12 resultados para Olive leaves

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF SALINITY ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF YOUNG OLIVE TREES OF ARBEQUINA, COBRANÇOSA AND GALEGA VARIETIES Ana Elisa Rato1,4, Renato Coelho1, Margarida Vaz1, Teresa Carola2, Dália Barbosa2, Nádia Silva1, José dos Santos2, Lourenço Machado2, João Godinho2, Luzia Ruas2, Margarida Barradas2, Hernani Pereira2, Sara Porfírio4 1 ICAAM, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 2 Master students, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 3 Ph.D. student, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 4 aerato@uevora.pt Due to the desertification in some regions, the interest in plant’s tolerance to salinity has been increasing, as this response is determining for plant survival in stress conditions. This work reports the investigation of tolerance to salt in two year-old olive trees (Olea europaea L.) of three varieties, Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega vulgar. Plants were grown in 10 L plastic pots containing approximately 9 Kg of a sandy granitic soil, on a greenhouse. For 3 months (from the beginning of February to the end of April 2012), they were subjected to three levels of salinity in the irrigation water, 0 mM, 80 mM and 200 mM NaCl (6 plants per salinity level in a total of 18 plants of each variety),. Stomatal conductance (gs) and relative leaf chlorophyll content were assessed on each plant in February, March and April. Mid-day leaf water potential () and soil salinity were measured at the end of the experiment (April). On average, concerning all treatments and dates of determination, stomatal conductance of Arbequina and Galega vulgar was quite similar, around 40 mmol m-2 s-1, but Cobrançosa had a value of gs 36% higher, almost 50% higher (61 mmol m-2 s-1) when compared with the controls (0 mM salt) of the other two varieties. In percentage of controls, there was little difference in gs between varieties and between salinities during February and March. In contrast, in April, after about 90 days of exposure to salt, there was a clear decrease in gs with salt irrigation, proportional to salt concentration. Compared with controls, plants irrigated with 200 mM salt showed around 80% (Arbequina) or 85% (Cobrançosa and Galega vulgar) decrease in gs. Chlorophyll content of leaves showed less than 5% difference between varieties on the average of all treatments and dates of determination. During the course of this experiment, the salinity levels used did not show any relevant effect on chlorophyll content. Overall, at the end of the experimental period (April), leaf water potential () at midday was significantly higher in Cobrançosa (-1,4 MPa) than in Galega vulgar (-1,7 MPa) or Arbequina (-1,8 MPa), and salt decreased  of control plants (-1,25 MPa) by an average 30% (with 80 mM) and 65% (with 200 mM). At the end of the experiment, salinity in the soil irrigated with 0 mM, 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl was, on average of all varieties, 0,2 mS, 1,0 mS or 2,0 mS, respectively. Soil salinity was quite similar in Arbequina and Galega vulgar but about 35% lower in the pots of Cobrançosa, on average of all salt-irrigation levels. Plants of Cobrançosa had higher stomatal conductance, however they showed higher water potential and lower salinity in the soil. These apparently contradictory results seem to suggest that Cobrançosa responds to salt differently from the other two varieties. This issue needs further investigation.


