6 resultados para Self Assessment (Psychology)

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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As expetativas e exigncias crescentes dos cidados face ao servio pblico introduziram uma nova orientao nos processos de reforma e modernizao administrativa. neste contexto que surge o modelo de autoavaliao Common Assessment Framework (CAF), que est essencialmente direcionado para a administrao pblica, com o fim de promover a melhoria contnua dos servios. Neste estudo pretende-se analisar a aplicabilidade da CAF como ferramenta de autoavaliao dos servios pblicos nos Servios Acadmicos da Universidade de vora (SAC), bem como verificar o impacto que a aplicao da CAF teve nos SAC, aps o estudo realizado por Nogueira (2008), e efetuar um diagnstico junto dos alunos, colaboradores e gestores para avaliar os processos desenvolvidos, bem como averiguar o seu grau de satisfao. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foi aplicado um inqurito por questionrio junto dos alunos, colaboradores e gestores dos SAC. Os resultados obtidos permitiram extrair os pontos fortes (e.g. bons procedimentos para acolhimento e integrao dos colaboradores, gestores no resistentes mudana), evidenciar os pontos fracos (e.g. tempo de obteno de respostas s solicitaes efetuadas, atendimento telefnico desadequado), e enumerar as sugestes de melhoria para o servio (e.g. maior nmero de funcionrios a fazer atendimento, horrios de abertura e de atendimento mais alargados); ABSTRACT: Expectations and increased demands of citizens on the public service introduced a new orientation in the reform and administrative modernization. lt is in this context that the model of self-assessment Common Assessment Framework (CAF), which is primarily directed to the government, in order to promote continuous improvement of services. This study aims to analyze the applicability of the CAF as a self-assessment tool of public services at the Academic Services of the University of vora (SAC) and verify the impact that the implementation of the CAF had the SAC after the study by Nogueira (2008) and make a diagnosis with the students, employees and managers to assess the processes developed and ascertain their degree of satisfaction. To achieve the proposed objectives a questionnaire was applied to students, employees and managers of SAC. The results allowed to draw on the strengths (eg: good procedures for reception and integration of employees, not resistant to change managers), highlight the weaknesses (eg: time to obtain answers to made requests, inadequate telephone service), and list suggestions improvement for the service (eg: greater number of employees to service, opening hours and more extensive service).


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A vida social de um indivduo dependente do lcool na maioria das vezes um factor de risco para continuar ou aumentar o consumo excessivo de bebidas alcolicas. Um dos grandes fracassos do alcolico no cumprir adequadamente um papel social desejado, o que resulta em prejuzos para si mesmo e para os outros. O indivduo que abusa no consumo, depressa perde a sua reputao junto de colegas, amigos e familiares, o que o deixa mais intolerante frustrao e aumenta o consumo. A mentira toma-se ento sua aliada, pois atravs dela ele vai reduzindo a ansiedade causada pelo fracasso na vida social e que os outros teimam em deixar bem ntido. Identificar os problemas sociais dos quais o indivduo padece, fundamental para planear melhor uma estratgia de interveno, quer seja ela de preveno, de psicoterapia ou de reabilitao. Os programas de tratamento habitualmente propostos para a abordagem dos problemas derivados do consumo de lcool centram a sua ateno, quase exclusivamente, no comportamento aditivo como guia orientador da interveno e como indicador objectivo do xito do prprio programa Mas na maioria dos casos o comportamento aditivo sim a manifestao mais objectiva de um profundo desajuste entre o sujeito consigo mesmo e com o seu meio ambiente. por isso, objectivo dos processos de recuperao oferecer-lhe a possibilidade de recuperar a crena na palavra ou aprender o seu valor como meio de comunicao fundamental entre os homens. Para alm de possibilitar aos sujeitos dependentes de lcool este valor, importa tambm incutir nos sujeitos o valor positivo de viver com limites; pois so especialistas em tentar sabotar a aco dos tcnicos e em descobrir as suas debilidades para as utilizarem em seu interesse. Importa por isso, que aprendam o valor das leis e a utilidade, para todos, de cumpri-las (Kalina, 2001). Assim, o treino de habilidades sociais constitui uma parte importante dos tratamentos para os sujeitos com problemas de abuso de lcool e drogas. Foi nesse sentido que nos propusemos a identificar o nvel de habilidades sociais em pessoas dependentes de lcool. O estudo que desenvolvemos de carcter exploratrio/descritivo, para o qual optmos por utilizar uma metodologia quantitativa. A amostra foi constituda por 229 indivduos, do sexo masculino, dependentes de lcool, em instituies nacionais de referncia na rea da alcoologia O instrumento de recolha de dados constitudo por um Questionrio de dados scio demogrficos, uma Escala de Habilidades Sociais e uma Escala de Auto-apreciao Pessoal. Constatamos que a amostra constituda por indivduos dependentes de lcool apresenta uma pontuao mdia na Escala de Habilidades Sociais de 89.96, equivalente ao percentil 55 na tabela de parametrizao de Gismero (2002). Este valor claramente inferior ao conseguido por qualquer uma das outras amostras analisadas, seja a do estudo preliminar, seja a do estudo comparativo, constituda por indivduos da populao em geral e que conseguiram um percentil 70. ABSTRACT; The social life of a person dependent on alcohol is, most of the time, a risk factor to continue or increase the alcohol excessive consumption. One of the alcoholic failures is the fact that he is unable to perform an adequate social role, to the detriment of himself and others. A person, who abuses alcohol consumption, soon loses his reputation next to his colleagues, friends and relatives, which makes him intolerant of frustration and increases the alcohol consumption. To lie becomes his best ally, because it helps him to reduce the anxiety caused by the failure of his social life, what is promptly pointed out by others. To identify the individual social problems is essential to plan the best intervention strategy. This can be of prevention, psychotherapy or rehabilitation. The treatment programmers, usually proposed to deal with the problems caused by alcohol consumption, focus almost exclusively on the addictive behaviour, as a guide line for the intervention and as an objective indicator of the success of the programme itself. But, in most cases, the addictive behaviour is an objective manifestation of a deep break off of the individual with himself and with his environment. That is why the aim of the recuperation process is to offer the individual the possibility to recover their belief on the word or to learn its value as an essential means of communication for men. Besides getting the message trough, it is also important to make the individuals aware of the positive value of living within limits. These individuals are specialists on trying to sabotage the technicians actions, discovering their weaknesses so they can use them on their own behalf. That is why it is so important that they learn the value of rules and the importance of accomplishing them (Kalina, 2001). Therefore, the training of the social skills is an important part of the treatment of individuals with problems of alcohol or dugs addiction. So, we committed ourselves to identifying the level of social skills on people who have an alcohol addiction. The study we developed is exploratory/ descriptive and we chose to use a quantitative methodology. The sample was of 229 male alcohol dependent individuals, staying in national institutes of reference in the area of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. The means to collect data were a social demographic data questionnaire, a scale of social skills and a scale of personal self- assessment. We realized that the sample of alcohol dependent individuals presents an average score in social skills of 89.96, equivalent to a percentile of 55 in the parameterization of Gismero (2002). This is clearly a lower value than the one obtained by any other sample we analyzed, whether in the preliminary study or in the comparative study, constituted by individuals of the common population that achieved a percentile of 70.


