5 resultados para PSICOLOGIA DE PERSONAL

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The demand to implement routine outcome assessment in mental health care services calls for measures with clinical utility, i. e, feasible to therapists, acceptable to clients and generalizable to settings. This research aims to explore the clinical utility of a patient-generated measure, the Personal Questionnaire (PQ). An on-line survey was designed (study I) and administered to an international sample of 25 therapists with experience using the PQ (study II). Results suggest that the PQ is perceived as a clinically significant and fairly practical measure, useful not only in assessing outcome but also in various clinical tasks. Furthermore, it is relatively well accepted by clients and it is extremely generalizable to different clients, clinical approaches and settings. Specific suggestions to increase the PQ’s clinical utility are provided. Exploring therapists’ perspectives and practices will improve the appropriateness of measures to real-world clinical settings; A utilidade clínica do Personal Questionnaire RESUMO: O movimento para implementar a avaliação rotineira de resultados nos serviços de saúde mental pede medidas com utilidade clínica, i. e, práticas para terapeutas, aceitáveis para clientes e generalizáveis para contextos clínicos. Este estudo tem como objetivo explorar a utilidade clínica de uma medida gerada pelo cliente, o Personal Questionnaire (PQ). Um questionário on-line foi desenvolvido (estudo I) e administrado a uma amostra internacional de 25 terapeutas com experiência de uso do PQ (estudo II). Os resultados sugerem que o PQ é considerado um instrumento valioso para a prática clínica, relativamente prático, útil como indicador de resultado e também como ferramenta clínica. Adicionalmente, é bem aceite pelos clientes e bastante generalizável para diferentes clientes, abordagens terapêuticas e contextos clínicos. Sugestões específicas para melhorar a utilidade clínica do PQ são fornecidas. Explorar as perspetivas e práticas dos terapeutas face a medidas de resultado possibilita uma melhor adequação à prática clínica.