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Transpiration of two year-old olive trees of three different varieties, Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega (18 trees per variety), irrigated with three levels of salt (0, 80 or 200 mM NaCl) for about 90 days, was measured by a gravimetric method. To determine leaf area, each tree was photographed from the side against a white background and the total area of each projected image was determined with ImageJ software. To calibrate these area determinations, one tree of each variety was subsequently stripped of all its leaves and its total leaf area was accurately measured. A correlation was then obtained between the area on the photograph of this particular tree and the total area of the detached leaves of the same tree. Using the leaf area determined by this procedure, transpiration rates of the trees could be calculated. Knowing leaf and air temperatures and RH, it was possible to determine the difference in molar fraction of water between the leaf and the air. Using this and the values of the transpiration rate, stomatal conductance could be calculated (gs calc) and compared with the conductance measured on the same trees with a porometer (gs). Actual leaf area of a plant was 1,40 (Arbequina), 1,42 (Cobrançosa) or 1,24 (Galega) times the area measured with ImageJ on the photograph of the same plant. Leaf area of the trees, on average of all salt irrigations, was significantly higher on Arbequina (0,187 m2) then on the other two varieties (0,138 m2 or 0,148 m2, for Cobrançosa or Galega, respectively), but did not differ significantly in percentage of controls (0 salt). On average of all three varieties, leaf area was also higher on plants irrigated without salt (0,181 m2) than on plants exposed to 80 or 200 mM NaCl (0,152 m2 or 0,140 m2, respectively), which did not differ between them. The same significant difference was observed when leaf area was expressed as percentage of controls. Transpiration rate was significantly higher on Cobrançosa (1,17 mmol m-2 s-1), on average of all treatments, but there were no significant differences between Arbequina (1,08 mmol m-2 s-1) and Galega (0,82 mmol m-2 s-1). In percentage of controls, there were no significant differences between varieties. Salt reduced significantly the transpiration rate in all varieties, both the actual and percentual values, to about 50% or 30% of controls when exposed to 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl, respectively. Stomatal conductance (gs), assessed by porometry, was significantly higher in control plants, mainly in Cobrançosa (102 mmol m-2 s-1), then in Arbequina (77 mmol m-2 s-1) and the lower values were found in Galega (51 mmol m-2 s-1). Salt reduced gs, on average of the three varieties to 30% or 10% of controls on exposure to 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl, respectively. Calculated (gs calc) and measured (gs) values of stomatal conductance showed a close relation between them (0,967, R2 = 0,837) which indicates this non-destructive method to determine whole-plant leaf area to be reasonably accurate.


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Soil salinization is a problem in the Mediterranean region. This paper reports a research on the response to salt in two year-old olive trees (Olea europaea L.) of three Iberian varieties: Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega Vulgar. Plants were grown in plastic pots containing approximately 9 Kg of a sandy granitic soil, on a greenhouse at the University of Évora since February 2010. The experiment went from February to April 2012. As a rule, plants were watered every other day alternating salt solution (0 mM, 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl) or tap water. After three months irrigation with the different NaCl solutions, soil electric conductivity and soil water content were significantly higher on salt-irrigated pots. Salt also decreased significantly stomatal conductance (gs) and mid-day leaf water potential (), Cobrançosa having in general higher gs and but lower SLA than the two other varieties. Chlorophyll content of leaves was not affected by salt after this three months exposure to NaCl but was significantly higher on Arbequina and lower on Cobrançosa. In general, hyperspectral reflectance indexes did not show significant correlations with salt irrigation, except for the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) which was clearly lower on plants of all three varieties irrigated with salt. Interestingly, Cobrançosa showed frequently vegetation indexes different from the other two varieties.


