4 resultados para PCR-RFLP assay
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Neste trabalho foram estudadas as interacções entre Mycobacterium bovis e células hospedeiras, na perspectiva de aplicar os conhecimentos resultantes desse estudo ao melhoramento do diagnóstico da tuberculose bovina. Foi estudada a dinâmica da infecção de células fagocíticas com estirpes de M. bovis, com ênfase para a invasão e multiplicação intracelular das micobactérias. Avaliações efectuadas por citometria de fluxo, microscopia de fluorescência e contagem de colónias demonstraram que as micobactérias invadiram e replicaram em todos os modelos celulares, sendo que as células epiteliais de pulmão de bovino foram as mais permissivas ao seu crescimento. Foi nas células macrofágicas J774 e THP-1 que se verificaram as maiores concentrações micobacterianas, pelo que foram utilizadas para a detecção e identificação de M. bovis por um método molecular. A optimização da extracção de DNA, por um processo mecânico, e o desenvolvimento do método de PCR-RFLP baseado no gene gyrB, com controlo interno, permitiram a identificação de M. bovis. A sensibilidade deste método foi de 100% quando aplicado a estirpes isoladas e apenas de 40% quando utilizado directamente em amostras de macerados de tecidos de bovinos com tuberculose. Uma pré-incubação (3 dias) das amostras nas culturas celulares contribuiu para melhorar significativamente a sensibilidade (77%) do PCR-RFLP gyrB. A cultura celular, como matriz a ser utilizada para aumentar a quantidade de M. bovis presente em amostras biológicas, revela-se um método promissor para o diagnóstico laboratorial rápido, específico e sensível da tuberculose bovina. ### - Summary - Interactions between Mycobacterium bovis and host cells were studied with the purpose to apply the outcome knowledge in the improvement of bovine tuberculosis diagnosis. The dynamic of infection of four cell models with three strains of M. bovis was evaluated, with emphasis given to the invasion and intracellular multiplication of mycobacteria. Assessments by flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and colony counting showed that every cell models permitted the replication of mycobacteria, although bovine lung epithelial cells had been the most permissive one. The highest mycobacteria) load was found, however, in J774 and THP-1 macrophages, and hence these cells were used for the optimization of a molecular method for detection and identification of M. bovis. The optimisation of a DNA extraction step, by a mechanical process, and the development of PCR-RFLP based on gyrB gene, with an internal control, allowed the identification of M. bovis. The sensitivity of this method was 100% when applied to isolated strains and only 40% when directly used on samples of macerated of tissues from cattle with tuberculosis. Assays in which a pre-incubation step (three days) of biological samples in cell cultures was introduced significantly improved the sensitivity (77%) of the gyrB PCR-RFLP. Cell cultures as a support for growth and rapid isolation of M. bovis is a promising method for the specific, sensitive and rapid laboratorial diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis.
The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus , is a major pathogen of conifers, which impacts on forest health, natural ecosystem stability and international trade. As a consequence, it has been listed as a quarantine organism in Europe. A real-time PCR approach based on TaqMan chemistry was developed to detect this organism. Specific probe and primers were designed based on the sequence of the Msp I satellite DNA family previously characterized in the genome of the nematode. The method proved to be specific in tests with target DNA from PWN isolates from worldwide origin. From a practical point of view, detection limit was 1 pg of target DNA or one individual nematode. In addition, PWN genomic DNA or single individuals were positively detected in mixed samples in which B. xylophilius was associated with the closely related non-pathogenic species B. mucronatus , up to the limit of 0.01% or 1% of the mixture, respectively. The real-time PCR assay was also used in conjunction with a simple DNA extraction method to detect PWN directly in artificially infested wood samples. These results demonstrate the potential of this assay to provide rapid, accurate and sensitive molecular identification of the PWN in relation to pest risk assessment in the field and quarantine regulation.
For reasons of unequal distribution of more than one nematode species in wood, and limited availability of wood samples required for the PCR-based method for detecting pinewood nematodes in wood tissue of Pinus massoniana, a rapid staining-assisted wood sampling method aiding PCR-based detection of the pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Bx) in small wood samples of P. massoniana was developed in this study. This comprised a series of new techniques: sampling, mass estimations of nematodes using staining techniques, and lowest limit Bx nematode mass determination for PCR detection. The procedure was undertaken on three adjoining 5-mg wood cross-sections, of 0.5 · 0.5 · 0.015 cm dimension, that were cut from a wood sample of 0.5 · 0.5 · 0.5 cm initially, then the larger wood sample was stained by acid fuchsin, from which two 5-mg wood cross-sections (that adjoined the three 5-mg wood cross-sections, mentioned above) were cut. Nematode-staining-spots (NSSs) in each of the two stained sections were counted under a microscope at 100· magnification. If there were eight or more NSSs present, the adjoining three sections were used for PCR assays. The B. xylophilus – specific amplicon of 403 bp (DQ855275) was generated by PCR assay from 100.00% of 5-mg wood cross-sections that contained more than eight Bx NSSs by the PCR assay. The entire sampling procedure took only 10 min indicating that it is suitable for the fast estimation of nematode numbers in the wood of P. massonina as the prelimary sample selections for other more expensive Bx-detection methods such as PCR assay.
The application of molecular methods offers an alternative faster than traditional methods based on morphology It is nearly impossible to process all the samples in short period using traditional methods, and the deterioration of marine sediments rapidly occurs The dT-RFLP (directed Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) allows a rapid assessment of biodiversity changes of nematodes assemblages The use of a not suitable fixing, storage time and DNA extraction could be a limitation in molecular analysis like dT-RFLP and real time PCR.Objetives: the best fixative •the level of DNA degradation over the time •the best DNA extraction method for marine nematodes and suitable for dT-RFLP analysis