6 resultados para Riparian reforestation
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Conhecer os requisitos ambientais por parte das espécies demonstrou ser essencial em disciplinas como a ecologia e a biologia da conservação. O presente estudo visa estudar as respostas e dependência das comunidades de aves em relação às galerias ripícolas mediterrânicas. Para tal utilizaram-se dados recolhidos pelo River Habitat Survey (RHS) e por censos por pontos de escuta, em três ribeiras no sul de Portugal. Os dados ambientais foram estruturados em matrizes de acordo com as características físicas da ribeira e das margens, e modificações antropogénicas. Enquanto os dados biológicos foram agrupados em guildas: alimentação e ocupação vertical do habitat ("estrato"). Através de análises canónicas aos a dos estruturados obtiveram-se correlações válidas entre as matrizes ambientais e as guildas, nomeadamente para indivíduos directamente dependentes da água e planadores ("aéreas"), provando a validade da metodologia e o potencial da combinação destas duas técnicas. ABSTRACT; Understanding species habitat requirements has proved to be essential in ecology and conservation biology. The present report aims to examine the responses and dependence we used data collected by River Habitat Survey (RHS) and point count censuses in three rivers in southern Portugal. The environmental data were structured in matrices according to physical characteristics of the stream, the banks and anthropogenic modifications, whilst biological data was grouped into guilds: foraging and occupation ("estate"). Through canonical analysis to structured data we obtained valid correlations between the environmental variables and species guilds, particularly for those directly dependent on water and gliders ("aéreas"), proving the validity of the methodology and the potential of these two techniques working together.
O presente estudo foi realizado numa área com 156,5 Km/ localizada nos municípios de Évora e Montemor-o-Novo, a Sul de Portugal. Cinco genetas foram seguidas via telemetria durante seis meses visando o estudo do uso do espaço e comportamento relativamente às estradas. Estas, parecem funcionar como limites das áreas vitais da geneta actuando como barreira física e/ou social aos seus movimentos. Contudo, as genetas cruzaram diferentes tipos de estrada embora com frequência reduzida. Por outro lado, as genetas adoptaram uma distância de segurança média das estradas, de 1km, onde se verifica uma aproximação durante a noite e um distanciamento durante o dia. Todos os animais evidenciaram ter uma distribuição não aleatória relativamente às estradas concentrando-se maioritariamente apenas num dos lados da estradão que indica o efeito destas infra-estruturas como barreiras parciais ao movimento. A presença de galerias ripicolas parece promover o uso das bermas e durante o estudo todos os indivíduos seleccionaram positivamente estes habitats. ABSTRACT: The present study, was conducted in a 156,5 Km 2 area, located in the Évora and Montemor-o-Novo counties, southern Portugal. Five genets were radio-tracked for six months with the purpose of studying their space use and behavior towards roads. ln this study, roads seem to be artificial boundaries to genets' home ranges acting as physical and social barrier to their movements. However, genets have crossed different types of roads, although in lower frequencies. They adopted, in average, a security distance of 1km from roads being further during the day and closer at night. Ali animals showed a not random distribution on their activity concerning roads presence and their localizations tend to concentrate on one side of the road which confirms that these infrastructures pose a significant barrier to genets' movements. The existence of riparian galleries seems to promote roadside usage and during the study genets have selected positively these habitats.
As galerias ripícolas são habitats com uma grande disponibilidade de recursos alimentares e abrigo para a fauna, estando entre os habitats mais importantes e vulneráveis do mundo. São uma fonte de produção de frutos, o que atrai muitos animais, como as aves frugívoras, que são os principais dispersores de sementes na bacia do Mediterrâneo. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi estudar os padrões de dispersão de sementes por aves na interface galeria ripícola-matriz florestal envolvente (Montado). Foram marcadas com fluorescência plantas-mãe produtoras de frutos, e utilizadas armadilhas para sementes e transectos, para a recolha dos dejetos de aves onde, posteriormente, se detetaram as sementes dispersadas. Constatou-se que a dispersão de sementes e a abundância de plantas-mãe foi superior a distâncias mais próximas da ribeira, diminuindo à medida que esta distância aumenta. A espécie mais dispersada foi Smilax aspera e as espécies com sementes de menor dimensão, foram dispersadas a uma maior distância da planta-mãe, provavelmente devido a este tipo de sementes permanecerem mais tempo no trato intestinal das aves. Os resultados deste estudo apresentam algumas implicações para a colonização da matriz adjacente por plantas produtoras de frutos; ABSTRACT: Riparian galleries are habitats with a large availability food resources and shelter for animals, being among the most important and vulnerable habitats in the world. These zones are a great source of fruits attracting many animals, such as frugivorous birds, which are the main seed dispersers in the Mediterranean basin. The objective of this thesis is the study of seed dispersal patterns by birds, in the riparian gallery and in the surrounding forest matrix (Montado). Fruits of several plant species were used to collect bird droppings and detect fluorescent seeds in those droppings. Fruit abundance and seed dispersal were higher close to the stream, and decreased rapidly with an increase in distance from the stream. From all species, the most dispersed was Smilax aspera and species with smaller seed were found at a significantly larger distance from parents plants than species with large seeds. This can be explained by the fact that smaller seed stay longer in the intestinal tract of the birds. The results of this study present some implications for the colonization of freshly fruit plants from the riparian gallery into the adjacent matrix.