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The first report of the disease (“pine wilt disease”) associated with the pinewood nematode, goes back to 1905, when Yano reported an unusual decline of pines from Nagasaki. For a long time thereafter, the cause of he disease was sought, but without success. Because of the large number of insect species that were usually seen around and on infected trees, it had always been assumed that the causal agent would prove to be one of these. However, in 1971, Kiyohara and Tokushike found a nematode of the genus Bursaphelenchus in infected trees. The nematode found was multiplied on fungal culture, inoculated into healthy trees and then re-isolated from the resulting wilted trees. The subsequent published reports were impressive: this Bursaphelenchus species could kill fully-grown trees within a few months in the warmer areas of Japan, and could destroy complete forests of susceptible pine species within a few years. Pinus densiflora, P. thunbergii und P. luchuensis were particularly affected. In 1972, Mamiya and Kiyohara described the new species of nematode extracted from the wood of diseased pines; it was a named Bursaphelenchus lignicolus. Since 1975, the species has spread to the north of Japan, with the exception of the most northerly prefectures. In 1977, the loss of wood in the west of the country reached 80%. Probably as a result of unusually high summer temperatures and reduced rainfall in the years 1978 and 1979, the losses were more than 2 million m3 per year. From the beginning, B. lignicolus was always considered by Japanese scientists to be an exotic pest. But where did it come from? That this nematode could also cause damage in the USA became clear in 1979 when B. lignicolus was isolated in great numbers from wood of a 39 year-old pine tree (Pinus nigra) in Missouri which had suddenly died after the colour of its needles changed to a reddish-brown colour (Dropkin und Foudin, 2 1979). In 1981, B. lignicolus was synonymised by Nickle et al. with B. xylophilus which had been found for the first time in the USA as far back as 1929, and reported by Steiner and Buhrer in 1934. It had originally been named Aphelenchoides xylophilus, the wood-inhabiting Aphelenchoides but was recognised by Nickle, in 1970,to belong in the genus Bursaphelenchus. Its common name in the USA was the "pine wood nematode" (PWN. After its detection in Missouri, it became known that B. xylophilus was widespread throughout the USA and Canada. It occurred there on native species of conifers where, as a rule, it did not show the symptoms of pine wilt disease unless susceptible species were stressed eg., by high temperature. This fact was an illuminating piece of evidence that North America could be the homeland of PWN. Dwinell (1993) later reported the presence of B. xylophilus in Mexico. The main vector of the PWN in Japan was shown to be the long-horned beetle Monochamus alternatus, belonging to the family Cerambycidae. This beetle lays its eggs in dead or dying trees where the developing larvae then feed in the cambium layer. It was already known in Japan in the 19th century but in the 1930s, it was said to be present in most areas of Japan, but was generally uncommon. However, with the spread of the pine wilt disease, and the resulting increase of weakened trees that could act as breeding sites for beetles, the populations of Monochamus spp. increased significantly In North America, other Monochamus species transmit PWN, and the main vector is M. carolinensis. In Japan, there are also other, less efficient vectors in the genus Monochamus. Possibly, all Monochamus species that breed in conifers can transmit the PWN. The occasional transmission by less efficient species of Monochamus or by some of the many other beetle genera in the bark or wood is of little significance. In Europe, M. galloprovincialis and M. sutor transmits the closely related species B. mucronatus. Some speculate that these two insect species are “standing by” and waiting for the arrival of B. xylophilus. In 1982, the nematode was detected and China. It was first found in dead pines near the Zhongshan Monument of Nanjing (CHENG et. al. 1983); 265 trees were then killed by pine wilt disease. Despite great efforts at eradication in China, the nematode spread further and pine wilt disease has been 3 reported from parts of the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Guangdong, Shandong, Zhejiang and Hubei (YANG, 2003). In 1986, the spread of the PWN to Taiwan was discovered and in 1989, the nematode was reported to be present in the Republic of Korea where it had first been detected in Pinus thunbergii and P. densiflora. It was though to have been introduced with packing material from Japan. PWN was advancing. In 1984, B. xylophilus was found in wood chips imported into Finland from the USA and Canada, and this was the impetus to establish phytosanitary measures to prevent any possible spread into Europe. Finland prohibited the import of coniferous wood chips from these sources, and the other Nordic countries soon followed suit. EPPO (the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) made a recommendation to its member countries in 1986 to refuse wood imports from infested countries. With its Directive of 1989 (77/93 EEC), the European Community (later called the European Union or EU) recognised the potential danger of B. xylophilus for European forests and imposed restrictions on imports into the Europe. PWN was placed on the quarantine list of the EU and also of other European countries. Later, in 1991, a dispensation was allowed by the Commission of the EU(92/13 EEC) for coniferous wood from North America provided that certain specified requirements were fulfilled that would prevent introduction.


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Esta dissertação enquadra-se no âmbito do projeto de investigação “Arqueologia das Aprendizagens no Concelho de Alandroal”1, promovido pelo Centro de Investigação em Educação e Psicologia da Universidade de Évora. Este projeto visa apurar quais as aprendizagens disponíveis neste concelho entre 1997 e 2007, bem como determinar o que foi aprendido pela população em contextos formais e não-formais. É também objetivo deste projeto descobrir o que mudou na vidas das pessoas e da comunidade, ou seja verificar qual o impacto das aprendizagens e dos investimentos realizados num território que apresenta uma das mais elevadas taxas de analfabetismo e uma baixa taxa de qualificação. A presente dissertação partilha destes objetivos mas centra-se na dimensão das aprendizagens de âmbito profissional. O principal contributo deste trabalho de investigação é a apresentação do estudo relativo às aprendizagens de âmbito profissional concretizadas pela população do Alandroal, no período 1997-2007 e respetivas consequências a nível das trajetórias pessoais e profissionais. Este estudo é completado pela apresentação de importantes conclusões, retiradas da análise dos dados que foram recolhidos durante a realização do projeto “Arqueologia das Aprendizagens no Concelho de Alandroal”; ABSTRACT:This thesis is included in the research project, with the title: “Learning Arqueology in Alandroal”2, promoted by the Centre for Research in Education and Psychology of the University of Évora, in Portugal. That project targets the identification of which learning processes were available in Alandroal, during the period between 1997 and 2007, and to determine what has been learned by the population in formal and non-formal contexts. Also, that study aims to discover, what were the changes, in persons ‘lives and within the community. In summary, the project aims to verify the impact of the learning processes, as well as the impact of the investments made, on a territory that presents one of the highest levels of illiteracy, followed by a low qualification level. Now, the research work here presented, shares those same objectives, but it’s focused on the professional education. The main contribute of this research study, is to present the consequences of those professional’s learning, developed by the population of Alandroal, for the personal and professional choices and trajectories of that same population, between the years of 1997 and 2007. This study is also completed with the presentation of important conclusions, inferred from the analysis of data collected throughout the realization of the “Learning Arqueology in Alandroal” project.


