4 resultados para Negative emotional state

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The developmental progression of emotional competence in childhood provides a robust evidence for its relation to social competence and important adjustment outcomes. This study aimed to analyze how this association is established in middle childhood. For this purpose, we tested 182 Portuguese children aged between 8 and 11 years, of 3rd and 4th grades, in public schools. Firstly, for assessing social competence we used an instrument directed to children using critical social situations within the relationships with peers in the school context - Socially in Action-Peers (SAp) (Rocha, Candeias & Lopes da Silva, 2012); children were assessed by three sources: themselves, their peers and their teacher. Secondly, we assessed children’s emotional understanding, individually, with the Test of Emotion Comprehension (Pons & Harris, 2002; Pons, Harris & Rosnay, 2004). Relations between social competence levels (in a composite score and using self, peers and teachers’ scores) and emotional comprehension components (comprehension of the recognition of emotions, based on facial expressions; external emotional causes; contribute of desire to emotion; emotions based on belief; memory influence under emotional state evaluation; possibility of emotional regulation; possibility of hiding an emotional state; having mixed emotions; contribution of morality to emotion experience) were investigated by means of two SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis) - a Multidimensional Scaling procedure and the external variable as points technique. In the first structural analysis (SSA) we will consider self, peers and teachers’ scores on Social Competence as content variables and TEC as external variable; in the second SSA we will consider TEC components as content variables and Social Competence in their different levels as external variable. The implications of these MDS procedures in order to better understand how social competence and emotional comprehension are related in children is discussed, as well as the repercussions of these findings for social competence and emotional understanding assessment and intervention in childhood is examined.


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Este estudo teve como finalidade investigar a relação que as perceções de envelhecimento, o estado de saúde e os sintomas psicopatológicos têm no bem-estar psicológico, tendo em conta a influência de variáveis (moderadoras ou mediadoras) como o apoio social percebido e o estado emocional. Foram equacionadas quatro hipóteses ao longo deste estudo. Uma hipótese geral e que aponta para uma influência do estado de saúde no bem-estar psicológico; a segunda hipótese confirma a moderação do variável apoio social percebido; a terceira hipótese confirma a mediação do variável estado emocional; e a última hipótese confirma a mediação das variável apoio social percebido e estado emocional em conjunto. Para cada hipótese foram analisados os dados sócio-demográficos. Trata-se de um estudo correlacionai, transversal e exploratório, com uma única avaliação. Foi desenvolvido com 200 indivíduos adultos em idade ativa, com idades compreendidas entre os 30 e os 64 anos, de ambos os sexos e residentes em Portugal Continental. No fim são apresentadas algumas limitações deste estudo, bem como os seus aspetos positivos e algumas sugestões para estudos futuros. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to investigate the relationship that perceptions of aging, health status and psychopathological symptoms have on psychological well-being, taking into account the influence of variables (moderating or mediating) as the perceived social support and emotional state. Four cases were dealt with during this study. A general hypothesis and aims to influence health status on psychological well-being; the second hypothesis confirms the moderating variable of perceived social support; the third event confirms the mediating variable of emotional state; and the last hypothesis confirms the mediating variables perceived social support and emotional state together. For each hypothesis we analyzed the socio-demographic dates. This is a correlational study, transversal and exploratory, with a single evaluation. Research was conducted with 200 adults of working age, aged between 30 and 64 years, of both sexes residing in Portugal. ln order to present some limitations of this study as well as its positive aspects and some suggestions for future studies.


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O presente estudo pretendia avaliar se as perceções de envelhecimento teriam influência no bem-estar psicológico dos idosos. Procurou-se compreender qual o efeito da influência (moderação ou mediação), das variáveis relacionais subjetivas: apoio social, religiosidade, perceção de saúde e estado emocional. O estudo foi realizado numa amostra portuguesa de 150 idosos, com idades compreendidas entre os 65 e os 99 anos. Foram utilizados dez instrumentos de avaliação. Os resultados mostram, que as perceções de envelhecimento, conjuntamente com a avaliação que as pessoas fazem do seu estado de saúde e dos sintomas psicopatológicos, predizem de forma significativa, a perceção do seu bem-estar psicológico. O apoio social e a religiosidade, são variáveis mediadoras, enquanto, a ansiedade existencial e o estado emocional, são moderadoras. Podemos verificar que existem diferenças significativas entre as diversas variáveis sócio-demográficas. Com o aumento da esperança de vida, pretende-se que este estudo contribua para a compreensão das dimensões pessoais intra e interindividuais do envelhecimento. ABSTRACT: The present study it intended to assess whether the perceptions of aging will impact on psychological well-being of the elderly. We tried to understand, what effect the influence (moderation or mediation), the relational subjective variables: social support, religiosity, health perception and emotional state. The study was conducted in a Portuguese sample of 150 elderly people, aged between 65 and 99 years. Ten instruments were used for evaluation. The results show that perceptions of aging, jointly with the assessment that people make in their state of health and psychopathology predict significantly the perception of their psychological well-being. Social support and religiosity, are mediating variables, while the existential anxiety and emotional state, they are moderating. We can see that there are significant differences between the various socio-demographic variables. With the increase of the life hope, it is intended that this study contributes to the understanding of intra and inter-personal dimensions of aging.


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Some decades of research on emotional development have underlined the contribution of several domains to emotional understanding in childhood. Based on this research, Pons and colleagues (Pons & Harris, 2002; Pons, Harris & Rosnay, 2004) have proposed the Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC) which assesses nine domains of emotional understanding, namely the recognition of emotions, based on facial expressions; the comprehension of external emotional causes; impact of desire on emotions; emotions based on beliefs; memory influence on emotions; possibility of emotional regulation; possibility of hiding an emotional state; having mixed emotions; contribution of morality to emotional experiences. This instrument was administered individually to 182 Portuguese children aged between 8 and 11 years, of 3rd and 4th grades, in public schools. Additionally, we used the Socially in Action-Peers (SAp) (Rocha, Candeias & Lopes da Silva, 2012) to assess TEC’s criterion-related validity. Mean differences results in TEC by gender and by socio-economic status (SES) were analyzed. The results of the TEC’s psychometric analysis were performed in terms of items’ sensitivity and reliability (stability, test-retest). Finally, in order to explore the theoretical structure underlying TEC a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and a Similarity Structure Analysis were computed. Implications of these findings for emotional understanding assessment and intervention in childhood are discussed.