6 resultados para Ovine enterotoxaemia

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The functional and structural performance of a 5 cm synthetic small diameter vascular graft (SDVG) produced by the copolymerization of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel with low molecular weight dextran (PVA/Dx graft) associated to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-based therapies and anticoagulant treatment with heparin, clopidogrel and warfarin was tested using the ovine model during the healing period of 24 weeks. The results were compared to the ones obtained with standard expanded polyetetrafluoroethylene grafts (ePTFE graft). Blood flow, vessel and graft diameter measurements, graft appearance and patency rate (PR), thrombus, stenosis and collateral vessel formation were evaluated by B-mode ultrasound, audio and color flow Doppler. Graft and regenerated vessels morphologic evaluation was performed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. All PVA/Dx grafts could maintain a similar or higher PR and systolic / diastolic laminar blood flow velocities were similar to ePTFE grafts. CD14 (macrophages) and α-actin (smooth muscle) staining presented similar results in PVA/Dx/MSCs and ePTFE graft groups. Fibrosis layer was lower and endothelial cells were only detected at graft-artery transitions where it was added the MSCs. In conclusion, PVA/Dx graft can be an excellent scaffold candidate for vascular reconstruction, including clinic mechanically challenging applications, such as SDVGs, especially when associated to MSCs-based therapies to promote higher endothelialization and lower fibrosis of the vascular prosthesis, but also higher PR values.


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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo o estudo da prevalência de mastites ovinas em explorações do Alentejo e a identificação dos agentes etiológicos, seus factores de virulência e epitopos imunorrelevantes. A prevalência de mastite clínica e subclínica foi 1,7% e 32,2%, respectivamente. O agente etiológico mais prevalente foi Staphylococcus epidermidis (N=115), tendo sido também identificados Staphylococcus aureus (N=27) e Streptococcus agalactiae (N=17). A pesquisa de factores de virulência permitiu identificar os padrões de susceptibilidade (N=404) e as Concentrações Inibitórias Mínimas de princípios activos (N=130). De 109 isolados de Staphylococcus epidermidis; oito revelaram capacidade para produzir biofilme in vitro. Os isolados estudados aderiam e eram internalizados por células epiteliais mamárias (N=12). A pesquisa de cinco superantigénios resultou negativa (N=27). Foram estudados os perfis proteicos de Staphylococcus epidermidis, tendo sido identificados os epitopos imunorrelevantes, reconhecidos por imunoglobulinas séricas e mamárias. Verificou-se uma resposta imunológica local específica nos animais infectados./SUMMARY - OVINE MASTITIS: EPIDEMIOLOGY, VIRULENCE FACTORS AND IMMUNORELEVANT ANTIGENES OF AETIOLOGICAL MICRORGANISMS The present work aimed at investigating the prevaleance of ovine mastitis in farms from Aletenjo and the identification of causative microrganisms, their virulence factors and immunorelevant epitopes. The preva lence of clinical and subclinical mastitis was 1.7% and 32.2%,respect ively. The most preva lent aet iologica l agent was Staphylococcus epidermidis (N=115); Staphylococcus aureus (N=27) and Streptococcus agalactiae (N=17) were also identified. The investigation of virulence factors allowed the identification of susceptibility patterns (N=404) and drug Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (N=130). From 109 Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates; eight showed the ability to produce biofilm in vitro. The isolates studied adhered and were internalised by mammary epithelial cells (N=12). None of the five superantigens studied was detected (N=27). The protein profile of Staphylococcus epidermidis was determined, and the immunorelevant epitopes, recognised by blood and milk immunoglobulins, were identified. It was possible to detect a specific local immune response in infected animals.


