3 resultados para Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus 1758)

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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A incorporação de fontes proteicas alternativas à farinha de peixe na alimentação de espécies piscícolas tem sido objecto de variados estudos no âmbito da nutrição animal. Neste contexto realizou-se o presente trabalho, cujo objectivo foi determinar o nível de substituição ideal de farinha de peixe por glúten de trigo na alimentação de dourada. Foram realizados dois ensaios, um de crescimento e um de digestibilidade. O ensaio de crescimento efectuou-se para determinar qual o nível máximo de substituição sem que os animais apresentassem diferenças significativas em termos de taxa de crescimento. O ensaio de digestibilidade teve como principal objectivo determinar qual das dietas testadas proporcionaria melhores valores de utilização digestiva por parte dos animais. Tendo em conta os resultados dos ensaios e as condições experimentais em que se realizaram, verificou-se que a substituição até 40% não afecta significativamente o desempenho zootécnico das douradas. ABSTRACT; The incorporation of alternative protein sources in fish diets has been the aim of many scientific experiments in animal nutrition. ln this study, the main objective was to evaluate the ideal level of wheat gluten incorporation in substitution of fishmeal in diets for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L). To reach this objective, two experiments were carried out, in which growth and digestibility were studied. The aim of the growth experiment was to evaluate the maximum level of fish meal substitution by wheat gluten (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%), without affecting significantly the animals growth rate. The digestibility experiment took place to evaluate which animals presented better food utilization with the tested diets (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%). Observing the results of these two experiments, it was concluded that the substitution until 40% did not affect significantly the performance of the fishes.


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This study examines the importance of thermal refugia along the majority of the geographical range of a key inter- tidal species (Patella vulgata Linnaeus, 1758) on the Atlantic coast of Europe. We asked whether differences between sun-exposed and shaded microhabitats were responsible for differences in physiological stress and ecological perfor- mance and examined the availability of refugia near equatorial range limits. Thermal differences between sun- exposed and shaded microhabitats are consistently associated with differences in physiological performance, and the frequency of occurrence of high temperatures is most probably limiting the maximum population densities sup- ported at any given place. Topographical complexity provides thermal refugia throughout most of the distribution range, although towards the equatorial edges the magnitude of the amelioration provided by shaded microhabitats is largely reduced. Importantly, the limiting effects of temperature, rather than being related to latitude, seem to be tightly associated with microsite variability, which therefore is likely to have profound effects on the way local popu- lations (and consequently species) respond to climatic changes.


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O presente estudo foi realizado numa área com 156,5 Km/ localizada nos municípios de Évora e Montemor-o-Novo, a Sul de Portugal. Cinco genetas foram seguidas via telemetria durante seis meses visando o estudo do uso do espaço e comportamento relativamente às estradas. Estas, parecem funcionar como limites das áreas vitais da geneta actuando como barreira física e/ou social aos seus movimentos. Contudo, as genetas cruzaram diferentes tipos de estrada embora com frequência reduzida. Por outro lado, as genetas adoptaram uma distância de segurança média das estradas, de 1km, onde se verifica uma aproximação durante a noite e um distanciamento durante o dia. Todos os animais evidenciaram ter uma distribuição não aleatória relativamente às estradas concentrando-se maioritariamente apenas num dos lados da estradão que indica o efeito destas infra-estruturas como barreiras parciais ao movimento. A presença de galerias ripicolas parece promover o uso das bermas e durante o estudo todos os indivíduos seleccionaram positivamente estes habitats. ABSTRACT: The present study, was conducted in a 156,5 Km 2 area, located in the Évora and Montemor-o-Novo counties, southern Portugal. Five genets were radio-tracked for six months with the purpose of studying their space use and behavior towards roads. ln this study, roads seem to be artificial boundaries to genets' home ranges acting as physical and social barrier to their movements. However, genets have crossed different types of roads, although in lower frequencies. They adopted, in average, a security distance of 1km from roads being further during the day and closer at night. Ali animals showed a not random distribution on their activity concerning roads presence and their localizations tend to concentrate on one side of the road which confirms that these infrastructures pose a significant barrier to genets' movements. The existence of riparian galleries seems to promote roadside usage and during the study genets have selected positively these habitats.