7 resultados para Quality at work life
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Carne do alguidar is a Portuguese traditional pork fried meat, usually manufactured for self-consumption purposes. This study developed a ready-to-eat (RTE) meat product, to meet today's consumers’ convenience, manufactured at the industrial scale evaluating its quality and shelf-life, assessing the effect of vacuum packaging and the use of an antioxidant (50 ppm BHT) to enhance oxidative stability. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters were assessed and a sensory analysis was performed. Interestingly, no significant differences were recorded between control (non-BHT) and antioxidant (BHT) samples. Microbiological counts remained at low levels throughout the storage period, ensuring the product’s required microbiological quality. At later storage stages, higher values of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances arose and off flavours and aromas were perceived. Still, overall appreciation was not affected until 12 months storage and a significant depreciation was perceived only after 15 months. Fibrousness and rising of off flavours were negatively correlated with overall appreciation.
Ser enfermeiro supõe lidar com a ciência do cuidar. Porém, cada vez mais existe a preocupação de que estes profissionais igualmente devem ser cuidados. A qualidade de vida no trabalho deve ser transversal a todas as profissões e todos os trabalhadores, incluindo o assegurar da saúde, segurança e higiene no trabalho, assim como o bom relacionamento entre os colegas, um óptimo ambiente de trabalho e a prevenção de riscos psicossociais; para que a qualidade de vida no trabalho ocorra no seio laboral, a organização deve ter como objectivo a realização pessoal dos trabalhadores na sua profissão. Intrínseca a esta qualidade de vida, a motivação assume um papel preponderante na tomada de decisão dos trabalhadores, e, em particular, nos enfermeiros - existe o impulso que leva as pessoas a desempenharem determinadas actividades, atitudes ou funções. Neste âmbito, foi desenvolvido um estudo que englobou a população de enfermeiros do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora, apresentando como objectivo principal a verificação da motivação como variável determinante da qualidade de vida no trabalho desses mesmos profissionais. Foi efectuado um estudo de caso, recorrendo-se a uma metodologia mista para a validação ou não das hipóteses, estabelecendo-se a investigação num método não-experimental. Com este estudo pretende-se criar um instrumento de apoio aos órgãos de gestão do hospital mencionado, assim como às instituições influentes da zona de Évora. ABSTRACT: Being a nurse involves dealing with the science of caring. However, increasingly there is a concern that these professionals also should be well-taken care of. The quality of working life must be transversal to all the professions and all the workers, including assuring health, security and hygiene at work, as well as the good relationship between the colleagues, an excellent working environment and prevention of psychosocial risks; so that the quality of working life occurs within the workplace, the organization must have as its objective the fulfillment of workers in their profession. Intrinsic to this quality of life, motivation assumes a preponderant role in the decision making of the workers, and, in particular the nurses- the impulse exists to lead people to perform certain acts, attitudes or functions. ln this context, it was developed a study that involved the nurses in the Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora E.P.E., presenting as its main objective the verification of motivation as a variable determining the quality of working life of these same professionals. We used a case study, involving a mixed methodology to validate or not the hypotheses, consequentially a non-experimental method in this research. With this research it is intended to create an instrument to support the management of the hospital in study, as well as the influential institutions in the area of Évora.
Os conceitos de qualidade e capital humano são amplamente conhecidos e a sua importância aceite por todos. A aplicação destes pressupostos à realidade do trabalho temporário, tomou-se um imperativo face ao contexto económico actual, repleto de rápidas mudanças organizacionais, caracterizado por colaboradores detentores de um novo leque de competências e flexibilidade profissional. Ao longo deste trabalho. procurou-se analisar a possível integração do trabalho temporário num novo modelo de relações laborais, na tentativa de distanciamento da corrente associação do trabalho temporário a uma "forma atípica de trabalho'', estabelecendo ainda uma breve evolução do trabalho temporário na Península de Setúbal. baseada na apreciação de trabalhos análogos. Em resultado da aplicação de questionário. definiu-se uma hierarquia de características individuais e organizacionais, como critério válido para um futuro processo de recrutamento e selecção, permitindo averiguar, ao nível do individuo, um aumento de competências profissionais e técnicas, acompanhado pelo incremento de formação e experiência profissional. Concluindo ao nível organizacional que qualidades como flexibilidade e dinamismo, aliado à experiência profissional, são factores críticos no processo de recrutamento e selecção, sendo imprescindíveis na procura contínua da qualidade, facilitando o alcance da excelência individual e organizacional. ABSTRACT: Quality and Human Capital are widely know concepts and their importance is accepted by all. Therefore, it has become imperative to make use of them in the contex t of temporary work given the current economic situation for they are present wherever organizational change happens rapidly and stakeholders possess a wide range of professional competencies and flexibility. The aim of this work is to study the possible integration of temporary work into a new model for labour relations, in an effort to distance temporay work from the notion of "atypical form of work" with which it is presently associated. Moreover, it presents a brief evolution of temporary work in the Peninsula of Setúbal, based on the analiysis of similar works. The findings obtained from our surveys ena bled us to define a hierarchy of individual and organizational characteristics which can serve as valid criteria in future recruitment and selection processes. With these processes it is al so possible to assess any increase of professional and technical competencies regarding the individual as well improvement as regards training and professional experience. At the organizational level, qualities such as nexibility and dynamism, together with professional experience, turned out to be critical factors in the recruitment and selection process. Not only are they indispensable in the constant pursuit of quality, but they also make it easy to achieve individual and organizational excellence.