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Development of a sheep vertebroplasty model for bioceramic materials assessment Sheep has been widely used as an animal orthopaedic model. Although several studies report anatomic and biomechanical similarities as well as distinctions of ovine lumbar vertebrae when compared to human’s, only a few studies describe its actual use as a vertebroplasty model. Due to distinct anatomic features, sheep lumbar vertebrae pose a challenge when developing a minimally invasive procedure for vertebroplasty material testing, under conditions meant to be the most similar to clinical procedure. The present work describes the development of an appropriate surgical percutaneous vertebroplasty model in the lumbar spine of sheep, applicable in vivo, that minimizes the risk of post-surgical complications. This model was mechanically evaluated ex-vivo regarding its safety, and used to evaluate the injectability and radiopacity of two new bioceramic materials when compared to a commercial bioceramic bone substitute (Cerament™ SpineSupport). Microtomography techniques helped in the development of the model and results assessment. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a defect was created through a bilateral modified parapedicular access in the cranial hemivertebrae of 30 sheep lumbar vertebrae (L4, L5 and L6). The manually drilled defect had an average volume of 1209 ±226 mm3 and allowed the novel materials injection through a standardized injection cannula placed in one of the entrance points. Adequate defect filling was observed with all tested materials. No mechanical failure was observed under loads higher than the physiological.


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The testing of novel biomaterials for percutaneous vertebroplasty depends on suitable animal models. The aim of this study was to develop ex vivo a reproducible and feasible model of percutaneous vertebroplasty, for ulterior application in vivo. A large animal model was used (Merino sheep), due to its translational properties. Vertebroplasty was performed under tactile and fluoroscopic control, through a bilateral modified parapedicular access in lumbar vertebrae (n=12). Care was taken in order to avoid disruption of the vertebral foramen. The average defect volume was 1234±240 mm3. This mean volume ensures practical defects to test novel injectable biomaterials. 6 vertebrae were injected with a commercial cement (Cerament®, Bone Support, Sweden). Adequate defect filling was observed in all vertebrae. All vertebrae were assessed by microCT, prior to and post defect creation and after biomaterial injection. All vertebrae were mechanical tested. No mechanical failure was observed under loads higher than the physiological. Ultimately, this model is considered suitable for pre-clinical in vivo studies, mimicking clinical application.


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The control of mastitis is currently reliant on antibiotic utilization. Nevertheless antibiotics overuse and use without criteria leads to the development of resistant strains with negative consequences both in animal and public health. Essential oils (EOs) are classified as GRAS (generally recognized as safe), are provided with antimicrobial properties and no resistance has been reported after use. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of EOs of aromatic herbs, growing wild in Alentejo region and widely used in Mediterranean food, against microorganisms isolated from ovine mastitic milk.


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Background Context Percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure and is frequently performed in humans who need surgical treatment of vertebral fractures. PVP involves cement injection into the vertebral body, thereby providing rapid and significant pain relief. Purpose The testing of novel biomaterials depends on suitable animal models. The aim of this study was to develop a reproducible and safe model of PVP in sheep. Study Design This study used ex vivo and in vivo large animal model study (Merino sheep). Methods Ex vivo vertebroplasty was performed through a bilateral modified parapedicular access in 24 ovine lumbar hemivertebrae, divided into four groups (n=6). Cerament (Bone Support, Lund, Sweden) was the control material. In the experimental group, a novel composite was tested—Spine-Ghost—which consisted of an alpha-calcium sulfate matrix enriched with micrometric particles of mesoporous bioactive glass. All vertebrae were assessed by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and underwent mechanical testing. For the in vivo study, 16 sheep were randomly allocated into control and experimental groups (n=8), and underwent PVP using the same bone cements. All vertebrae were assessed postmortem by micro-CT, histology, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-PCR). This work has been supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for collaborative projects (600,000–650,000 USD). Results In the ex vivo model, the average defect volume was 1,275.46±219.29 mm3. Adequate defect filling with cement was observed. No mechanical failure was observed under loads which were higher than physiological. In the in vivo study, cardiorespiratory distress was observed in two animals, and one sheep presented mild neurologic deficits in the hind limbs before recovering. Conclusions The model of PVP is considered suitable for preclinical in vivo studies, mimicking clinical application. All sheep recovered and completed a 6-month implantation period. There was no evidence of cement leakage into the vertebral foramen in the postmortem examination.