2 resultados para Ports -- Indonésie
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
A integração de sistemas é uma necessidade cada vez mais necessária face à exigência e competitividade dos negócios. Uma forma de respondermos a estes factos é através da tecnologia, acompanhando-a e aprofundando-a. O presente documento apresenta uma proposta de solução tecnológica a estes factos. O caso que iremos abordar trata-se da necessidade de renovar o sistema de gestão portuária a nível nacional, garantido uma continuidade de negócio, assim como a implementação de novas funcionalidades que permitam a esta plataforma ser totalmente independente e integrável com outros sistemas e/ou adaptável a outras organizações no futuro. SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, foi a filosofia adoptada para garantir a facilitação do tráfego marítimo através da harmonização de processos e procedimentos entre os vários portos, fundamentalmente no referente à interconexão e interoperabilidade, e a partilha e troca electrónica de informação processual entre os vários membros da comunidade marítima e portuária. ABSTRACT; System integration is a necessity progressively more required due to the business demand and competitiveness. It is possible to respond to the latter facts with technology, by following it and developing it. This study proposes a technological solution for the abovementioned facts. The case to be addressed is the need to renovate the port management system in a nationwide scale, assuring simultaneously the continuity of the business and the implementation of new functionalities that allow for this platform to be utterly independent and applicable to other systems and/or adaptable to other organizations in the future. SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, was the theory adopted to guarantee the simplification of the maritime traffic, by harmonizing the processes and the procedures among the several ports, especially concerning the interconnection and interoperability, and the electronic sharing and exchange of information referent to processes amongst the numerous members of the maritime and port community.
This paper aims to discuss the role of foreign merchants, operating from Portugal, in the Portuguese overseas trade, during the first ten years of Iberian Union. The focus is not in products or routes, but in the mechanisms of association of such merchants. Iberian Union created a legal framework which prohibited the interference and trade of Portuguese agents in the Spanish Empire and vice-versa. Due to the imperialist wars of the Habsburgs, the Portuguese Empire also suffered from Dutch and English rivalry both in the Indic and in the Atlantic and also from the embargos of Dutch and English products and ships in Iberian ports. In such conjuncture, how did merchants related with each other? What was the impact of the political union of the Portuguese and Spanish crowns in trading associations? The used data sources are the notarial contracts of Lisbon for the same period. The paper highlights the role of Castilian merchants in the Portuguese trade, but it also stresses that Iberian partnerships have prevailed before 1580. The role of other merchants, such as Flemish/Dutch, Germans, Italians and French, is also considered. The paper discusses how and why did these merchants join in trans-national partnerships and what was their role in the Portuguese trade network at the time.