Os conceitos de Qualidade de Vida e Psycap tem vindo a ganhar popularidade nas últimas décadas. Vários têm sido os fatores que têm contribuído para este crescente interesse nas questões que envolvem estes dois conceitos. Por um lado, temos a qualidade de vida e a sua importância para o desenvolvimento da sociedade e por outro, o psycap e todas as vantagens que traz o seu desenvolvimento nos indivíduos. Partindo da importância que a qualidade de vida tem para o individuo pretendeu-se com este trabalho compreender de que forma esta poderá fomentar o desenvolvimento de psycap nos indivíduos. Utilizando a amostra do estudo "Os Melhores Municípios para Viver", estudou-se de que forma as perceções de qualidade de vida dos indivíduos fomentam o surgimento de psycap. A análise dos resultados revelou que o psycap dos indivíduos é explicado, ainda que de uma forma moderada, pelos indicadores da qualidade de vida urbana. /ABSTRACT: The concepts of Quality of Life and PsyCap has gained popularity in the recent decades. There have been several factors that have contributed to this growing interest in issues surrounding these two concepts. On one hand, we have quality of life and its importance to the development of society and secondly, PsyCap and all the benefits it brings to their development on individuals. Starting from the importance that quality of life has for the individual, the goal of this research was to understand how quality of life can encourage the development of PsyCap individuals. Using the sample of the study "Os Melhores Municípios para Viver", we studied how the perceptions of quality of life of individuals foster the emergence of PsyCap on them. The results showed that the PsyCap of individuals is explained, although in a moderate way by the indicators of quality of urban life.
O presente relatório tem como objetivo a explanação e a discussão de forma concisa da atividade docente desenvolvida no ano letivo 2012/2013, na Escola Básica 2,3/S Cunha Rivara de Arraiolos com as turmas do 8.º C e 11.º D nas disciplinas de Ciências Naturais e Saúde respetivamente, sob a orientação da Doutora Marília Cid. Apresentam-se os fundamentos teóricos que sustentaram o delineamento de todas as metodologias e estratégias de ensino no sentido de promover situações de aprendizagem significativa aos alunos das turmas referidas. Este é também um testemunho da participação ativa no projeto de educação para a saúde em colaboração com as entidades promotoras de saúde no Concelho de Arraiolos no sentido de organizar atividades extracurriculares propiciadoras da aprendizagem nesta dimensão, com a dinamização de sessões de esclarecimento de Educação Sexual a várias turmas da escola e a produção de um website informativo e de apoio aos alunos do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e do Ensino Secundário sobre Educação Sexual. Foi apanágio deste trabalho a análise e reflexão também evidenciadas no trabalho de investigação sobre as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito da Educação para a Saúde mas também em toda a atividade de lecionação. Esta análise e reflexão, bem como a pesquisa individual e o trabalho colaborativo permitiram o desenvolvimento progressivo das minhas capacidades, da qualidade do trabalho desenvolvido e o melhoramento da formação académica. /ABSTRACT: This report aims at explaining concisely and discussion of teaching developed in the academic year 2012/2013, at Escola Básica 2,3 / S Cunha Rivara in Arraiolos with classes C from 8th grade class and D from 11th , in the disciplines of Natural Sciences and Health respectively under the guidance of PhD Teacher Marilia Cid. Here we present the theoretical foundations that supported the design of all methodologies and teaching strategies to promote meaningful learning situations for students of classes above. This is also a testament to the active participation in the design of health education in collaboration with the health promoters in the County of Arraiolos to organize extracurricular activities conducive learning these dimensions, the organization of information sessions to various Sex Education school classes and the production of an informational website to support the students of the 3rd cycle and Secondary Education on Sexual Education. It was the hallmark of this work, analysis and reflection evidenced in research work on the activities within the Health Education but also of the entire teaching activity. This analysis and reflection as well as individual research and collaborative work allowed the progressive development of my abilities, quality of work and the improvement of academic training.
The objective of the present work was to develop stategies for raising the shelf-life of red raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.). The quality of red raspberries over shelf-life after coated with alginate plus Brazilian Citrus essential oils was evaluated. Edible coatings did not significantly influence the firmness loss, soluble solids content (SCC), and brightness of fruits over time, when compared to control, nevertheless all edible coatings with essential oils induced higher weight loss than those samples in which the essential oils were not incorporated. Fruits coated with alginate plus lime essential oil (0.2%) or orange essential oil (0.1%) after 15 days of storage had less red skin, but were darker than the remaining samples. The less red colour verified in these samples was also coincident with the lower concentration of anthocyanins at the end of the experiment as well as the lower capacity for scavenging ABTS free radicals or quenching singlet oxygen. The edible coatings supplemented with the essential oil of orange either at 0.1 % or 0.2 % were very efficient to control the yeasts and moulds growth after 15 days of storage. To control the development of aerobic mesophilic bacteria the use of essential oil of lemon 0.2% and essential oil of orange 0.1% were the most efficient. The essential oils used in the edible coatings did not significantly change the sensorial properties of the fruit. Cyanidin-3-O-sophoroside, cyanidin-3-O-glucosylrutinoside, cyanidin-3-O-xylosylrutinoside, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside, pelargonidin-3-O-sophoroside, pelargonidin-3-O-glucosylrutinoside, pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside, pelargonidin 3-O-rutinoside were found in raspberries fruits. An unknown cyanidin derivative was also found in all samples, constituting 27.4% of total anthocyanin content.
This paper aims to discuss the specificities of the role of services in the economic structuring and in the social liveliness and attractiveness of periurban areas. Drawing upon on the result of an empirical work developed in 5 different parishes of Lisbon Metropolitan area, which represent five categories of periurban spaces previously identified, it is analysed the role of services in these “in-between” territories and the way they are important in the spatial economic structuring of these areas and in the quality of life and well-being of their inhabitants and users. A tentative typology for framing the analysis of the role of services on periurban metropolitan spaces is suggested and some policy implications are pointed out.