5 resultados para Portugal social state

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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By the end of the fifteenth century most European countries had witnessed a profound reformation of their poor relief and health care policies. As this book demonstrates, Portugal was among them and actively participated in such reforms. Providing the first English language monograph on this topic, Laurinda Abreu examines the Portuguese experience and places it within the broader European context. She shows that, in line with much that was happening throughout the rest of Europe, Portugal had not only set up a systematic reform of the hospitals but had also developed new formal arrangements for charitable and welfare provision that responded to the changing socioeconomic framework, the nature of poverty and the concerns of political powers. The defining element of the Portuguese experience was the dominant role played by a new lay confraternity, the confraternity of the Misericórdia, created under the auspices of King D. Manuel I in 1498. By the time of the king's death in 1521 there were more than 70 Misericórdias in Portugal and its empire, and by 1640, more than 300. All of them were run according to a unified set of rules and principles with identical social objectives. Based upon a wealth of primary source documentation, this book reveals how the sixteenth-century Portuguese crown succeeded in implementing a national poor relief and health care structure, with the support of the Papacy and local elites, and funded principally through pious donations. This process strengthened the authority of the royal government at a time which coincided with the emergence of the early modern state. In so doing, the book establishes poor relief and public health alongside military, diplomatic and administrative authorities, as the pillars of centralisation of royal power.


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O presente trabalho aborda a problemática da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial no âmbito das Pequenas e Médias Empresas, e corresponde à dissertação exigida para conclusão do Mestrado em Gestão da Universidade de Évora. Analisa-se o 'estado da arte' naquela matéria, verifica-se que o problema da responsabilidade social não é uma novidade das últimas décadas e apresenta-se o resultado da aplicação no Alentejo de um inquérito utilizado no Brasil pela Ethos-Sebrae para medir a consciencialização das PME relativamente às questões da Responsabilidade Social. Conclui-se pela necessidade de implementar acções de formação, sensibilização e assessoria, junto dos pequenos empresários, através de Instituições sem fins lucrativos. ABSTRACT: This work is focused on the subjects of small and medium size enterprises concerning the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and it is the required exposition for the conclusion of the Master’s degree in Management given by the University of Évora. lt contains the analysis of the "state of the art" in this subject, confirming that the problem of social responsibility is not a new concern in the last decades. Besides it presents the result of the application in Alentejo of an inquire used in Brazil by Ethos- Sebrae to measure the level of conscience of the small and medium size companies in what concerns to their social responsibility. lt comes to the conclusion it is required that non-profit institutions should implement workshops, actions of awareness and advisory directed to small enterprisers.


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This chapter explores the relationship between environmental conflicts and technical progress, trying to understand, in the case of large mines of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, in Alentejo, how emerging environmental problems conditioned the performance or led to the search for alternative technical solutions, taking as chronological limit for this observation the beginning of World War II. In the absence of the archives of the companies, the research was based on existing administrative documents in the state archives (mining engineers reports, the licensing of mining activities), on reports and documents published in specialized mining press, in particular, the Bulletin of the Ministry of Public Works, Trade and Industry, the Journal of Public Works, Trade and Industry (both in Portuguese), and finally in the local press. Despite that limitation, the information available shows that in global competition markets, the success of the British enterprise in Santo Domingo had the active search for new technical solutions for the creation and adaptation of existing knowledge to local problems in order to maximize the mineral resources available. The early development of the hydrometallurgical processes for the treatment of poor ores, named ‘natural cementation’, can be explained as the way these companies tried to solve problems of competitiveness, boosting economies of scale. Thus, they transferred the environmental costs previously limited to agriculture to more fragile social groups, the poor fishermen of Guadiana River and of Vila Real de Santo António. Therefore, the hydrometallurgy of pyrites was developed locally, pioneered in Santo Domingo that allowed the survival and expansion of the British company from the late 1870s, that is, at a time when most small mines shut since they were not able to compete globally. Through different consented and regulated processes (judicial), through conflict or parliamentary mediation, the State imposed exceptionally additional costs to companies, either for compensation, the imposing the application of remediation measures to reduce the environmental damage in some cases, thus contributing to derail some projects. These cases suggest that the interaction between local conflicts, corporate behavior and technological progress proves to be complex. This article aims to contribute to the debate on economic and social history between the environment and technological progress, arguing that the fixed costs and economic imponderable social risks were factors that encouraged the companies to search for new solutions and to introduce innovations since that would allow the expansion of their activity. In this process the companies sometimes faced environmental dilemmas and unforeseen costs with consequences on the economy of firms. The nature of the knowledge needed to address the environmental problems they created, however, is of a very different nature from that knowledge needed to face the environmental burdens that were inherent to the development of its activity.


