2 resultados para Pharmacy assisted support service for street drinkers
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Objectivos: Identificar e compreender as barreiras e os facilitadores à prática do Acompanhamento Farmacoterapêutico (AFT) nos serviços farmacêuticos hospitalares portugueses. Método: Estudo qualitativo mediante realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas a farmacêuticos hospitalares com e sem experiência no AFT e análise de conteúdo, retroactiva e temática. Resultados: Estrutura dos serviços farmacêuticos: barreiras (1) falta de tempo, organização das actividades orientadas para a logística, instabilidade dos recursos humanos, barreiras físicas à comunicação, relações em divergência; facilitadores (2) reestruturação, trabalho em equipa. Farmacêutico: (1) resistência à mudança, qualificação inadequada; (2) atitude positiva, legitimação, formação. Meio externo: (1) falta de apoio institucional, relacionamento com o doente, o médico e farmacêutico comunitário, ensino inadequado; (2) apoio institucional, procura do doente, cooperação com o médico e o farmacêutico comunitário, ensino adequado. Tecnologia: (1) acesso aos dados clínicos e a informação, método inadequado; (2) acesso à informação, método adequado, documentação, informatização, marketing, boas práticas. Conclusão: As entrevistas semi-estruturadas fornecerem uma visão ampla, detalhada e pragmática dos potenciais determinantes de uma prática generalizada do AFT nos serviços farmacêuticos hospitalares portugueses. /ABSTRACT: Objectives: To identify and understand the barriers and facilitators for the practice of Medication Therapy Management (MTM) in portuguese’s hospital pharmacy. Method: Qualitative study trough semi-structured interviews with MTM experienced and inexperienced hospital pharmacists followed by retroactive content and thematic analysis. Results: Structure of hospital pharmacy: barriers (1) lack of time, activities focused on logistics, instability of human resources, physical barriers to communication, divergent relationships; facilitators (2) restructuring, teamwork. Pharmacist: (1) resistance to change, inadequate skills, (2) positive attitude, legitimating, formation. Environment: (1) lack of institutional support, relationship with patient, physician and community pharmacist, inadequate teaching, (2) institutional support, patient's demand, cooperation with physician and community pharmacist, appropriate teaching. Technology: (1) lack of access to clinical data and information, inadequate method, (2) access to information, appropriate method, documentation, computerization, marketing, good pharmacy practices. Conclusion: The semi-structured interviews provide a broad, comprehensive and pragmatic view of potential determinants for wide practice of MTM in Portuguese’s hospital pharmacy.
Structured abstract Purpose: To deepen, in grocery retail context, the roles of consumer perceived value and consumer satisfaction, as antecedents’ dimensions of customer loyalty intentions. Design/Methodology/approach: Also employing a short version (12-items) of the original 19-item PERVAL scale of Sweeney & Soutar (2001), a structural equation modeling approach was applied to investigate statistical properties of the indirect influence on loyalty of a reflective second order customer perceived value model. The performance of three alternative estimation methods was compared through bootstrapping techniques. Findings: Results provided i) support for the use of the short form of the PERVAL scale in measuring consumer perceived value; ii) the influence of the four highly correlated independent latent predictors on satisfaction was well summarized by a higher-order reflective specification of consumer perceived value; iii) emotional and functional dimensions were determinants for the relationship with the retailer; iv) parameter’s bias with the three methods of estimation was only significant for bootstrap small sample sizes. Research limitations:/implications: Future research is needed to explore the use of the short form of the PERVAL scale in more homogeneous groups of consumers. Originality/value: Firstly, to indirectly explain customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction it was adopted a recent short form of PERVAL scale and a second order reflective conceptualization of value. Secondly, three alternative estimation methods were used and compared through bootstrapping and simulation procedures.