3 resultados para Modal Logics. Paranormal Logics. Fuzzy Logics

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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O presente estudo pretende avaliar as lógicas de gestão do tempo no contexto da organização do trabalho dos Técnicos de Radiologia num serviço de urgência hospitalar, procurando desta forma contribuir para a elaboração de novas propostas orientadoras ou guidelines relativas aos procedimentos em Radiologia convencional na urgência hospitalar. O desenho metodológico adoptado consistiu na observação directa do processo de execução do exame radiológico convencional, em contexto de urgência e em diferentes etapas. Estes dados foram relacionados com a existência ou não dos critérios técnicos padronizados de realização do exame. A recolha dos dados efectiva decorreu entre 4 e 11 maio de 2008, no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa - Zona Central, no serviço de Radiologia da Urgência. Através da análise dos dados, constatou-se que: a) o grau de mobilidade do utente não influencia de uma forma directa nem o tempo de realização do mesmo nem a qualidade da imagem final; b) a qualidade da imagem final relaciona-se de forma inversa com o tempo total do exame e com os anos de experiência do Técnico de Radiologia; c) a maior percentagem de tempo total de atendimento do utente concentra­ se em funções administrativas e de preparação para o exame. ABSTRACT: The current study intends to evaluate the logics of time’s management in the context of the organization of Radiographers' Professionals in a service of hospital urgency, trying to find a way how to contribute for the elaboration of new relative orienting proposals or guidelines regarding Conventional Radiology's procedures in the hospital urgency. The methodological drawing chosen was based on direct observation of the execution proceeding of the conventional radiological examination, in urgency context and in different stages. These data had been related with the existence or not of the standardized criteria technician of the examination's accomplishment. The data have been collected between 4th and 11th May of 2008 in the Hospital Centre of Lisbon - Central Zone, in the service of Urgency Radiology. Through the analysis of the data, we realize that: a) the usuary's mobility degree do not influence directly the time of execution neither the quality of the final image; b) the quality of the final image relates in an inverse way with the total time of the examination and with the Radiographers' Professional years of experience; c) the biggest percentage of total time concerning usuary's attendance focus in administrative functions and for the examination's preparation.


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Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is transversal to a broad and heterogeneous set of human beings, and assumed as a serious diagnosis and risk stratification problem. Although one may be faced with or had at his disposition different tools as biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of ACS, they have to be previously evaluated and validated in different scenarios and patient cohorts. Besides ensuring that a diagnosis is correct, attention should also be directed to ensure that therapies are either correctly or safely applied. Indeed, this work will focus on the development of a diagnosis decision support system in terms of its knowledge representation and reasoning mechanisms, given here in terms of a formal framework based on Logic Programming, complemented with a problem solving methodology to computing anchored on Artificial Neural Networks. On the one hand it caters for the evaluation of ACS predisposing risk and the respective Degree-of-Confidence that one has on such a happening. On the other hand it may be seen as a major development on the Multi-Value Logics to understand things and ones behavior. Undeniably, the proposed model allows for an improvement of the diagnosis process, classifying properly the patients that presented the pathology (sensitivity ranging from 89.7% to 90.9%) as well as classifying the absence of ACS (specificity ranging from 88.4% to 90.2%).


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Com o presente trabalho pretendemos compreender eventuais relações entre a posição de uma escola no ranking dos exames nacionais do 9.º ano do ensino básico e a qualidade do serviço educativo prestado. O estudo decorreu em dois agrupamentos de escolas com posições diferenciadas nas listas de ordenação (rankings) publicadas no ano de 2013. Recolhemos informação através de entrevista aos diretores dos órgãos de gestão, análise documental e inquérito por questionário. Adotámos metodologia qualitativa e quantitativa cujos dados foram triangulados e analisados à luz do quadro teórico. A posição bastante diferenciada entre os dois agrupamentos no ranking (249.º e 848.º, respetivamente) não parece estar relacionado com a prestação do serviço educativo, para além de a classificação ser a mesma nos relatórios de avaliação externa, as diferenças identificadas através dos questionários e das entrevistas são pontuais e pouco relevantes reforçando que efetivamente a posição no ranking diz muito pouco sobre o trabalho realizado nas escolas, sobre as suas dinâmicas e lógicas de ação; Abstract: Ranking and educational quality. An (un)likely relationship? A study in two public schools With this study we aim to understand possible links between the ranking position of two different school based on the 9th grade’s national exams results and the quality of educational services provided. The study took place in two groups of schools with different ranking positions published in 2013. We collect information through interviews to the directors of the management bodies, document analysis and questionnaire survey. We adopted qualitative and quantitative methodology and data were triangulated and analyzed in the light of the theoretical framework. The rather unique position between the two groups in the rankings (249 and 848, respectively) does not seem to be related to the provision of educational services, as well as the classification is the same in the external evaluation reports, the differences identified by questionnaires and interviews are timely and very relevant stressing that effectively ranking position says very little about the work done in schools, on its dynamics and logics of action.