Avaliámos a importância das bermas das estradas como áreas de refúgio para pequenos mamíferos, em paisagens Mediterrânicas intensivamente pastoreadas, e comparámos esta possível função das estradas como refúgio com o papel fundamental das galerias ripícolas como reservatórios de diversidade biológica. Para esse efeito, foram realizadas capturas de micromamíferos em dois segmentos de estrada e em duas ribeiras da região de Évora. Foram capturados 457 indivíduos de cinco espécies diferentes. Mus spretus foi a espécie mais capturada, seguida de Crocidura russula e Apodemus sylvaticus. M. spretus apresentou uma maior abundância nas bermas de estrada do que na vegetação ripicola, enquanto que a abundância de C. russula e A. sylvaticus era semelhante para ambos os habitats. O número de capturas das três espécies foi bastante superior dentro dos habitats lineares do que na matriz circundante. Os indivíduos de M. spretus eram maiores nas ribeiras, mas significativamente menores fora dos habitats lineares, e os indivíduos de C. russula apresentavam uma melhor condição corporal nas bermas das estradas. Tanto as estradas como as ribeiras exerceram um forte efeito de barreira aos movimentos dos micromamíferos. Concluímos então que as bermas das estradas actuam como habitat de refúgio em áreas sub-óptimas das paisagens Mediterrânicas. ABSTRACT: We assessed the importance of road verges as refuge areas for small mammals, in highly intensified grazed pastures on a Mediterranean landscape, and compared road function as refuge with the fundamental role of riparian galleries as reservoirs of biological diversity. For this purpose, a small mammal trapping study was undertaken on road verges and on small stream sides. We sampled two road segments and two streams in the vicinity of Évora, Portugal. We captured a total of 457 individuals of five different species. Mus spretus was the most common species captured, followed by Crocidura russula and Apodemus sylvaticus. M. spretus was more abundant on road verges than on riparian strips, whilst the abundance of C. russula and A. sylvaticus were similar in the two habitats. Captures of the three species were much higher inside both linear habitats than on the surrounding matrix. M. spretus were bigger on stream sites but significantly smaller outside the linear habitats and C. russula had better body conditions on roads. 8oth roads and streams exerted a strong barrier effect to small mammals' movements. We conclude that roadside verges act as refuge habitat in sub-optimal Mediterranean landscapes.
The “dicótilo-palmácea” mixed forest is found in the fluvial plains (floodplains) of watercourses on the Ceará semiarid region (Brazil), distinguishing from the surrounding vegetation (caatinga) by the prevalence of larger tree species. In the river’s margins, presenting high variability in the extension of the riverbanks, arise floodplains in pedologic complexes mainly composed by neossols and argissols, resulting from the deposition of sediments. In these areas of high fertility soils and subjected to flooding during part of the year, it develops a particular type of riparian vegetation dominated by carnauba palm tree (Copernicia prunifera (Mill.) H.E. Moore) forming a particular type of riparian forest, designated by carnaubal palm forest. We aimed to carry out floristic and phytosociological surveys of carnauba palm forests located in the northern region of Ceará. The classical sigmatist method of Braun-Blanquet was applied and classification analysis (Twinspan) was perfomed. The field work occurred in March 2014 and 2016 in eight areas: Fazenda Pedra Branca (03º 37’ 10’’ S e 40º 18’ 30’’ W, 104 m asl), Vale do Rio Bom Jesus (04º 04’ 42’’ S e 39º 57’ 08’’ W, 200 m asl), Lagoa do Peixe (03º 56’ 28’’ S e 40º 23’ 23’’ W, 97 m asl), Fazenda Peixes (04º 06’ 03’’ S e 40º 32’ 43’’ W, 114 m asl), Fazenda Natividade (04º 02’ 50’’ S e 40º 29’ 03’’ W, 109 m asl), Fazenda Morro Alto (02º 53’ 42’’ S e 39º 54’ 51’’ W, 16 m asl), Fazenda Araticum (03º 04’ 58’’ S e 40º 09’ 36’’ W, 19 m asl) and Fazenda Experimental da UVA (03º 37' 04'' S 40º 18' 18'' W, 200 m asl).The floristic list consists of 170 species, distributed between 127 genera and 50 families. Twenty-seven Brazilian endemic species were identified, from which 8 are exclusive of the Caatinga biome. The Fabaceae was the most representative family, with the highest number of species (28), followed by Poaceae (17), Malvaceaea (14), Euphorbiaceae (12), Asteraceaea (9), Convolvulaceae and Rubiaceae (9). The dominant life forms were therophytes (34%), phanerophytes (30%) and chamaephytes (18%). Two communities were identified as a result of the classification analysis using the Twinspan.
Context Understanding connectivity patterns in relation to habitat fragmentation is essential to landscape management. However, connectivity is often judged from expert opinion or species occurrence patterns, with very few studies considering the actual movements of individuals. Path selection functions provide a promising tool to infer functional connectivity from animal movement data, but its practical application remains scanty. Objectives We aimed to describe functional connectivity patterns in a forest carnivore using path-level analysis, and to explore how connectivity is affected by land cover patterns and road networks. Methods We radiotracked 22 common genets in a mixed forest-agricultural landscape of southern Portugal. We developed path selection functions discriminating between observed and random paths in relation to landscape variables. These functions were used together with land cover information to map conductance surfaces. Results Genets moved preferentially within forest patches and close to riparian habitats. Functional connectivity declined with increasing road density, but increased with the proximity of culverts, viaducts and bridges. Functional connectivity was favoured by large forest patches, and by the presence of riparian areas providing corridors within open agricultural land. Roads reduced connectivity by dissecting forest patches, but had less effect on riparian corridors due to the presence of crossing structures. Conclusions Genet movements were jointly affected by the spatial distribution of suitable habitats, and the presence of a road network dissecting such habitats and creating obstacles in areas otherwise permeable to animal movement. Overall, the study showed the value of path-level analysis to assess functional connectivity patterns in human-modified landscapes.