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Olive (Olea europaea L.), one of the main crops in the Mediterranean basin, is mainly propagated by cuttings, a classical propagation method that relies on the ability of the cuttings to form adventitious roots. While some cultivars are easily propagated by this technique, some of the most interesting olive cultivars are considered difficult-to-root which poses a challenge for their preservation and commercialization. Therefore, increasing the current knowledge on adventitious root formation is extremely important for species like olive. This research focuses on evaluating the role of free auxins and oxidative enzymes on adventitious root formation of two olive cultivars with different rooting ability - ‘Galega vulgar’ (difficult-to-root) and ‘Cobrançosa’ (easy-to-root). In this context, free auxin levels and enzyme activities were determined in in vitro-cultured ‘Galega vulgar’ microshoots and in semi-hardwood cuttings of cvs. ‘Galega vulgar’ and ‘Cobrançosa’. To attain this goal, an analytical method for the quantification of free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was developed, which is based on dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by microwave derivatization (DLLME-MAD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. The developed method was validated in terms of linearity, recovery, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) and proved to be useful in the analysis of two very different types of plant tissues. The results from auxin quantification in olive samples point at a relationship between free auxin levels and rooting ability of both microshoots and semihardwood cuttings. A defective IBA-IAA conversion, resulting in a peak of free IAA during initiation phase, seems to be associated with low rooting ability. Likewise, differences in the activity of oxidative enzymes also appear to be related with rooting ability. Higher polyphenol oxidases (PPO) activity is likely related with an easyto- root behavior, while the opposite is true for peroxidases (POX) (including IAA oxidase (IAAox)) activity. A possible hypothesis for adventitious root formation in olive microcuttings is presented herein for the first time. Free auxins, oxidative enzymes, alternative oxidase (AOX) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are some of the factors that may be involved in this highly complex physiological process. Interestingly, while temporal changes in auxin levels were similar between microshoots and semihardwood cuttings, the conclusions obtained from enzyme activity results in microshoots didn’t translate to semi-hardwood tissues, showing the emerging need for adaptation of classical agronomical research studies to modern techniques; Resumo: Procurando compreender o papel das auxinas e enzimas oxidativas na formação de raízes adventícias em cultivares de oliveira (Olea europaea L.) A oliveira (Olea europaea L.) é uma das principais culturas da bacia Mediterrânica e é propagada maioritariamente por estacaria, um processo altamente dependente da capacidade das estacas para formar raízes adventícias. Enquanto algumas cultivares são fáceis de propagar desta forma, algumas das cultivares de oliveira mais interessantes são consideradas difíceis de enraizar, o que dificulta a sua preservação e comercialização e torna extremamente importante aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o enraizamento adventício desta espécie. Este trabalho foca-se na avaliação do papel das auxinas livres e das enzimas oxidativas na formação de raízes adventícias em duas cultivares de oliveira com diferente capacidade de enraizamento - ‘Galega vulgar’ (difícil de enraizar) e ‘Cobrançosa’ (fácil de enraizar). Neste contexto, determinaram-se os níveis de auxinas livres e as actividades de enzimas oxidativas em microestacas de ‘Galega vulgar’ cultivadas in vitro bem como em estacas semi-lenhosas das cvs. ‘Galega vulgar’ e ‘Cobrançosa’. Para tal foi necessário desenvolver uma metodologia analítica para a quantificação de ácido indol-3-acético (IAA) e ácido indol-3-butírico (IBA), baseada em microextracção dispersiva líquido-líquido (DLLME) seguida de derivatização em microondas (MAD) e análise por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). O método desenvolvido foi validado em termos de linearidade, recuperação, limite de detecção (LOD) e limite de quantificação (LOQ), e mostrou-se eficaz na análise de dois tipos de tecidos vegetais bastante diferentes. Os resultados da análise de auxinas em amostras de oliveira apontam para uma possível relação entre os níveis de auxinas livres e a capacidade de enraizamento, tanto em microestacas como em estacas semi-lenhosas. Uma conversão IBA-IAA deficiente, que resulta num pico de IAA durante a fase de iniciação, parece estar associada à baixa capacidade de enraizamento. Por outro lado, a capacidade de enraizamento também parece estar relacionada com diferenças na actividade de enzimas oxidativas. Comportamentos fáceis de enraizar estão associados a actividade mais elevada das polifenoloxidases (PPO), enquanto o oposto é verdade para a actividade das peroxidases (POX) (incluindo a IAA oxidase (IAAox)). Neste trabalho propõe-se pela primeira vez uma possível explicação para o enraizamento adventício em microestacas de oliveira. Auxinas livres, enzimas oxidativas, oxidase alternativa (AOX) e espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS) são alguns dos factores envolvidos neste processo fisiológico altamente complexo. Curiosamente, enquanto as alterações temporais nos níveis de auxinas foram semelhantes entre microestacas e estacas semi-lenhosas, o mesmo não se observou relativamente à actividade enzimática, o que mostra a necessidade de adaptação dos estudos agronómicos tradicionais às técnicas correntes.


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Aiming to introduce a multiresidue analysis for the trace detection of pesticide residues belonging to organophosphorus and triazine classes from olive oil samples, a new sample preparation methodology comprising the use of a dual layer of “tailor-made” molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) SPE for the simultaneous extraction of both pesticides in a single procedure has been attempted. This work has focused on the implementation of a dual MIP-layer SPE procedure (DL-MISPE) encompassing the use of two MIP layers as specific sorbents. In order to achieve higher recovery rates, the amount of MIP layers has been optimized as well as the influence of MIP packaging order. The optimized DL-MISPE approach has been used in the preconcentration of spiked organic olive oil samples with concentrations of dimethoate and terbuthylazine similar to the maximum residue limits and further quantification by HPLC. High recovery rates for dimethoate (95%) and terbuthylazine (94%) have been achieved with good accuracy and precision. Overall, this work constitutes the first attempt on the development of a dual pesticide residue methodology for the trace analysis of pesticide residues based on molecular imprinting technology. Thus, DL-MISPE constitutes a reliable, robust, and sensitive sample preparation methodology that enables preconcentration of the target pesticides in complex olive oil samples, even at levels similar to the maximum residue limits enforced by the legislation.


