3 resultados para Mothers with mental illness
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Although suicidality is associated with mental illness in general and depression in particular, many depressed individuals do not attempt suicide and some individuals who attempt to or do die by suicide do not present depressive symptoms. This article aims to contribute to a more psychosocial approach to understanding suicide risk in nonclinical populations. In advocating a psychosocial perspective rather than a depression-focused approach, this article presents four diverse studies that demonstrate sampling and measurement invariance in findings across different populations and specific measures. Study 1 tests the mediation effects of 2 interpersonal variables, thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness, in the association between depressive symptoms and recent suicidality. Studies 2 and 3 evaluate the contribution of hopelessness and psychache, beyond depressive symptoms, to suicidality. Study 4 tests the contribution of life events behind depressive symptoms, and other relevant sociodemographic and clinical variables, to the estimation of “future suicidality.” Overall, results demonstrate that depressive symptoms do not directly predict suicidality in nonclinical individuals, but that other psychosocial variables mediate the association between depressive symptoms and suicidality or predict suicidality when statistically controlling for depressive symptoms. The article contributes to understanding some of the nonpsychopathological factors that potentially link depressive symptoms to suicide risk and that might themselves contribute to suicidality, even when controlling for depressive symptoms.
A depressão é uma perturbação mental que provoca um impacto negativo na vida dos doentes. O tratamento desta patologia pode ser realizado através de terapêutica farmacológica, ou de intervenções psicoterapêuticas. A Psicoeducação é uma modalidade de tratamento, que tem vindo a ganhar um lugar em destaque no processo de recuperação de determinadas doenças mentais. Esta abordagem tem como principal objetivo fornecer informações ao doente sobre a sua situação clínica e disponibilizar ferramentas para lidar com as particularidades do problema de saúde. As intervenções psicoeducativas são realizadas através de sessões expositivas de conhecimentos técnicos sobre a depressão. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar um programa de psicoeducação, dando principal enfoque ao papel dos vários métodos e técnicas pedagógicas utilizadas no mesmo; Abstract: The importance of psychoeducation in changing the mood in depressed patients Depression is a mental disorder that causes a negative impact on patients' lives. Treatment of this condition may be achieved through drug therapy, or psychotherapeutic intervention. The Psychoeducational is a treatment modality that has gained importance because of the positive impact it has on the recovery of certain mental illness process. This approach aims to provide information to the patient about their medical situation and provide tools to deal with the particularities of the health problem. The psychoeducational interventions are carried out through expository sessions of technical knowledge about depression. The objective of this study is to present a psychoeducation program, giving primary focus to the role of various educational methods and techniques used in it.
O presente relatório de estágio desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Enfermagem da Saúde Mental e Psiquiatria tem como objetivo demonstrar através de reflexão crítica o percurso efetuado até à aquisição das competências de enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde mental e psiquiatria. No âmbito da intervenção ao idoso dependente mental no domicílio desenvolvemos um percurso em dois tempos, com estágio inicial para observação de práticas em contexto de internamento de pessoas com demência e com estágio desenvolvido numa unidade de cuidados na comunidade com o projeto de uma consulta domiciliária de enfermagem ao idoso com dependências mental. Neste documento analisamos o contexto, caraterizamos os ambientes de estágio que nos acolheram e analisamos os cuidados e necessidades especiais da população idosa com dependência mental no domicílio, nomeadamente do espectro das demências. Procedemos ainda a uma análise reflexiva sobre objetivos a que nos propusemos e as intervenções que desenvolvemos fazendo uso da metodologia estudo de caso para expormos e refletirmos a mobilização e aquisição de competências de diagnóstico, intervenção e avaliação profissionais; ABSTRACT: Nursing home care appointment to elderly with mental dependence This internship report was developed under the Master in Nursing for Mental Health and Psychiatry and it aims to demonstrate through critical reflection the route made to the acquisition of specialist nursing skills in mental health and psychiatry. Within the framework of the mental dependent elderly at home we developed a route in two stages, with an initial stage to observe practices in inpatient context of people with dementia and a stage developed in the community with the design of a home-based nursing appointment of the elderly with mental dependencies. In this report we analyze the context, featuring the stage environments that welcomed us and analyze the special needs of the elderly with mental dependency at home, namely in the spectrum of dementias. We proceed further to a reflective analysis of objectives we set ourselves and the interventions developed making use of the case study methodology to expose and reflect the mobilization and acquisition of diagnostic, intervention and evaluation professional skills.