5 resultados para Pollicipes caboverdensis
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Até 2010, considerava-se que apenas existia uma espécie de percebe (Crustacea: Cirripedia) no Oceano Atlântico, Pollicipes pollicipes, cuja área de distribuição incluía Cabo Verde. Em 2010, a população de percebes de Cabo Verde foi considerada uma espécie nova, Pollicipes caboverdensis. Esta espécie é endémica de Cabo Verde e, tal como a sua congénere atlântica, é um recurso explorado pelo Homem e tem valor comercial considerável. Não existem dados estatísticos oficiais sobre a pesca do percebe em Cabo Verde e são poucos os estudos sobre P. caboverdensis. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados de um estudo sobre a pesca do percebe na ilha de Santiago (Cabo Verde), tendo sido realizados inquéritos a pescadores da ilha de Santiago em junho de 2014. Foram entrevistados doze pescadores das seguintes localidades: Tarrafal, Rincão, Ribeira da Barca e Santa Cruz. Segundo os inquéritos realizados, o esforço de pesca do percebe em Santiago é bastante variável, tendo os apanhadores referido que podem apanhar entre 4 a 10 kg de percebe por dia e por apanhador. O preço de primeira venda do percebe em Santiago variou entre 300 e 1000 escudos cabo-verdianos (entre cerca de 2,7 e 9 euros) por kg. O resultado mais preocupante deste estudo é a perceção negativa que os apanhadores de Santiago têm sobre a evolução do estado do percebe nos últimos 5 anos. A larga maioria destes apanhadores referiu que a quantidade e o tamanho do percebe diminuíram entre 2010 e 2014. São também apresentados os desafios que se colocam à gestão desta pesca e à conservação desta espécie, bem como uma comparação com a problemática da gestão da apanha do percebe (P. pollicipes) em Portugal continental e Espanha.
Understanding and predicting patterns of distribution and abundance of marine resources is important for con- servation and management purposes in small-scale artisanal fisheries and industrial fisheries worldwide. The goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) is an important shellfish resource and its distribution is closely related to wave exposure at different spatial scales. We modelled the abundance (percent coverage) of P. pollicipes as a function of a simple wave exposure index based on fetch estimates from digitized coastlines at different spatial scales. The model accounted for 47.5% of the explained deviance and indicated that barnacle abundance increases non-linearly with wave exposure at both the smallest (metres) and largest (kilometres) spatial scales considered in this study. Distribution maps were predicted for the study region in SW Portugal. Our study suggests that the relationship between fetch-based exposure indices and P. pollicipes percent cover may be used as a simple tool for providing stakeholders with information on barnacle distribution patterns. This information may improve assessment of harvesting grounds and the dimension of exploitable areas, aiding management plans and support- ing decision making on conservation, harvesting pressure and surveillance strategies for this highly appreciated and socio- economically important marine resource.
This thesis contributes to the knowledge of temperate rocky shore ecology, with direct implications in the management and conservation of two important local marine resources that inhabit the very edge of subtidal and intertidal habitats on wave-swept rocky shores: the sessile filter feeding stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes and the mobile keystone herbivore sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Research was conducted along gradients of wave exposure on rocky shores of Southern Europe. The abundance of P. lividus was four times higher in SW Portugal than in NW Italy. Most of the variation in urchin abundance occurred at small spatial scales, probably shaped by habitat complexity. In SW Portugal, sea urchin attachment forces while in burrows were measured and related to burrow shape, urchin size and habitat. Burrowing behaviour enhances sea urchin attachment force and might be an adaptive response to hydrodynamic stress. Abundance of P. pollicipes in SW Portugal is highly and positively related to wave exposure at local and regional scales. Predation and recruitment processes seem to be important drivers of these abundance patterns. A distribution model of P. pollicipes abundance in relation to wave exposure was developed for the SW coast of Portugal and might be used for improvement of its management and conservation. Growth of P. pollicipes was studied by applying a novel method using fluorescent calcein for marking and to estimate growth. Growth rate decreased with barnacle size and was highly variable amongst individuals, particularly in smaller barnacles. No effect of shore level on barnacle growth was detected. An assessment of the state of the fishery, conservation and management of the stalked barnacle in different regions of continental Portugal was made, highlighting an overall negative tendency of this state and recommending a change into a co-management system; Resumo: Viver no limite intertidal / subtidal: ecologia do percebe