5 resultados para Parent plant
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
As galerias ripícolas são habitats com uma grande disponibilidade de recursos alimentares e abrigo para a fauna, estando entre os habitats mais importantes e vulneráveis do mundo. São uma fonte de produção de frutos, o que atrai muitos animais, como as aves frugívoras, que são os principais dispersores de sementes na bacia do Mediterrâneo. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi estudar os padrões de dispersão de sementes por aves na interface galeria ripícola-matriz florestal envolvente (Montado). Foram marcadas com fluorescência plantas-mãe produtoras de frutos, e utilizadas armadilhas para sementes e transectos, para a recolha dos dejetos de aves onde, posteriormente, se detetaram as sementes dispersadas. Constatou-se que a dispersão de sementes e a abundância de plantas-mãe foi superior a distâncias mais próximas da ribeira, diminuindo à medida que esta distância aumenta. A espécie mais dispersada foi Smilax aspera e as espécies com sementes de menor dimensão, foram dispersadas a uma maior distância da planta-mãe, provavelmente devido a este tipo de sementes permanecerem mais tempo no trato intestinal das aves. Os resultados deste estudo apresentam algumas implicações para a colonização da matriz adjacente por plantas produtoras de frutos; ABSTRACT: Riparian galleries are habitats with a large availability food resources and shelter for animals, being among the most important and vulnerable habitats in the world. These zones are a great source of fruits attracting many animals, such as frugivorous birds, which are the main seed dispersers in the Mediterranean basin. The objective of this thesis is the study of seed dispersal patterns by birds, in the riparian gallery and in the surrounding forest matrix (Montado). Fruits of several plant species were used to collect bird droppings and detect fluorescent seeds in those droppings. Fruit abundance and seed dispersal were higher close to the stream, and decreased rapidly with an increase in distance from the stream. From all species, the most dispersed was Smilax aspera and species with smaller seed were found at a significantly larger distance from parents plants than species with large seeds. This can be explained by the fact that smaller seed stay longer in the intestinal tract of the birds. The results of this study present some implications for the colonization of freshly fruit plants from the riparian gallery into the adjacent matrix.
The main objective of this research was the study of the soil nematode community, and in particular plant parasitic nematodes (PPN), from a field located in Portugal’s southern region, used for sugarbeet production. The study was performed from February to July 2003, covering part of the fallow period previous to tomato cultivation, the alternative crop in the rotation. The end of the fallow period in March and the soil preparation period in May were marked by a significant reduction in the numbers of PPN, whereas their numbers increased on the following tomato crop. The genus Helicotylenchus stood out as the most representative group, forming 90% of all PPN counted each month. The genus Heterodera was relatively abundant in the months following the previous sugarbeet crop, and numbers of the genus Meloidogyne increased during the tomato crop. The correlations between these group and environmental parameters show that, apart from the direct influence of the host, pH, organic matter, temperature and soil moisture significantly influenced nematode abundance and community composition.
"...the farmers seen to take well to me and not mind my being a woman." (Mathilde Bensaúde , 1920, north Portugal, during de seed potato campaing).
Indústrias metalúrgicas de produção de ligas metálicas podem por em risco toda a área envolvente, nomeadamente a qualidade das águas (superficiais e subterrâneas), dos solos e do ar, sempre que não existam infraestruturas e planos adequados de gestão destes resíduos. No caso em estudo, a unidade industrial situa-se na bacia do rio São Francisco, no estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais, e nos mais de quarenta anos de funcionamento tem produzido inúmeros problemas ambientais. Este estudo baseia-se nos primeiros resultados referentes aos solos da envolvente, tendo como objetivos a identificação dos principais contaminantes e a definição da área contaminada, de forma a avaliar a eficácia de projetos futuros de recuperação.
Mining and metallurgical industries are the most responsible for heavy metal contamination. These contaminants are often associated to poor management strategies and the lack of suitable containment areas. This is the case of one of the largest metal alloy producers in the São Francisco river basin, in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. During operation, the tailings of this activity have been accumulated in the surrounding area, leading to heavy metal contamination (Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd, Cr and As), much above the critical levels, which accumulate in the sediments of the nearby waterways, in the soils of the drainage area, and in the water column. In this work we are going to discuss both the contamination level and its extent in the Consciência river, a small tributary of the São Francisco river, the longest river entirely Brazilian, by analyzing the geochemistry and mineralogy of the accumulated sediments. It will be also discuss the reclamation strategies of this site and the impact on the environment.