6 resultados para Portuguese army

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Os Organismos públicos encontram-se, actualmente, a desenvolver estudos a nível dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão, motivados pela necessidade que existe em adoptar novas técnicas de Gestão capazes de responder às novas exigências de informação. Em termos gerais, os Organismos públicos encontram-se numa fase de viragem na sua actuação, em que surge a necessidade de dispor de novos sistemas de informação capazes de dar resposta às exigências da Nova Gestão Pública. É certo que a Nova Gestão Pública conduz a uma maior motivação, proporcionando uma melhoria na obtenção dos resultados e modernizando a relação entre o controlo das despesas públicas e a prestação de contas a nível dos órgãos do Estado, e onde a uniformização de critérios se apresenta como um dos principais requisitos para criar condições de implementação de uma contabilidade pública que funcione como instrumento de apoio aos utilizadores da informação e, em particular, aos Órgãos de Chefia e Direcção. Este trabalho analisa o caso do Exército Português, como exemplo de um Organismo público que aproveitou a obrigatoriedade de adesão ao novo Regime de Administração Financeira do Estado, para promover a implementação de um Sistema Integrado de Gestão capaz de responder às novas exigências de informação. Analisam-se também as estratégias de actuação e reorientação organizacional utilizadas pelo Exército Português, de modo a permitir o desenvolvimento e implementação do sistema baseado na uniformização de critérios que garanta os requisitos e as técnicas de Gestão capazes de criar condições para desenvolver uma contabilidade pública que funcione como instrumento de apoio à decisão. ABSTRACT; At present, government entities are developing studies at an Integrated Management System level, impelled by the actual need of adopting new Management techniques capable of responding to the new demands regarding Information. ln global terms, government entities are reaching a turning point in its way of acting, due to the arising need of settling new information systems which provide an answer to the demands of the New Public Management. It is assured that the New Public Management leads to a higher motivation, providing an improvement in accomplishing results and modernizing the link between the control of public expenditure and presenting accounts of State Organs. It also presents the criteria standards as one of the main requirements to create implementation conditions of a public accounting which operates as a support mean to the information users and, more specifically, to the Command and Boarding Bodies. This study analyses the Portuguese Army, an example of government entity which seized the obligation of joining the New Public Financial Management Regime to promote the implementation of an Integrated Management System capable of responding to the new information demands. The performing strategies and organizational refocus used by the Portuguese Army are also analyzed in order to allow the development and implementation of the system. It is based in the standard criteria that secure the requirements and Management techniques which enable the progress of a public accounting acting as a support resource in decision-making.


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Este relatório tem como objetivo final a conclusão dum ciclo de estudos na área da gestão de recursos humanos. Decorrido no quartel Militar, a Direção de Formação em Évora e ainda com passagens por dois locais relacionados com recrutamento, possibilitou uma análise e compreensão de como é efetuado a formação e o recrutamento militar em Portugal dentro e fora do Exército. O capital humano e a gestão de recursos humanos são os ativos mais valiosos de uma empresa, desse modo, compreender as necessidades e antecipá-las torna-se fundamental para o bom desempenho de uma organização. Não só a gestão, mas a aposta em investimento e educação, reciclagem profissional e modernização são fatores a definir com cuidado e precaução por parte das repartições e do comando de pessoal. Do mesmo modo, o envelhecimento, a obsolescência e deterioração são fatores que podem influenciar de forma negativa o desempenho de uma organização; The recruitment and training in the Military Forces. The Portuguese Army Abstract: This report is the conclusion of a cycle of studies in the area of management of human resources. The internship in the headquarters - Direção de Formação do Exército- and two other locations, made it clear and understandable for me to comprehend and analyze the recruitment process and military training in and outside of the Portuguese army. The human capital and the management of human recourses are the most valuable assets of a company. Understanding the needs and anticipate them becomes vital to the performance of an organization. Not only the management, but also the investment in education, retraining and modernization, are key factors that should be defined with care and precaution by the divisions in command of the staff. At the same time, the obsolescence, aging, and deterioration can be negative factors to the organization.


