper focus on the development of an algorithm using Matlab to generate Typical Meteorological Years from weather data of eight locations in the Madeira Island and to predict the energy generation of photovoltaic systems based on solar cells modelling. Solar cells model includes the effect of ambient temperature and wind speed. The analysis of the PV system performance is carried out through the Weather Corrected Performance Ratio and the PV system yield for the entire island is estimated using spatial interpolation tools.
The variability in non-dispatchable power generation raises important challenges to the integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity power grid. This paper provides the coordinated trading of wind and photovoltaic energy to mitigate risks due to the wind and solar power variability, electricity prices, and financial penalties arising out the generation shortfall and surplus. The problem of wind-photovoltaic coordinated trading is formulated as a linear programming problem. The goal is to obtain the optimal bidding strategy that maximizes the total profit. The wind-photovoltaic coordinated operation is modeled and compared with the uncoordinated operation. A comparison of the models and relevant conclusions are drawn from an illustrative case study of the Iberian day-ahead electricity market.
The variability in non-dispatchable power generation raises important challenges to the integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity power grid. This paper provides the coordinated trading of wind and photovoltaic energy assisted by a cyber-physical system for supporting management decisions to mitigate risks due to the wind and solar power variability, electricity prices, and financial penalties arising out the generation shortfall and surplus. The problem of wind-photovoltaic coordinated trading is formulated as a stochastic linear programming problem. The goal is to obtain the optimal bidding strategy that maximizes the total profit. The wind-photovoltaic coordinated operation is modelled and compared with the uncoordinated operation. A comparison of the models and relevant conclusions are drawn from an illustrative case study of the Iberian day-ahead electricity market.
This paper analyses the influence of the extreme Saharan desert dust (DD) event on shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) radiation at the EARLINET/AERONET Évora station (Southern Portugal) from 4 up to 7 April 2011. There was also some cloud occurrence in the period. In this context, it is essential to quantify the effect of cloud presence on aerosol radiative forcing. A radiative transfer model was initialized with aerosol optical properties, cloud vertical properties and meteorological atmospheric vertical profiles. The intercomparison between the instantaneous TOA shortwave and longwave fluxes derived using CERES and those calculated using SBDART, which was fed with aerosol extinction coefficients derived from the CALIPSO and lidar-PAOLI observations, varying OPAC dataset parameters, was reasonably acceptable within the standard deviations. The dust aerosol type that yields the best fit was found to be the mineral accumulation mode. Therefore, SBDART model constrained with the CERES observations can be used to reliably determine aerosol radiative forcing and heating rates. Aerosol radiative forcings and heating rates were derived in the SW (ARFSw, AHRSw) and LW (ARFLw, AHRLw) spectral ranges, considering a cloud-aerosol free reference atmosphere. We found that AOD at 440 nm increased by a factor of 5 on 6 April with respect to the lower dust load on 4 April. It was responsible by a strong cooling radiative effect pointed out by the ARFSw value (−99 W/m2 for a solar zenith angle of 60°) offset by a warming radiative effect according to ARFLw value (+21.9 W/m2) at the surface. Overall, about 24% and 12% of the dust solar radiative cooling effect is compensated by its longwave warming effect at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere, respectively. Hence, larger aerosol loads could enhance the response between the absorption and re-emission processes increasing the ARFLw with respect to those associated with moderate and low aerosol loads. The unprecedented results derived from this work complement the findings in other regions on the modifications of radiative energy budget by the dust aerosols, which could have relevant influences on the regional climate and will be topics for future investigations.
In this study, a finite element (FE) framework for the analysis of the interplay between buckling and delamination of thin layers bonded to soft substrates is proposed. The current framework incorporates the following modeling features: (i) geometrically nonlinear solid shell elements, (ii) geometrically nonlinear cohesive interface elements, and (iii) hyperelastic material constitutive response for the bodies that compose the system. A fully implicit Newton–Raphson solution strategy is adopted to deal with the complex simultaneous presence of geometrical and material nonlinearities through the derivation of the consistent FE formulation. Applications to a rubber-like bi-material system under finite bending and to patterned stiff islands resting on soft substrate for stretchable solar cells subjected to tensile loading are proposed. The results obtained are in good agreement with benchmark results available in the literature, confirming the accuracy and the capabilities of the proposed numerical method for the analysis of complex three-dimensional fracture mechanics problems under finite deformations.
Sustainability and responsible environmental behaviour constitute a vital premise in the development of the humankind. In fact, during last decades, the global energetic scenario is evolving towards a scheme with increasing relevance of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) like photovoltaic, wind, biomass and hydrogen. Furthermore, hydrogen is an energy carrier which constitutes a mean for long-term energy storage. The integration of hydrogen with local RES contributes to distributed power generation and early introduction of hydrogen economy. Intermittent nature of many of RES, for instance solar and wind sources, impose the development of a management and control strategy to overcome this drawback. This strategy is responsible of providing a reliable, stable and efficient operation of the system. To implement such strategy, a monitoring system is required.The present paper aims to contribute to experimentally validate LabVIEW as valuable tool to develop monitoring platforms in the field of RES-based facilities. To this aim, a set of real systems successfully monitored is exposed.