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The activity of oxidative enzymes and the levels of free auxins were determined during adventitious root formation in olive explants. Rooting trials were performed both with in vitro-cultured micro shoots of the cultivar ‘Galega Vulgar’, treated with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and with salicylhydroxamic acid(SHAM) + IBA, as well as with semi-hardwood cuttings of the cultivars ‘Galega Vulgar’ (difficult-to-root)and ‘Cobrançosa’ (easy-to-root), treated with IBA. The auxin (IBA) was used in all experiments as a rooting promoter, while SHAM was used in micropropagation trials as rooting inhibitor, providing a negative control. Free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and IBA concentrations were determined in microshoots, as well as in semi-hardwood cuttings, throughout the rooting period at pre-established time-points. At the sametime-points, the enzymatic activity of polyphenol oxidases (PPO), peroxidases (POX), and IAA oxidase(IAAox) was evaluated in the microshoots. Microshoots treated with SHAM + IBA revealed higher POX and IAAox activity, as well as lower PPO activity, than those treated only with IBA. IAA levels were higher in IBA-treated microshoots during induction phase, but lower during early initiation phase. Incontrast, free IBA levels were higher in microshoots treated with SHAM + IBA during induction, but lower during initiation. A similar pattern of free auxin levels was observed in semi-hardwood cuttings of the two contrasting cultivars under evaluation. The similarities found on the auxin patterns of microshoots treated with SHAM and those of semi-hardwood cuttings of the difficult-to-root olive cultivar allow considering SHAM a reliable control for when simulation of a difficult-to-root behavior is necessary. The inhibitory effect of SHAM in root formation could be related with 1) the inhibition of alternative oxidase(AOX), leading to a down regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways, which would decrease the concentration of phenolic substrates for PPO; 2) an increase in IAAox activity resulting in lower free IAA levels or; 3) a defective conversion of IBA into IAA.


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Olive tree sap flow measurements were collected in an intensive orchard near Évora, Portugal, during the irrigation seasons of 2013 and 2014, to calculate daily tree transpiration rates (T_SF). Meteorological variables were also collected to calculate reference evapotranspiration (ETo). Both data were used to assess values of basal crop coefficient (Kcb) for the period of the sap flow observations. The soil water balance model SIMDualKc was calibrated with soil, biophysical ground data and sap flow measurements collected in 2013. Validated in 2014 with collected sap flow observations, the model was used to provide estimates of dual e single crop coefficients for 2014 crop growing season. Good agreement between model simulated daily transpiration rates and those obtained with sapflow measurements was observed for 2014 (R2=0.76, RMSE=0.20 mm d-1), the year of validation, with an estimation average absolute error (AAE) of 0.20 mm d-1. Olive modeled daily actual evapotranspiration resulted in atual ETc values of 0.87, 2.05 and 0.77 mm d-1 for 2014 initial, mid- and end-season, respectively. Actual crop coefficient (Kc act) values of 0.51, 0.43 and 0.67 were also obtained for the same periods, respectively. Higher Kc values during spring (initial stage) and autumn (end-stage) were published in FAO56, varying between 0.65 for Kc ini and 0.70 for Kc end. The lower Kc mid value of 0.43 obtained for the summer (mid-season) is also inconsistent with the FAO56 expected Kc mid value of 0.70 for the period. The modeled Kc results are more consistent with the ones published by Allen & Pereira [1] for olive orchards with effective ground cover of 0.25 to 0.5, which vary between 0.40 and 0.80 for Kc ini, 0.40–0.60 for Kc mid with no active ground cover, and 0.35–0.75 for Kc end, depending on ground cover. The SIMDualKc simulation model proved to be appropriate for obtaining evapotranspiration and crop coefficient values for our intensive olive orchard in southern Portugal.