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Esta investigação insere-se no âmbito geral do Projecto de investigação científica denominado “Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo”, promovido pelo Centro de Investigação em Educação e Psicologia da Universidade de Évora. A sua finalidade é avaliar os impactos das TIC na vida dos adultos certificados pelo processo de RVCC. A metodologia utilizada, de carácter quantitativo, baseou-se num estudo descritivo utilizando, como instrumento de investigação, o inquérito por questionário, comum a todas as investigações das “Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo”. Este instrumento foi aplicado aos indivíduos certificados entre 2001 e 2005, pelo processo de RVCC, nos seis Centros de RVCC do Alentejo. Dos resultados obtidos, ao nível da dimensão pessoal e profissional, dos indivíduos certificados no Centro de RVCC promovido pelo Centro de Formação Profissional de Portalegre do IEFP, destacamos, na utilização do Computador e da Internet, uma evolução mais significativa nas mulheres e um maior impacto na dimensão pessoal; ABSTRACT: This research falls within the general scope of the research project entitled "Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo”, sponsored by the Investigation Centre in Education and Psychology at the University of Évora. Its purpose is to assess the impacts of ICTs in the lives of adults certified by the RVCC program. The methodology in use, the quantitative method, was based on a descriptive study using a research instrument, the questionnaire survey, common to all investigations of "Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo". This instrument was administered to individuals certified between the years 2001 and 2005, within the RVCC process in the six RVCC Centres of Alentejo. From the results obtained, at a personal and professional dimension, within the individuals certified in the RVCC Centre sponsored by Vocational Training Centre of Portalegre of “IEFP”, we highlight the use of computer and internet, a most significant development in women and greater impact in the personal dimension.


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A presente dissertação insere-se no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, na especialização de Gestão e Administração Educacional, tendo como base a concretização do projecto de investigação denominado “As Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo”, promovido pelo Centro de Investigação em Educação e Psicologia da Universidade de Évora. O objecto da investigação centra-se na análise dos impactos sociais e profissionais do processo de RVCC (Reconhecimento, Validação e Certificação de Competências) nos indivíduos certificados, no período de 2000-2005, no Concelho de Santiago do Cacém. A investigação, de natureza descritiva, assume uma base metodológica quantitativa e recorreu à aplicação de um questionário a toda a população em estudo. O resultado obtido permite-nos concluir que o PRVCC produz efeitos positivos no percurso de vida dos indivíduos, tendo mais impacto em termos pessoais do que sociais e profissionais; ABSTRACT: The current essay falls under the scope of the Education Sciences Master, Educational Administration and Management specialty, and is based on the completion of the investigation project called “The New Nuptials of Qualification in Alentejo”, promoted by the Education and Psychology Investigation Center of the University of Évora. The aim of the investigation is focused on the analysis of the impact, of the effects at social and professional level of the RVCC process (Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competencies) of the certified individuals, between 2000-2005, in the County of Santiago do Cacém. This investigation is of descriptive nature and assumes a quantitative methodological approach, which resorted to the administration of a questionnaire to the entire study population. The results obtained allow to conclude that the RVCC process has positive effects on the individuals’ life path, with more impact at personal level than social or professional.