Pollicipes pollicipes e do ouriço-do-mar Paracentrotus lividus Esta tese contribui para o conhecimento da ecologia do litoral rochoso e tem implicações diretas na gestão e conservação de dois recursos marinhos locais que habitam o interface subtidal/intertidal de costas rochosas sujeitas a agitação marinha: o percebe Pollicipes pollicipes, animal séssil e filtrador e o ouriço-do-mar Paracentrotus lividus, animal móvel e herbívoro. Foram realizados vários estudos ao longo de gradientes de hidrodinamismo em costas rochosas do sul da Europa. A abundância de P. lividus foi quatro vezes superior no sudoeste de Portugal relativamente ao noroeste de Itália. Grande parte da variação na abundância de P. lividus ocorreu a pequenas escalas espaciais, provavelmente influenciada pela complexidade do habitat. A força com que o ouriço-do-mar se fixa ao substrato foi medida no terreno no sudoeste de Portugal, tendo esta sido relacionada com a forma da depressão que ocupa, o tamanho individual e o habitat. O comportamento escavador desta espécie aumenta a sua força de fixação ao substrato e poderá ser uma resposta adaptativa ao hidrodinamismo.. A abundância de P. pollicipes na costa sudoeste de Portugal, a diferentes escalas espaciais, está relacionada de forma positiva com a agitação marinha, e é influenciada pela predação e pelo recrutamento desta espécie. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de distribuição e abundância de P. pollicipes para esta costa baseado na relação com a agitação marinha, cujos resultados podem ser usados para melhorar a gestão e conservação deste recurso. Um novo método com recurso a calceina fluorescente foi desenvolvido para marcar percebes e estudar o seu crescimento. A taxa de crescimento diminuiu com o tamanho do animal, sendo altamente variável entre indivíduos, sobretudos nos de menores dimensões. O estado da apanha, conservação e gestão do percebe em diferentes regiões de Portugal Continental apresentou uma tendência global negativa, e recomenda-se uma alteração para um sistema de cogestão deste recurso.
Pollicipes pollicipes (Crustacea: Scalpelliformes) is a highly prized food in Portugal and Spain and con- sequently a species of considerable interest to aqua- culture. Surprisingly, however, larval culture conditions for this barnacle have not been opti- mized. This study investigated the effects of temper- ature, diet, photoperiod and salinity on the growth and survival of P. pollicipes larvae. Temperature had a significant effect on specific growth rate (2.6–5.9% total width per day, from 11 to 24°C), reducing mean development time to the cyprid from 25 days at 11 °C to 10 days at 24°C, although this was accompanied by a significant increase in mortality to over 90% above 22°C. Mid- range temperatures (15–20°C) maximized total survival (19–31% respectively). Algal diets of Tetra- selmis suecica, T. suecica/Skeletonema marinoi and S. marinoi/Isochrysis galbana did not affect specific growth rate significantly, but survival (on average 39% in 15 days) and the proportion of high-quality healthy cyprids was significantly higher on the lat- ter two diets (11–15% of initial number of larvae). Photoperiod did not significantly affect the survival, although specific growth rate was significantly higher at 24:0 and 16:8 L:D. Salinity (20– 40 g L 1 range) did not affect growth and survival significantly. The best growth and survival were accomplished using rearing temperatures of 15–20°C, daily feeding with T. suecica/S. marinoi or I. galbana/S. marinoi and a photoperiod of 24:0 L:D.
Although recruitment patterns of Pollicipes pollicipes (Crustacea: Scalpelliformes) in the wild have been inves- tigated, no studies have yet focused on the factors that affect settlement. In the present paper, settlement of P. pollicipes on conspecifics (gregarious settlement) was investigated in the laboratory as a function of environmental conditions (hydrody- namics, temperature, light and salinity), larval age and batch. This study aimed to understand how these factors modulate set- tlement in the laboratory and elucidate how they might impact recruitment patterns in nature. Maximum attachment on adults was 30-35%, with a one-week metamorphosis rate of 70-80%. Batch differences affected both attachment and metamorpho- sis. Attachment rate was higher at natural salinity (30-40 psu), with lower salinity (20 psu) decreasing metamorphosis rate. Cyprid attachment was stimulated by light conditions and circulating water. This might relate to a preference for positioning high in the water column in nature, but also to increased cyprid-surface contact in conditions of circulating water. Older cyprids (3 or 6 days) showed higher attachment than un-aged larvae, though fewer 6-day-old larvae metamorphosed. Tem- perature did not affect attachment rate, but the metamorphosis rate decreased at 14°C (compared with 17 or 20°C), implying that differences in temperature during the breeding season can affect how quickly cyprids metamorphose to the juvenile. Cyprids survived for prolonged periods ( 20 days; 40% survival), likely due to efficient energy saving by intercalating long periods of inactivity with fast bursts of activity upon stimulation.