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Biophysical and meteorological variables as well as radiometric canopy temperatures were collected in an intensive orchard near Évora, Portugal, with 28% ground cover by canopy and combined in a simplified two-source energy balance model (STSEB) to independently calculate the olive tree transpiration (T_STSEB) component of the total evapotranspiration (ETc). Sap flow observations were simultaneously taken in the same orchard allowing also for independent calculations of tree transpiration (T_SF). Model water use results were compared with water use estimates from the sap flow measurements. Good agreement was observed (R2=0.86, RMSE=0.20 mm d-1), with an estimation average absolute error (AAE) of 0.17 mm d-1. From June to August, on average olive water use were 1.92 and 1.89 mm d-1 for sap flow and STSEB model respectively, and 1.38 and 1.58 mm d-1 for the month of September. Results were also used to assess the olive basal crop coefficients (Kcb). Kcb estimates of 0.33 were obtained for sap flow and STSEB model, respectively, for June to August, and of 0.44 and 0.53 for the month of September. Basal crop coefficients were lower than the suggested FAO56 average Kcb values of 0.65 for June to August, the crop mid-season growth stage, and of 0.65 for the month of September, the end-season.


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We used 2012 sap flow measurements to assess the seasonal dynamics of daily plant transpiration (ETc) in a high-density olive orchard (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Arbequina’) with a well-watered (HI) control treatment A to supply 100 % of the crop water needs, and a moderately (MI) watered treatment B that replaced 70% of crop needs. To assure that treatment A was well-watered, we compared field daily ETc values against ETc obtained with the Penman-Monteith (PM) combination equation incorporating the Orgaz et al. (2007) bulk daily canopy conductance (gc) model, validated for our non-limiting conditions. We then tested the hypothesis of indirectly monitoring olive ETc from readily available vegetation index (VI) and ground-based plant water stress indicator. In the process we used the FAO56 dual crop coefficient (Kc) approach. For the HI olive trees we defined Kcb as the basal transpiration coefficient, and we related Kcb to remotely sensed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) through a Kcb-SAVI functional relationship. For the MI treatment, we defined the actual transpiration ETc as the product of Kcb and the stress reduction coefficient Ks obtained as the ratio of actual to crop ETc, and we correlated Ks with MI midday stem water potential (ψst) values through a Ks-ψ functional relationship. Operational monitoring of ETc was then implemented with the ETc = Kcb(SAVI)Ks(ψ)ETo relationship stemmed from the FAO56 approach and validated taking as inputs collected SAVI and ψst data reporting to year 2011. Low validation error (6%) and high goodness-of-fit of prediction were observed (R2 = 0.94, RSME = 0.2 mm day-1, P = 0.0015), allowing to consider that under field conditions it is possible to predict ETc values for our hedgerow olive orchards if SAVI and water potential (ψst) values are known.


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TESLA project (Transfering Energy Save Laid on Agroindustry) financed by the European Commission, had the main goals of evaluating the energy consumption and to identify the best available practices to improve energy efficiency in key agro-food sectors, such as the olive oil mills. A general analysis of energy consumptions allowed identifying the partition between electrical and thermal energy (approximately 50%) and the production processes responsible for the higher energy consumptions, as being the in the mill and paste preparation and the phases separation. Some measures for reducing energy waste and for improving energy efficiency were identified and the impact was evaluated by using the TESLA tool developed by Circe and available at the TESLA website.


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The production of olive oil generates several by-products that can be seen as an additional business opportunity. Among them are the olive pits, already used for heat and/or electricity generation in some mills. They contain compounds that are commercially very interesting and, if recovered, contribute to the sustainability of the olive mills. The work presented in this paper is a preliminary evaluation of the economic feasibility of implementing a system based on a batch prototype with 1 m3 for the extraction of high value-added bioactive molecules from olive pits that are separated during the production of virgin olive oil. For the analysis, a small representative olive mill in Portugal was considered and the traditional Discounted Cash Flow Method was applied. Based on the assumptions made, the simple payback for implementation a system for the extraction of value-added molecules from the olive pits is around 7 years.


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Olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major olive pest in the Mediterranean basin where increasing insecticide resistance has enhanced damage and necessitates more reliance on other control strategies, such as biological control. Provision of floral resources has been reported to improve the effectiveness of natural enemies. Here, we tested the effect of six plant nectars and two honeydew sources on the survival of Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid wasp used in the biological control of olive fruit fly. Our results showed a positive effect on survival associated with nectars of Anchusa azurea Mill., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lavatera cretica L. and Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi, while honeydew proved to be a valuable alternative food source. When offering flowers directly to insects, Anchusa azurea, Lavatera cretica, and Foeniculum vulgare L. were found to be the most beneficial species, indicating also that P. concolor feeds predominantly on shallow corollas.