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In 1999, the pinewood nematode (PWN) , Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was found and identified for the first time in Portugal and in Europe. Following detection, Portuguese authorities initiated the implementation of eradication measures during 1999 and 2000, following an alert provided to European Community officials; as a result, the nematode was confirmed to be confined in the Setúbal region, near Lisbon. A task force from the follow-up group (GANP) created by the Secretary of State for the Rural Development established a national eradication programme (PROLUNP) to (1) Contain PWN within the initial geographic limits; (2) Implement eradication measures; and (3) Monitor PWN at a national level. Research is presently being conducted both at universities as well as research institutes, focusing on the characterization ofBursaphelenchus species associated with maritime pine, as well as on the insect vector, Monochamus galloprovincialis. Recent reports indicate that the nematode may be present in Siberia (Russia), which would present a threat to Eastern European forestry. Efforts are presently being developed by several European countries to establish a research consortium to detect and study the possible presence of PWN, for a new PRAs. A recent workshop held in Portugal, in 2001, has been an oportunity for sharing experiences and techniques on detection and control. There is clearly a greater awareness of this issue in Europe.


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Tema e referencial teórico: Ao longo da história da humanidade, diversos acontecimentos foram alterando paulatinamente o entendimento da violência entre humanos. Atualmente e, do ponto de vista concetual, prevalece a perspetiva afirmada no 1º artigo da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos que afirma que “todas as pessoas nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e direitos. São dotadas de razão e consciência e devem agir em relação umas às outras com espírito de fraternidade”, a qual exclui qualquer tipo de violência (Lopes, Gemito e Pinheiro, 2012, p. 17). No combate à violência doméstica, o papel dos serviços de saúde é essencial pois, os profissionais de saúde contactam com as pessoas ao longo do ciclo vital, pelo que devem questionar todos os aspetos que dizem respeito à saúde e bem-estar destas. A conjugação das competências de profissionais de diferentes áreas, em equipas multidisciplinares, consubstancia-se num enorme potencial de intervenção. Objetivo: Compreender a representação social da violência doméstica Metodologia: Estudo de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa. Amostra intencional composta por 55 pessoas, com 18 ou mais anos de idade, residentes no distrito de Évora. O instrumento de recolha de dados é composto por 4 partes: caraterização sócio biográfica; Evocação sobre Violência Doméstica; “Entrevista”, compreende um guião de entrevista narrativa; exposição do entrevistado a violência doméstica ao longo da vida e no último ano. Recorreu-se ao Software SPSS® Statistic e ao Software Evoc®. Foram salvaguardados todos os aspetos éticos relativos a estudos com seres humanos. Resultados: A maioria dos inquiridos (74,5%) é do sexo feminino, média de idades de 47 anos, nível de escolaridade elevado, maioritariamente casados/união de facto (69,1%). Vivem essencialmente em agregados familiares de 3 elementos e trabalham, na sua maioria, por conta de outrem (67,3%). A maioria considera pertencer à classe média. A análise às evocações do estímulo violência doméstica com recurso ao software Evoc®, identificou 6 elementos do núcleo central: maus tratos, agressão, agressão física, não devia existir, desrespeito e medo e 7 elementos na 2ª periferia: tristeza, falta de relação, vítima, divórcio, álcool, agressão sexual e dor. Sobre a violência em geral referiram que não é relatada por medo, identificaram algumas causas e consequências e consideraram ser algo intolerável e preocupante, um grave problema social. Através de entrevista narrativa, apelo a vivências diretas ou indiretas, os 31 entrevistados caraterizaram a violência e identificaram os papéis de familiares, amigos, profissionais de saúde e forças de segurança face à violência. Quando confrontados com uma notícia de jornal sobre uma situação de violência classificaram o ato como intolerável, identificaram a atitude da vítima, atributos do agressor e as consequências. Sobre a exposição a violência doméstica ao longo da vida e no último ano, 14 pessoas, entre as quais 2 homens e 2 idosas, foram vítimas ao longo da vida e 2 ainda o foram no último ano. Conclusões: De uma forma geral consideram a violência como algo injustificável, intolerável e criminoso, associada frequentemente ao álcool e à necessidade de exercer poder sobre a vítima, um grave problema social, muitas vezes não relatada por medo ou questões culturais. Resultam daí consequências graves, depressão, suicídio, danos físicos e psicológicos e medo. A violência, atualmente, converteu-se num problema de saúde pública quer pelo facto em si e a sua dimensão, quer pelas repercussões que tem sobre a saúde das vítimas aos mais diversos níveis. Bibliografia:  Lopes, M.; Gemito, L. & Pinheiro, F. (coord.). (2012). Violência Doméstica – Manual de Recursos para a Rede de Intervenção Integrada do Distrito de Évora. Évora: Universidade de Évora.  V Plano Nacional contra a Violência Doméstica – Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 102/2013 31 de Dezembro 2013, http://dre.pt/pdf1sdip/2010/12/24300/0576305773.pdf  Relatório Anual de Segurança Interna 2013. www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/documentos-oficiais/20140401-rasi-2013.aspx