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No contexto educativo portugus existem, atualmente, orientaes legais para que as escolas sejam, por um lado, sujeitas a processos de avaliao externa e, por outro, induzidas a criar mecanismos de autoavaliao. Embora a escola seja, pelo menos em parte, um locus de produo normativa, na prtica no tem sido fcil o dilogo entre a avaliao externa e os processos de mudana e melhoria, atravs da autoavaliao institucional. Num contexto onde as politicas nem sempre criam os estmulos e as condies adequadas, a ao organizacional em torno dos processos avaliativos acaba por refletir o jogo dos atores. Face natureza poltica da avaliao, as escolas e os seus atores recorrem a solues organizacionais que lhes permitem, em funo dos interesses e dos objetivos individuais e organizativos, gerir as presses e as expetativas do seu meio institucional. O presente trabalho pretende encontrar respostas sobre os efeitos do programa de avaliao externa das escolas (AEE) nas dinmicas de autoavaliao e nos planos de ao para a melhoria da escola. Trata-se de uma investigao inserida numa matriz de cariz essencialmente qualitativo que opta pelo estudo de casos mltiplos. A informao foi recolhida atravs de vrias fontes: observao direta, grupo focal (focus group), entrevistas, inqurito por questionrio e anlise documental. Os resultados tendem a evidenciar que as organizaes educativas, nas respostas s prescries externas para a avaliao e melhoria da escola recorrem a estratgias e tticas plurais, de tal modo que as mudanas que ocorrem, mais do que respostas necessidade de eficcia e melhoria interna da escola, traduzem-se em processos de adaptao, que variam consoante as tenses existentes entre o contexto institucional e o ambiente competitivo onde as escolas esto inseridas; Abstract: The Evaluation of Schools: Effects of External Evaluation in the dynamics of Self-evaluation of Schools In the Portuguese educational context, there are currently legal guidelines for schools to be subject to external evaluation process, on the one hand, and on the other hand induced to create self-assessment mechanisms. Although the school is at least partly a "normative production locus", in practice the dialogue between the external evaluation and the processes of change and improvement through institutional self-assessment has not been easy. In a context where the policies do not always create the incentives and the right conditions, the organizational action around the evaluative process ends up reflecting the set of actors. Before the "political nature" of the evaluation, the schools and their actors recur to "organizational solutions" that allow them, in the interests of individual and organizational goals, to manage the pressures and expectations of its institutional environment. This work aims at finding answers to the effects of the External Schools Evaluation (ESE) programme, in the dynamics of self-evaluation and action plans for the improvement of school. It is an investigation inserted into an oriented matrix, essentially of qualitative nature that opts for multiple case studies. The information was collected through various sources: direct observation, focus group, interviews, questionnaire survey and document analysis. The results tend to show that educational organizations, in response to the external requirements for assessing and improving, use plural strategies and tactics. Similarly, the changes that occur in the structures, processes and practices, more than answers to the need for efficiency and indoor improvement of the school, result into adjustment processes, that change according to the existing tensions between the institutional context and the competitive environment where schools are located.


