6 resultados para Root lesion nematodes

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The main objective of this research was the study of the soil nematode community, and in particular plant parasitic nematodes (PPN), from a field located in Portugal’s southern region, used for sugarbeet production. The study was performed from February to July 2003, covering part of the fallow period previous to tomato cultivation, the alternative crop in the rotation. The end of the fallow period in March and the soil preparation period in May were marked by a significant reduction in the numbers of PPN, whereas their numbers increased on the following tomato crop. The genus Helicotylenchus stood out as the most representative group, forming 90% of all PPN counted each month. The genus Heterodera was relatively abundant in the months following the previous sugarbeet crop, and numbers of the genus Meloidogyne increased during the tomato crop. The correlations between these group and environmental parameters show that, apart from the direct influence of the host, pH, organic matter, temperature and soil moisture significantly influenced nematode abundance and community composition.


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Nematodes are the most abundant metazoans, comprising more than 80% of all animals alive today. Since 1743, when Needham (Needham, 1743) described the first nematode, approximately 20,000 - 30,000 species have been named, with estimates of species remaining to be described ranging from 100,000 to 1 million (Blaxter, 2004; De Ley, 2000). Unfortunately, the taxonomic community is woefully inadequate for this task. The number of taxonomists currently describing new species of nematodes around the world is less than 100, and significant increases are not expected. If each of these taxonomists were able to describe 10 new species every year, it would take between 100 to 1,000 years to name these yet to be described species.


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Os nemátodes são um grupo de invertebrados, não segmentados que formam um Filo (Nematoda) bem definido e claramente distinto dos outros grupos de organismos. Este Filo constitui um dos grupos animais mais disseminados no planeta, e em termos de número de indivíduos os nemátodes são o grupo animal mais abundante na Terra: quatro em cada cinco animais da Biosfera são nemátodes. Apesar de microscópicos, os animais multicelulares que constituem este grupo são capazes de explorar uma enorme variedade de habitats, nos mares, nas águas doces, nos solos, como parasitas de animais ou de plantas, ou mesmo em condições extremas, como nos solos secos da Antárctida ou em fontes termais (Baldwin et al. 1999). A actual informação sobre a nematofauna do arquipélago dos Açores encontra-se fraccionada e espalhada em diversas publicações científicas, mas igualmente em dados ainda não publicados (Sturhan, comunicação pessoal). Entre as diversas publicações de nemátodes para os Açores, há que salientar os trabalhos realizados por Sturhan (1973, 1975, 1983) e Macara (1994), que muito contribuíram para o conhecimento e distribuição actual das espécies de vida livre e parasitas de plantas; bem como os trabalhos de Afonso-Roque (1995) e Casanova et al. (1996) relativamente a espécies parasitas de animais, reportadas para as diferentes ilhas do arquipélago. A lista de nemátodes apresentada neste capítulo, tem como base as publicações conhecidas para o arquipélago (ver listagem de publicações até 2010 em www. naturdata.com), bem como o registo de espécies assinaladas pela primeira vez para o arquipélago (Sturhan, comunicação pessoal). A classificação utilizada baseia-se na recente revisão da sistemática e filogenia proposta por De Ley & Blaxter (2002) para todo o Filo, até ao nível da Família. A classificação dos restantes taxa segue o critério utilizado para a fauna terrestre da Fauna Europaea (http://www. faunaeur.org). É apresentada a distribuição das espécies nas nove ilhas dos Açores, usando-se a seguinte simbologia: COR – Corvo; FLO – Flores; FAI – Faial; PIC – Pico; GRA – Graciosa; SJG – São Jorge; TER – Terceira; SMG – São Miguel e SMR – Santa Maria.


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The occurrence of Bursaphelenchus species in the Czech Republic is poorly known, the first report of the genus being made by Kubátová et al. (2000) who reported the association of B. eremus with the hyphomycetous microfungus, Esteya vermicola, and the bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus, collected from Quercus robur, in central Bohemia. To date, four other species have been reported from the country, namely B. fungivorus (Braasch et al., 2002), B. hofmanni (see Braasch, 2001), B. mucronatus (see Braasch, 2001) and B. vallesianus (Gaar et al., 2006). More recently, a survey for Bursaphelenchus species associated with bark- and wood-boring insects in the Czech Republic identified B. pinophilus Brzeski & Baujard, 1997 from the Moravia region. Although this represents a new country record, it was also associated with nematangia on the hind wings of a new insect vector. A total of 404 bark- and wood-boring insects were collected from declining or symptomatic trees and screened for the presence of Bursaphelenchus. Bark and longhorn beetles were captured manually after debarking parts of the trunk displaying symptoms of insect attacks. Longhorn beetle larvae were also collected together with logs cut from the trunk. Logs were kept at room temperature in the laboratory until insect emergence. Each adult insect was individually dissected in water and examined for nematodes. All nematodes resembling dauer juveniles of Bursaphelenchus were collected and identified by molecular characterisation using a region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) containing the internal transcribed spacer regions ITS1 and ITS2. ITS-RFLP analyses using five restriction enzymes (AluI, HaeIII, HinfI, MspI, RsaI) were performed to generate the species-specific profile according to Burgermeister et al. (2009). Species identification was also confirmed by morphological data after culture of the dauers on Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Ft., growing in 5% malt extract agar. During this survey, only species belonging to the Curculionidae, subfamily Scolytinae, revealed the presence of nematodes belonging to Bursaphelenchus. Dauers of this genus were found aggregated under the elytra in nematangia formed at the root of the hind wings (Fig. 1). The dauers were identified from 12 individuals of Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst, 1783) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) collected under the bark of Pinus sylvestris trunks. Each insect carried ca 10-100 dauers. The ITS-RFLP patterns of the dauers so obtained confirmed the identification of B. pinophilus associated with this insect species. Bursaphelenchus pinophilus has been found mainly in Europe and has been reported from various countries such as Poland (Brzeski & Baujard, 1997), Germany (Braasch, 2001), and Portugal (Penas et al., 2007). The recent detection of this species associated with dead P. koraiensis in Korea (Han et al., 2009) expands its geographical distribution and potential importance. It has been found associated only with Pinus species, but very little is known about the insect vector. The bark beetle, Hylurgus ligniperda, was initially suggested as the insect vector by Pe-nas et al. (2006), although the nematode associated with this insect was later reclassified as B. sexdentati by morphological and molecular analysis (Penas et al., 2007). According to the literature, P. bidentatus has been cited as a vector of Ektaphelenchus sp. (Kakuliya, 1966) in Georgia, and an unidentified nematode species in Spain (Roberston et al., 2008). Interestingly, B. pinophilus was found in the nematangia formed at the root of the hind wings of P. bidentatus. Although this phenomenon is not so common in other Bursaphelenchus species, B. rufipennis has been found recently in such a structure on the hind wings of the insect Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kanzaki et al., 2008). Although other nematode species (e.g., Ektaphelenchus spp.) are frequently found associated within the same nematangia (see Kanzaki et al., 2008), in this particular case, only dauers of B. pinophilus were identified. The association between B. pinophilus and P. bidentatus represents the first report of this biological association and the association with the Scolytinae strengthens the tight and specific links between this group of Bursaphelenchus species and members of the Scolytinae (Ryss et al., 2005).


