5 resultados para Social support
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
O envolvimento dos estudantes na escola tem ganho relevncia no mbito da comunidade cientfica. Apesar de no existir um consenso face sua definio, todas apontam para o facto do envolvimento se relacionar com a forma como os estudantes se identificam e valorizam os resultados escolares, bem como, a sua participao em atividades escolares curriculares e extracurriculares. O suporte social visto como a perceo que o indivduo tem de ser valorizado e aceite pelos outros contidos na sua rede social. A investigao tem demonstrado a relao existente entre estes dois conceitos. A existncia de suporte social, mais especificamente o estabelecimento de relaes positivas com o grupo de pares parece estar relacionada com um maior envolvimento dos estudantes na escola. O objetivo do presente estudo compreender a relao entre o envolvimento dos estudantes na escola e a perceo de suporte social. O mesmo foi realizado numa escola em vora, com alunos do 2 e 3 ciclos do ensino bsico (335 alunos). Foram utilizados dois questionrios: o QEEE Questionrio acerca do Envolvimento dos Estudantes na Escola e o QPSS Questionrio de Percepo de Suporte Social. Os resultados do presente estudo apontam para correlaes estatisticamente significativas entre o suporte social e o envolvimento dos estudantes na escola, corroborando assim investigaes j realizadas; ABSTRACT: Students engagement with school has won relevance within the scientific community. Although there is no consensus over its definition, all point to the fact that the engagement relate to how the students to identify and value the school results as well as their participation in curricular and extracurricular activities. The social support seen as the perception that the individual must be valued and accepted by others contained in your social network. The research has demonstrated the relationship between these both. The existence of social support, specifically the establishment of good relations with the peer group seems to be related to greater student engagement with school. The aim of this study is to understand the link between student engagement with school and perceived social support. It was conducted in a school in vora, with students from 2nd and 3th cycles of middle school (335 students). We used two questionnaires: QEEE Questionnaire about the Student Engagement with School and QPSS Questionnaire for Perceived Social Support. The results of this study show statistically significant correlations between social support and students engagement with school, thus confirming previous research.
O bullying e o suporte social, apesar de conceptualmente distintos, interagem entre si. O bullying um subgrupo do comportamento agressivo, que ocorre intencional e repetidamente, numa relao assimtrica de poder entre pares. O suporte social envolve o apoio recebido pelas fontes de suporte da rede social. O principal objetivo deste estudo analisar a relao entre bullying e perceo de suporte social. O mesmo realizou-se numa escola bsica de vora, com 335 alunos dos 2 e 3 ciclos do ensino bsico, sendo utilizados o Questionrio de Violncia Escolar e Isolamento Social e o Questionrio de Percepo de Suporte Social. Os resultados obtidos indicam baixos nveis de incidncia de comportamentos de bullying. Verificou-se que uma fraca perceo de suporte social associa-se a um maior envolvimento no bullying, o que aponta para a perceo de suporte social como um fator protetor para o envolvimento em situaes de vitimao e de agresso; ABSTRACT: Bullying and social support, although conceptually distinct, interact between itself. Bullying is a sub-group of the aggressive behavior that occurs repeatedly and intentionally, in an asymmetrical power relationship between peers. Social Support involves the support received by the sources of social support networks. The aim of this study is to analise the relationship between bullying and perceived social support. The aim was done in a basic school of vora, with 335 students of 2nd and 3th cycles of basic education. The used questionnaires had been the Questionnaire for School Violence and Social isolation and the Questionnaire for Perceived Social Support. The results indicate low levels of incidence of bullying behavior. lt was found that a low perception of social support is associated with an increased involvement in bullying, which points to the social support as a protective for involvement in situations of victimization and agression.
