7 resultados para Painting - century XX

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Ao longo do séc. XX, a necessidade de libertar a arte das regras que a oprimiam e o desejo de conhecer os seus limites e significados levaram os artistas a atitudes extremas. Monocromia, ready-made, galerias vazias, objectos desmaterializados ou invisíveis são faces de uma aproximação da arte ao nada. Estas atitudes deixaram todos os caminhos em aberto. Entre eles a arte das pequenas coisas, que privilegia o espírito criativo humano, o prazer de fazer, a atenção ao quotidiano e a reutilização de matérias-primas. /ABSTRACT: ln the twentieth century, the unchained of art from the academic rules, and the push ofknowledge to the edge brings artists to the extreme. Monochrome painting, ready-mades, empty galleries, formlessness or invisible objects are actual results from this kind of attitude. From this point forward every path is open for the artists. Among them the "tiny things art’ emerges as an expression of human creativity, as a "joie de faire", gathering the attention from the everyday's world and reuse of quotidian materials.


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Esta dissertação procura identificar os desígnios que orientaram as decisões do Estado português em relação à aquisição de documentos de arquivo, com o objectivo de verificar se esses desígnios se formalizaram numa política de avaliação e aquisição de documentos de arquivo coerente e sistemática. A análise incidiu no Arquivo Nacional e nos arquivos distritais durante o período cronológico que abrange o século XIX e a primeira metade do século XX. Partindo da discussão teórica presente nos discursos de arquivistas e investigadores, da evolução das práticas no Arquivo Nacional e das incorporações realizadas nos arquivos distritais, esta tese defende que existiu uma visão constitutiva dos arquivos enquanto repositórios documentais da memória da nação. No entanto, esta visão não se concretizou numa política arquivística articulada e estrutural; ABSTRACT:This dissertation aims to identify portuguese state’s goals that guided its intervention on acquisition of archival records. Our purpose is to verify if those goals meant a coherent and systematic appraisal and acquisition policy. Our analysis took as object Portugal’s national and regional archives from nineteenth to twentieth century’s first half. Beginning from theoretical discussion that can be seen on archivists and investigators speeches, National Archive’s practices and acquisitions occurred in regional archives, this thesis sustains that there was a vision on the archives as national memory documental repositories. However, this vision was not translated on an articulated and structured archival policy.


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Mário Saa (1893-1971) - um percurso de índole nacionalista, onde se cruzam a literatura, a ciência, a filosofia e a história. Pretende-se revelar o trajecto de um intelectual português da direita conservadora do início do século XX, numa perspectiva transnacional. Aborda-se o seu percurso intelectual, analisando os reflexos da identidade europeia na sua produção cultural. Através do seu legado depositado na Fundação Arquivo Paes Teles, no Ervedal, uma freguesia do concelho de Avis, acedemos ao tempo da sua formação académica e às temáticas que abordou na sua vasta e diferenciada produção cultural. Descobrem-se os seus círculos de sociabilidade literária e intelectual, e entende-se a construção da sua consagração através de um conjunto de dedicatórias gravadas nos livros da sua biblioteca. Um legado que permite aceder à sua «modernidade» decorrente da interacção com a Europa intelectual e do seu contexto de vivências variadas. /ABSTRACT: ln this paper we examine the career of the nationalist thinker, Mário Saa (1893-1971), whose achievements were in the fields of literature, science, philosophy and history, as a model of the right-wing conservative Portuguese intellectual at the beginning of the 20th century from a trans-national perspective. We trace his intellectual trajectory, analysing the influence of European identity on his cultural output. The complete works of Mário Saa, housed at the Paes Teles Archive Foundation in Ervedal, a parish in the district (concelho) of Avis, provide us with a window on the period during which he completed his academic training and the topics he examined in his extensive and varied cultural works. We profile the literary and intellectual social circles in which he moved, and seek to gain an understanding of how his reputation carne to be established by analysing the dedications contained in books from his library. Mário Saa's legacy enables us to understand the ‘modern’ nature of his work, deriving from his interaction with European intellectuals and the context of his varied experience.


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Le Corbusier was a Swiss architect and urbanist who acquired French nationality in 1930, having set up his studio (“the atelier of patient research”) in that country. Just as he assumed an unconditional continuity in relation to the past, he also clearly confronted the circumstances of his time. Many of his works became icons of Modernism, like the Villa Savoye (1928), the Marseilles Housing Unit (1945), the Ronchamp Chapel (1950), the Convent of Sainte-Marie de la Tourette (1953) and the Chandigarh Capitol Complex (1950-55), to mention just a few examples. His architecture reflected the development of a modern industrialized economy, a western avant-garde society and a vibrant political and social context. He made a mark not only with his constructed work, but also with designs that were never built (and which were progressive in character), his painting (which reflected his experimentalist nature) and with his theoretical texts, which today bear witness to his modernist doctrine. Le Corbusier was above all one of the most prolific thinkers of Modernism, and one of the greatest figures of the 20th century.


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This article reports the preliminary results of a technical and material study carried out on a 17th century panel painting located at the Chapel of the Souls in the main church of Vila Nova da Baronia (30 km away from Evora city, in southern Portugal). This painting is attributed to Jose the Escovar, a painter that worked for Evora Archiepiscopate between 1583 and 1622. Jose the Escovar is known by his mural paintings all across the Alentejo region. This is the first time that a panel painting made by this artist was studied. Analytical methods used included in situ technical photography (visible (Vis), raking light (RAK), infrared (IR), and ultraviolet (UV)), optical microscopy of cross sections, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS), micro Raman spectroscopy, and micro Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (m-FT-IR). The goal was to ascertain the techniques and colored materials used by Escovar on this painting so that the data can be used in future comparisons with others works attributed to this painter based on stylistic aspects.


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Grego´rio Lopes (c. 1490–1550) was one of the most prominent painters of the renaissance and Mannerism in Portugal. The painting “Mater Misericordiae” made for the Sesimbra Holy House of Mercy, circa 1535–1538, is one of the most significant works of the artist, and his only painting on this theme, being also one of the most significant Portuguese paintings of sixteenth century. The recent restoration provided the possibility to study materially the painting for the first time, with a multianalytical methodology incorporating portable energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive spectroscopy, micro-X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman spectroscopy and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array and mass spectrometry detectors. The analytical study was complemented by infrared reflectography, allowing the study of the underdrawing technique and also by dendrochronology to confirm the date of the wooden panels (1535–1538). The results of this study were compared with previous ones on the painter’s workshop, and significant differences and similitudes were found in the materials and techniques used


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This study aims to identify the materials used in the production of a post-byzantine icon from the Museum of Évora’s collection. The icon, representing the “Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen holding the Holy Cross” was once dated as being from the 10th century. Throughout a multi-analytical approach, combining area exams with spectroscopic techniques, this study tried to confirm its actual chronology. The results obtained revealed that it is most likely an icon from the late 17th or 18th century.