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“Diversidade genética dos nemátodes entomopatogénicos (Nematoda: Steinernematidae e Heterorhabditidae) e do nemátode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididade) em Portugal continental” Os nematodes entomopatogénicos são utilizados como agentes de controlo biológico. Para compreender a sua diversidade, foi realizada uma prospecção em Portugal. Cinco espécies, nomeadamente Steinernema feltiae, S. intermedium, S. kraussei, Steinernema sp. e Heterorhabditis bacteriophora foram identificadas. As sequências de ITS, região D2D3 do 28S rRNA, COXI e cytb foram utilizadas para estudar a diversidade genética das duas espécies mais abundantes, S. feltiae and H. bacteriophora, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas entre isolados. O nemátode da madeira do pinheiro, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, provoca doença nos pinheiros tendo sido detectada pela primeira vez na Europa e em Portugal em 1999. Para avaliar a diversidade genética dos isolados Portugueses e identificar o padrão de propagação da doença, foram utilizadas a sequência da região IGS do 5.8S rRNA, e os genes cytb e cellulase, combinados com os padrões ISSR. Os padrões de ISSR mostraram elevada diversidade genética entre os recentes isolados Portugueses, sugerindo a possibilidade de uma nova introdução. As árvores filogenéticas dos genes da celulase e cytb sugeriram uma origem Asiática para os isolados Portugueses; ABSTRACT: Entomopathogenic nematodes are used as biocontrol agents. To understand their diversity, a survey was undertaken in Portugal. Five species, namely Steinernema feltiae, S. intermedium, S. kraussei, Steinernema sp. and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were identified. The ITS, 28S rRNA D2D3 region, COXI and cytb sequences, used to study the genetic diversity of the two most abundant species, S. feltiae and H. bacteriophora, showed no significant differences among the isolates. Bursaphelenchus xylophilus causes severe disease in pine trees and was detected for the first time in Europe and in Portugal in 1999. To evaluate the genetic diversity of Portuguese isolates and identify disease spread pathways, the sequence of 5.8S rRNA IGS region, cytb and cellulase genes, combined with ISSR fingerprints were used. ISSR fingerprints show a high genetic variability among recent Portuguese isolates, suggesting the possibility of a new introduction. Phylogenetic trees based on cellulase and cytb genes suggests an Asian origin for Portuguese isolates.


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O fungo Pochonia chlamydospoia é um potencial agente de controlo biológico dos nemátodes-das-galhas-radiculares. Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se avaliar a eficácia de inoculações de clamidósporos no solo, no estabelecimento de uma população do fungo no solo e na raiz de tomateiro em estufa com níveis de densidade iguais ou superiores aos considerados como necessários para um eficaz controlo dos nematodes-das-galhas-radiculares. Ao longo de dois anos de ensaio, fórum efetuadas inoculações do isolado PcMR e avaliada a densidade de fungo no solo e na raiz, As inoculações efetuadas permitiram estabelecer uma população de P. chlamydosporia no solo e atingir os valores de densidade pretendidos. No entanto, os valores pretendidos para colonização da raiz pelo fungo foram atingidos apenas no primeiro ano. Foi igualmente demonstrada a capacidade do fungo em se manter no solo durante longos períodos de tempo mesmo na ausência de cultura e em condições adversas de humidade e temperatura. /ABSTRACT: Pochonia chlamydosporia is a potential root-knot nematode biological control agent. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of chlamydospore inoculations at the soil, for the establishment at both soil and greenhouse tomato root, of a fungus population in density levels equal or superior to those considered as needed for an effective control of root-knot nematode. Along two years, several inoculations using the Portuguese isolate PcMR were made and the density of fungus at the soil and roots studied. These inoculations allowed the establishment of a population of P. chlamydosporia at the soil and achieve the desired density values. However, only in the first year of assay, the desired values of root colonization by fungus were achieved. lt was also demonstrated that P. chlamydosporia can survive for itself at the soil for a long period of time even in the absence of plant culture and in adverse moist and temperature conditions.