O bullying descreve-se como um abuso sistemtico de poder entre pares, de carcter intencional e repetitivo. O suporte social descreve comportamentos que funcionam como um reforo na rede social. A existncia de suporte social parece ser um factor protector para o envolvimento em situaes de vitimao e agresso. O objectivo deste estudo compreender a relao entre o bullying e a percepo de suporte social. Realizou-se em quatro escolas do Agrupamento de Escolas n1 de vora, com alunos do 3 e 4anos de escolaridade (262 alunos). Utilizaram-se dois questionrios: o QVEIS Questionrio de Violncia Escolar e Isolamento Social e o QPSP Questionrio de Percepo de Suporte Social. Os resultados deste estudo no se revelaram conclusivos, sendo reduzida a prevalncia de comportamentos de vitimao e agresso. Existem correlaes estatisticamente significativas entre as dimenses da vitimao e da agresso e a percepo de existncia de suporte social e, a vitimao e a percepo de ausncia de suporte social; ABSTRACT: Bullying is described as a systematic abuse of power among peers, intentional and repetitive. Social support describes behaviors that act as reinforcement in a social network. The existence of social support seems to be a protective factor for involvement in situations of victimization and aggression. The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between bullying and perceived social support. It was conducted in four elementary schools, with students from 3rd and 4th grade (262 students). We used two questionnaires: QVEIS Questionnaire for School Violence and Social Isolation and QPSP - Questionnaire for Perceived Social Support. The results were inconclusive, with a fair prevalence of risk of victimization and aggression. There are statistically significant correlations between the dimensions of victimization and aggression and the perception of the existence of social support and the perception of victimization and lack of social support.
Este estudo teve como finalidade investigar a relao entre alguns factores psicossociais e a adeso teraputica, utilizando como variveis preditoras, as representaes de doena, a ansiedade e depresso as previses de suporte social, e a espiritualidade e como variveis de resultado, a adeso ao regime teraputico, atravs da avaliao da adeso medicao. Pretendeu-se testar quatro hipteses: (1) Prev-se que as representaes de depresso nas suas dimenses da consequncias, durao e controlo pessoal e de tratamento, identidade, preocupao, emoes e compreenso da doena sejam preditores significativos da adeso ao tratamento medicamentoso; (2) Prev-se que os nveis de ansiedade e depresso dos doentes depressivos estaro significativa e negativamente correlacionados com os nveis de adeso ao tratamento medicamentoso; (3) Prev-se que os nveis de suporte social percebido estaro significativa e positivamente correlacionados com os nveis de adeso ao tratamento medicamentoso e (4) Prev-se que os nveis de espiritualidade se encontrem significativa e positivamente correlacionados com os nveis de adeso ao tratamento medicamentoso. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, com desenho correlacionai e foi desenvolvido num Hospital da Regio do Alentejo, mais especificamente, num Departamento de Psiquiatria a sade Mental, com uma amostra no aleatria de 15 pacientes com o diagnstico de Depresso. Os resultados confirmaram parcialmente a primeira hiptese, sendo as representaes de doena, nas suas dimenses controlo pessoal, controlo do tratamento e emoes preditores significativos da adeso (mais especificamente das alteraes das doses da medicao). A segunda hiptese tambm foi confirmada parcialmente, sendo a depresso preditora da adeso (tanto na dimenso do esquecimento, quanto na alterao das doses da medicao). A terceira hiptese foi, tambm, parcialmente confirmada sendo a aliana fivel preditora significativa da adeso (na dimenso do esquecimento da toma da medicao). Por ltimo, a quarta hiptese foi igualmente confirmada parcialmente sendo a esperana/optimismo preditora significativa da adeso (tanto na dimenso do esquecimento, quanto na alterao das doses da medicao). Nas anlises exploratrias verificou-se a influncia da varivel scio demogrfico sexo nas representaes cognitivas e tambm na depresso. A "idade" tambm demonstrou algum efeito nas alteraes medicao e nas provises sociais. O "estado civil" mostrou efeito no aconselhamento e na oportunidade de prestao de valores. As variveis clnicas tambm mostraram ter influncia. O "tempo de doena" mostrou efeito significativo nas representaes emocionais, nas crenas, esperana/optimismo e no esquecimento da medicao. A "durao do tratamento com medicao" mostrou efeito na compreenso da doena e no esquecimento da medicao. Por fim, so apresentadas algumas implicaes da depresso, bem como algumas sugestes para estudos futuros. /ABSTRACT: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between some psychosocial factors and the adherence, using as predictor variables, the representations of illness, the anxiety and depression, the social support