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Este Relatrio corresponde Unidade Curricular da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), do Curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico e Secundrio, desenvolvida no ano lectivo 2009/2010, e tem como objectivo principal a auto-reflexo sobre a prtica de ensino efectivada, pois a dimenso reflexiva um factor fundamental na formao de professores. importante estar-se actualizado na reunio de um conjunto de conhecimentos e competncias que permitam exercer correctamente a actividade profissional docente, mas no menos relevante a capacidade de se saber reflectir e auto-avaliar, enquanto professor, transmissor de saberes para uma melhoraria do ensino dos jovens e tambm das metodologias e estratgias educativas requeridas. ABSTRACT: Report of Supervised Teaching Practice conducted by Ctia Marisa Barrenho Casquinha, No.2 in the Group of vora, Andr de Resende Integrated Primary School and Gabriel Pereira High School, for the specialty masters degree in Visual Arts Education in the 3rd Cycle Elementary and Secondary Education. This report corresponds to Supervised Teaching Practice (PES) curricular unit of the Master Course in Teaching Visual Arts at the 3 rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education, developed in 2009/2010, and has as main objective self-reflection on teaching practice considering the reflective dimension as a key factor in teacher education. It is important to be updated on a set of knowledge and competences to properly exercise teaching professional activity, but not least is the ability to reflect and learn self-assessment practices as a teacher, transmitter of knowledge, in order to improve youngster education and also the required methodologies and educational strategies.


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Este estudo centra-se na interveno e avaliao inclusivas com o objectivo de caracterizar o desenvolvimento do potencial de alunos, com necessidades educativas especficas que desenvolvem projectos inovadores. A fundamentao terica apoia-se no modelo inclusivo de Ainscow (1998) que prope uma avaliao ajustada diversidade dos alunos, reorganizao das escolas para responder adequadamente a todos, e nos modelos sobre potencial humano de Gardner (2000) e Sternberg (1985) focalizados na multiplicidade da inteligncia. No estudo emprico de carcter qualitativo com metodologia de estudo de caso de 4 jovens da APPACDM - vora, utilizaram-se como instrumentos de recolha de informao: entrevista; anlise documental; porteflios; observao/avaliao de competncias. Os resultados demonstraram que a avaliao inclusiva centrada nas potencialidades facilita a caracterizao da funcionalidade de cada um na diversidade dos domnios do desenvolvimento. Os porteflios fomentaram uma avaliao follow-up, destacando-se a autoavaliao, o registo das mudanas do aluno, o feedback contnuo aos professores, aluno e fann1ia. ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the inclusive assessment and intervention in order to characterize the development potential of students with special educational needs who develop innovative projects. The theoretical framework relies on Ainscow's inclusive model (1998) which proposes an assessment tailored to students diversity, schools reorganization to respond appropriately to everyone, and in models of human potential of Gardner (2000) and Sternberg (1985) focused at the multiplicity of intelligence. ln the empirical study of the qualitative methodology with a case study of 4 youths of APPACDM - vora, were used, as instruments for collecting information: interviews, documental analysis, portfolios, observation and evaluation skills. The results showed that inclusive assessment focused at the potentialities facilitates the characterization of the functionality of each one in the diversity of fields development. Portfolios fostered a follow-up evaluation, especially the self-assessment, registration of students changes and continuous feedback to teachers, students and families.


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The Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) is a new measure of cognitive abilities based on the Planning, Attention, Simultaneous and Successive (PASS) Theory. This theory is derived from research in neuropsychological and cognitive Psychology with particular emphasis on the work of Luria (1973). According to Naglieri (1999) and Naglieri and Das (1997), the PASS cognitive processes are the basic building blocks of human intellectual functioning. Planning processes provide cognitive control, utilization of processes and knowledge, intentionality, and self-regulation to achieve a desired goal; Attention processes provide focused, selective cognitive activity and resistance to distraction; and, Simultaneous and Successive processes are the two forms of operating on information. The PASS theory has had a strong empirical base prior to the publication of the CAS (see Das, Naglieri & Kirby, 1994), and its research foundation remains strong (see Naglieri, 1999; Naglieri & Das, 1997). The four basic psychological processes can be used to (1) gain an understanding of how well a child thinks; (2) discover the childs strengths and needs, which can then be used for effective differential diagnosis; (3) conduct fair assessment; and (4) select or design appropriate interventions. Compared to the traditional intelligence tests, including IQ tests, the Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) has the great advantage of relying on a modern theory of cognitive functioning, linking theory with practice.