em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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As Redes Sociais, enquanto estrutura social, são um sistema aberto, altamente dinâmico e susceptível de inovação (Castells, 2000) constituindo-se como um importante recurso para combater a pobreza e a exclusão social, através de uma acção concertada e coerente. No presente estudo, apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo qualitativo cujo objectivo foi o de conhecer os benefícios da actuação em rede como estratégia de combate à pobreza e exclusão social. Realizou-se uma entrevista semi-estruturada a 13 colaboradores de organizações, não-lucrativas, que operam em rede. As respostas foram analisadas a partir da metodologia qualitativa Consesual Qualitative Research (Clara Hill, 1997). Os resultados obtidos permitiram obter como principal atributo estratégico, da actuação em rede, a orientação para o processo, enquanto medida adaptável e geradora de resultados. As conclusões obtidas são discutidas quanto ao seu contributo para incentivar as políticas sociais que considerem o reconhecimento e activação da solidariedade social local. / ABSTRACT: Social Networks, as a social structure, are an open system, highly dynamic and capable of innovation (Castells, 2000) constituting itself as an important resource to combat Poverty and Social Exclusion, through a concerted and coherent action. ln this study, we present the results of a qualitative investigation whose aim was to know the benefits of building social networks of support in fighting against poverty and social exclusion. There were performed semi-structured interviews with 13 employees of non­profit organizations, operating in network. The responses were analyzed based on Consensual Qualitative Research (Clara Hill, 1997). The results have enabled the orientation to process as the main strategic attribute of the implementation Strategies of Social Network as an adaptive measure and as capable of generating results. The main conclusions are discussed in terms of its contribution to promote social policies that consider the recognition and activation of local charities.


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This research project addresses a central question in the IS business value field: Does IS/IT investments impact positively on firm financial performance? IS/IT investments are seen as having an enormous potential impact on the competitive position of the firm, on its performance, and demand an active and motivated participation of several stakeholder groups. Actual research conducted in the Information Systems field, relating IS/IT investments with firm performance use transactions costs economics and resource-based view of the firm to try to explain and understand that relationship. However, it lacks to stress the importance of stakeholder management, as a moderator variable in that relationship. Stakeholder theory sees the firm as the hub centric to the spokes representing various stakeholders who were in essence equidistant to the firm, and survival and continuing profitability of the corporation depend upon its ability to fulfil its economic and social purpose, which is to create and distribute wealth or value sufficient to ensure that each primary stakeholder group continues as part of the corporation’s stakeholder system. Stakeholder theory in its instrumental version, argues that if a firm pays attention to the stakes of all stakeholder groups (and not just shareholders), it will obtain higher levels of financial performance. With this premise in mind, the aim of this paper is to discuss and test the use of stakeholder theory in the IS business value stream of research, in order to achieve a better understanding of the impact of IS/IT investments on firm performance (moderated by stakeholder management). To achieve the expected impact from an IS/IT investment, it is argued that firms need a strong commitment from those stakeholder groups, which lead us to the need of a corporate “stakeholder orientation”. When firm financial performance is measured by returns on assets (ROA), returns on investments (ROI) and returns on sales (ROS), the results show that “stakeholder orientation” impact positively in the relation between IS/IT and firm performance, using a sample of Portuguese large companies.


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Neste estudo, parte-se dos discursos dos educadores sociais, produzidos no grupo de discussão, para se conhecer as suas representações face à relação de ajuda que desenvolvem com as populações. Problematizou-se o conceito, analisaram-se os discursos buscando os paradigmas que orientam as intervenções, as definições de relação de ajuda, os seus objectivos, e o perfil dos educadores sociais que desenvolvem esta modalidade de intervenção. As conclusões apontam para a necessidade de a reflexão acompanhar a acção do educador social; para a coexistência de diferentes concepções sobre a relação de ajuda, variando de acordo com as orientações paradigmáticas do educador, a sua própria experiência profissional, o eu perfil pessoal e profissional. Surge reforçada a ideia de que é na relação teoria-prática que se vão configurando as práticas de intervenção, adequando-as aos sujeitos com quem se desenvolvem e activando processos internos, ao nível das capacidades e competências, pessoais e interpessoais, dos educadores sociais. /ABSTRACT: The starting point in this study is the social educators' speeches produced in the discussion group, to let us know how they view the helping relationship they develop with the populations. The concept was held as a problem needing clarification, and the speeches were analysed with a view to making understandable the paradigms, the objectives and the definitions of the helping relationship that guide their interventions; the profiles of the professionals in the group that develop this modality of intervention were also analysed. The conclusions point to the need of reflection going along with the social educator's acting. They also point to the presence in the group of different conceptions of the helping relationship, varying with the educator's paradigmatic orientation, her/his own professional experience, her/his personal and professional profile. One strong idea emerges: the intervention practices get their configuration in the relation theory-practice, in the process of making them adequate to the subjects with whom they are developed, and also because they activate the social educators' internal processes, at the level of capacities and competences, both personal and interpersonal.