predictions, and spirituality, and as outcome variables, adherence to treatment regimen, through the assessment of medication adherence. lt was intended to test four hypotheses: (1) lt is expected that the depression representations in its dimensions of consequences, duration and personal control and treatment, identity, concern, emotions and disease understanding are significant predictors of adherence to therapy; (2) lt is expected that anxiety and depression levels in depressed patients are significantly and negatively correlated with the levels of adherence to therapy; (3) lt is expected that the levels of perceived social support are significantly and positively correlated with the levels of adherence to drug treatment and (4) lt is expected that the levels of spirituality are significantly and positively correlated with levels of adherence to therapy. This was a cross-sectional study with correlational design and was developed in one Hospital of the Alentejo Region, more specifically, in a Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, with a nonrandom sample of 15 patients diagnosed with depression. The results partially confirmed the first hypothesis, being the representations of disease, in its dimensions of personal control, treatment control and emotions, significant predictors of adherence (more specifically, of the changes in the doses of medication). The second hypothesis was also partially confirmed, with depression being a predictor of adherence {both in the extent of oblivion and in the changes of medication doses). The third hypothesis was also partially confirmed, being the trustable alliance a quite significantly reliable predictor of adherence {in the dimension of the medication oblivion). Finally, the fourth hypothesis was equally partially confirmed, being the hope/optimism significant predictor of adherence (both in the extent of oblivion and in changing doses of medication). ln exploratory analyzes, it was verified the influence of socio-demographic variable "sex" in the cognitive representations and also in depression. The "age" also had some effect on changes to medication and social provisions. The "marital status" had effect in the counseling and in the opportunity to provide values. The clinical variables also proved to have influence. "Time sickness" had a significant effect on emotional representations, beliefs, hope/optimism and medication oblivion. The "treatment duration with medication" had effect in the disease understanding and the medication oblivion. Finally, are presented some implications of depression as well as some suggestions for future studies.
Sendo a docncia umas das profisses onde existem elevados nveis de stresse e burnout, este estudo objetivou comparar estes nveis em professores de ensino regular que trabalham com alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais e professores de educao especial. Estudou-se tambm o bem-estar psicolgico manifestado por este grupo, bem como a percepo do suporte social, o qual tem um efeito direto positivo sobre o burnout. Os resultados revelam que, relativamente ao stresse, no grupo de ensino regular so os homens que manifestam um nvel mais elevado, enquanto que no grupo de educao especial, so as mulheres. Foram identificadas tambm diferenas no bem-estar e percepo do suporte social, tendo estes resultados sido obtidos para os docentes de educao especial, homens e mulheres, respetivamente. No que concerne ao burnout, foram observadas diferenas em funo do gnero e habilitaes literrias, tendo estas sido verificadas no grupo de professoras de ensino regular que possuem o bacharelato e professores que possuem mestrado e doutoramento. No grupo de educao especial, as diferenas foram obtidas nas professoras com doutoramento e nos homens que possuem a licenciatura; Comparative study of regular education teachers and special education in Portuguese public schools: stress, welfare, social support and burnout Abstract: Being a teaching professions where there are high levels of stress and burnout, this study aimed to compare these levels in regular education teachers who work with students with special educational needs and special education teachers. It is also studied the psychological well-being manifested by this group, as well as the perception of social support, which has a positive direct effect on burnout. The results show that for the stress in the regular education group are men who express a higher level, while the special education group, are women. They were also identified differences in well-being and perceived social support, and these results have been obtained for special education teachers, men and women, respectively. Regarding the burnout, differences were observed in gender and qualifications, and these were verified on the regular education teachers group who have a bachelor's degree and teachers who hold master's and doctorate. In the special education group, the differences were obtained in teachers with doctoral and men who have a degree.