2 resultados para Nomes de ruas

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF SALINITY ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF YOUNG OLIVE TREES OF ARBEQUINA, COBRANÇOSA AND GALEGA VARIETIES Ana Elisa Rato1,4, Renato Coelho1, Margarida Vaz1, Teresa Carola2, Dália Barbosa2, Nádia Silva1, José dos Santos2, Lourenço Machado2, João Godinho2, Luzia Ruas2, Margarida Barradas2, Hernani Pereira2, Sara Porfírio4 1 ICAAM, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 2 Master students, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 3 Ph.D. student, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 4 aerato@uevora.pt Due to the desertification in some regions, the interest in plant’s tolerance to salinity has been increasing, as this response is determining for plant survival in stress conditions. This work reports the investigation of tolerance to salt in two year-old olive trees (Olea europaea L.) of three varieties, Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega vulgar. Plants were grown in 10 L plastic pots containing approximately 9 Kg of a sandy granitic soil, on a greenhouse. For 3 months (from the beginning of February to the end of April 2012), they were subjected to three levels of salinity in the irrigation water, 0 mM, 80 mM and 200 mM NaCl (6 plants per salinity level in a total of 18 plants of each variety),. Stomatal conductance (gs) and relative leaf chlorophyll content were assessed on each plant in February, March and April. Mid-day leaf water potential () and soil salinity were measured at the end of the experiment (April). On average, concerning all treatments and dates of determination, stomatal conductance of Arbequina and Galega vulgar was quite similar, around 40 mmol m-2 s-1, but Cobrançosa had a value of gs 36% higher, almost 50% higher (61 mmol m-2 s-1) when compared with the controls (0 mM salt) of the other two varieties. In percentage of controls, there was little difference in gs between varieties and between salinities during February and March. In contrast, in April, after about 90 days of exposure to salt, there was a clear decrease in gs with salt irrigation, proportional to salt concentration. Compared with controls, plants irrigated with 200 mM salt showed around 80% (Arbequina) or 85% (Cobrançosa and Galega vulgar) decrease in gs. Chlorophyll content of leaves showed less than 5% difference between varieties on the average of all treatments and dates of determination. During the course of this experiment, the salinity levels used did not show any relevant effect on chlorophyll content. Overall, at the end of the experimental period (April), leaf water potential () at midday was significantly higher in Cobrançosa (-1,4 MPa) than in Galega vulgar (-1,7 MPa) or Arbequina (-1,8 MPa), and salt decreased  of control plants (-1,25 MPa) by an average 30% (with 80 mM) and 65% (with 200 mM). At the end of the experiment, salinity in the soil irrigated with 0 mM, 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl was, on average of all varieties, 0,2 mS, 1,0 mS or 2,0 mS, respectively. Soil salinity was quite similar in Arbequina and Galega vulgar but about 35% lower in the pots of Cobrançosa, on average of all salt-irrigation levels. Plants of Cobrançosa had higher stomatal conductance, however they showed higher water potential and lower salinity in the soil. These apparently contradictory results seem to suggest that Cobrançosa responds to salt differently from the other two varieties. This issue needs further investigation.


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Efetuamos, numa primeira fase do trabalho, uma abordagem teórica, definindo alguns conceitos fundamentais para o desenvolvimento e fundamentação deste estudo. Ainda no campo teórico, realizámos a caraterização do território em estudo nas suas diversas vertentes. Esta investigação procura conhecer as instituições concelhias mais relevantes, caraterizar a sua atividade e perceber quais são os seus contextos de aprendizagem. Por parte das instituições, há disponibilidade para estabelecer parcerias e colaborar com a escola, podendo esta articulação contribuir para aumentar e diversificar a sua capacidade e oferta educativa, através da mobilização dos conhecimentos existentes nas instituições locais. O estudo empírico foi quantitativo, recorrendo ao inquérito por questionário como meio de recolha de dados. Foram estudadas 25 instituições num universo de 73 associações existentes. Procedeu-se à apresentação, análise e interpretação dos dados e principais conclusões do estudo. Foram feitas algumas recomendações e sugestões; ### ABSTRACT: We established a theorethical approach in the initial stage of our work, defining some crucial concepts for the development and grounding of this study. We also characterized the territory under study in its several forms. The research aims at knowing the most important municipal institutions, characterizing their activities and understanding what are their learning contexts. By the institutions, there is will to establish partnerships and co-operate with the school. This linkage may contribute to increase and diversify their ability and educational provision by harnessing existing knowledge in local institutions. The study was quantitative, using the inquiry and survey as a way to collect data. 25 institutions were studied within a total number of 72 existing associations. Afterwards, the data and main conclusions of the study were presented, analysed and interpreted. Some recommendations and suggestions were made.