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The importance of student’s engagement has been recently pointed out in research. However, there has been a lack of engagement assessment instrument, pertaining psychometric qualities. Objective: This paper presents the Portuguese adaptation of the “Student’s Engagement in School International Scale” (SESIS), drawn up from a12 countries international study (Lam et al., 2012; Lam et al., in press). Method: Psychometric properties of this scale were examined with data from 685 students from different grades (6th, 7th, 9th and 10th), from both sexes, and different regions of the country. Results: Factorial analysis of the results, with varimax rotation, lead to three different factors which explain 50.88% of the variance. The scale integrates the original 33 items, and cognitive, affective and behavioural dimensions. For the external validity study, the relationship between student’s engagement in school results and other school variables — academic performance, self-concept — was considered, and significant relations were observed, as expected. Conclusion: The data presented highlights the qualities of SESIS, as well as its usefulness for research purposes. Suggestion: It is suggested the investigation of the extension of SESIS’s three-dimensionality, in future studiesKeywords: Innovation, technology, research projects, etc. [Arial 10-point, justified alignment].


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The importance of student’s engagement has been recently pointed out in research. However, there has been a lack of engagement assessment instruments, showing psychometric qualities, such as reliability and validity. Objective: This paper presents the Portuguese adaptation of the “Student’s Engagement in Schools International Scale” (SESIS), drawn up from 12 countries international study (Lam et al., 2012; Lam et al., in press). Method: Psychometric properties of this scale were examined using data from 685 students, of both sexes, and from different grades (6th, 7th, 9th and 10th), and regions of the country. Results: Factorial analysis of the results, with varimax rotation, conducted to three different factors which explain 62,19% of the variance. The scale integrates the original 33 items, and cognitive, affective and behavioural dimensions. For the external validity study, the relationship between student’s engagement in school results and other school variables — academic performance, school conduct — was considered, and significant relations were observed, as expected. Conclusion: The data presented highlights the qualities of SESIS, as well as its usefulness for research purpose. Suggestion: It is suggested the investigation of the extension of SESIS’s three-dimensionality, in future studies


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The start of university is presented as a crucial stage in the life of the student. If, on the one hand, it is a period of increased autonomy and freedom, on the other, it is a period that also increases the sense of responsibility and self discipline. In this study, based on a quantitative approach, we identified the main risk situations experienced by freshmen at the University of Evora, by applying a questionnaire developed for this purpose and the Beck inventory. Key findings are highlighted, such as the consumption of harmful substances (tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs), whose values exceed the average population. The consumption of alcoholic beverages begins early and is continuous and excessive. Also, the presence of symptoms compatible with dysphoria and depression is noted in about 9% of students. Self-medication practices were found in 58.7% of the freshmen. Our findings reveal the need for preventive intervention by health professionals, due to these young people’s great exposure to health risks.


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The main aim of this chapter is to analyze the social and political effects of dynastic marriages between the Portuguese and Castilian-Aragonese crowns on the configuration of transnational, aristocratic families during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. To illustrate these questions we have chosen to follow the Soares de Alarcão family (known in Spain as Suárez de Alarcón) and the paths it took between the royal houses of Portugal and Castile for seven generations. The working hypothesis of the chapter is that the identity of the Iberian nobility during this era was characterized by a shared noble culture rather than by any particular features derived from the family’s land of origin. That assumption allows us to discuss whether the use of a particular language or culture indicates ties or political loyalties based on criteria of nationality, or, at the very least, place of birth. Therefore, this essay discusses the miscegenation of Iberian nobilities derived from dynastic marriages. It articulates the structural characteristics of this group and its political impact with the individual trajectories and historical contexts in which they developed. While these topics can be of interest for the comprehension of Portuguese early modern history, they can also help us to reflect more broadly on processes of identity construction.