3 resultados para Ptoject 2005-001-C : Sydney Opera House – FM Exemplar project

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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City & Spectacle: a vision of pre-earthquake Lisbon consists of a virtual recrea on of the city of Lis- bon on the eve of the great earthquake of 1 November 1755, giving shape to a laboratory model for research into the city’s history. As its star ng point the project has the virtual recrea on of one the most emblema c of spaces from 18th century Lisbon, the Royal Opera House, which disappeared during the 1755 earthquake. The recrea on of the Opera House was developed in the scope of the commemora- ons of the 250th anniversary of the 1755 catastrophe as an a empt to restore this space of the highest ar s c quality to memory and to return it to the inventory of the Portuguese heritage of architectural history.1 Using Second Life® technology it was possible to put forward a model of both the struc- ture and interiors of the Opera House as well as its anima on combined with a small piece of the opera presented at the inaugura on of the building in April 1755. The public presenta on of this virtual model at the conference 1755: Catástrofe, memória e arte (1755: catastrophe, memory and art), which took place at the Centro de Estudos Compara- stas, Universidade de Lisboa, led to a debate on the study and cri cal analysis of documentary sources and their selec on and applica on on recrea ons using virtual world technology. It also emphasized the need to extend the research on pre-earthquake Lisbon.


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Tendo por base o contexto histórico e patrimonial no qual se desenvolveu o interesse pelo património industrial em Portugal, a partir do último quartel do século passado, este trabalho procura ser um contributo para a valorização histórica e patrimonial de um espaço industrial de grandes dimensões como foi o caso do Complexo Industrial da C.U.F. no Barreiro. O trabalho estrutura-se em duas partes, na primeira parte abordamos o tema Património Industrial na sua génese e enquadramento histórico como conceito e suas perspetivas de preservação e valorização; seguidamente faremos uma pequena síntese histórica do Barreiro até ao Complexo Industrial da C.U.F., onde abordaremos também o aumento populacional e o crescimento urbano, passando pelo problema da habitação e o surgimento dos Bairros Operários até aos espaços de lazer e catividades culturais ligadas ao Operariado, não esquecendo as estruturas de saúde, assistência, lazer e as politicas sociais. Na segunda parte abordaremos a importância de valorizar o património industrial e consequentemente o Complexo Industrial com a proposta de um programa de valorização do mesmo, através da criação de núcleos museológicos e de um roteiro de Património Industrial. ABSTRACT: The Human Facet of the Industrial Complex of C.U.F.- a Heritage to Preserve The foundation of this Project is the historical heritage for which developed the interest in Portugal's industrial heritage from the last quarter of the past century. This project has the intention to contribute to the historical and heritage valorization of one of the biggest industrial complexes, which was the case of the Industrial Complex C.U.F. in Barreiro. This project has two parts, the first part will be about defining the theme of industrial heritage and its genesis and the historical setting as a concept and its perspectives of preservation and valorization; afterwards, we will do a small historical synopsis of Barreiro including the Industrial Complex of C.U.F., where we will also refer to the increase in population growth and the urban development, followed by the housing problem and consequently the increase of working class neighborhoods, even to the prices of leisure and culture activities related to the working class, not forgetting the health structures, assistance, leisure and social politics. ln the second part, we will also talk about the importance of valorizing industrial heritage, and subsequently the Industrial Complex, with a proposal of a valorization programme of the Complex with the creation of a museological core as well as an industrial heritage guide.


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Due to economical and scientific limitations, sheep embryo reproductive technologies are less commercially applied than in other animal species. However, it is very clear that, in the near future, those techniques are expected to have a central role in animal production as a consequence of genetic and reproductive demands. One drawback is that results obtained after sheep embryo cryopreservation are unattractive for commercial purposes. It is expected that a successful cryopreservation of sheep embryos can push forward all other reproductive biotechnologies in this species, such as multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET), artificial insemination, or in vitro production of embryos. This paper tries to discuss the current and future perspectives of cryopreservation of in vivo- and in vitro-produced sheep embryos concerning advantages and limitations for its practical use and possible solutions for improving methods to allow a higher survival rate of cryopreserved embryos.