3 resultados para Men, masculinities and methodologies
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
tWater use control methods and water resources planning are of high priority. In irrigated agriculture, theright way to save water is to increase water use efficiency through better management. The present workvalidates procedures and methodologies using remote sensing to determine the water availability in thesoil at each moment, giving the opportunity for the application of the water depth strictly necessaryto optimise crop growth (optimum irrigation timing and irrigation amount). The analysis is applied tothe Irrigation District of Divor, Évora, using 7 experimental plots, which are areas irrigated by centre-pivot systems, cultivated to maize. Data were determined from images of the cultivated surface obtainedby satellite and integrated with atmosphere and crop parameters to calculate biophysical indicatorsand indices of water stress in the vegetation—Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Kc, andKcb. Therefore, evapotranspiration (ETc) was estimated and used to calculate crop water requirement,together with the opportunity and the amount of irrigation water to allocate. Although remote sensingdata available from satellite imagery presented some practical constraints, the study could contribute tothe validation of a new methodology that can be used for irrigation management of a large irrigated area,easier and at lower costs than the traditional FAO recommended crop coefficients method. The remotesensing based methodology can also contribute to significant saves of irrigation water.
A utilização generalizada do computador para a automatização das mais diversas tarefas, tem conduzido ao desenvolvimento de aplicações que possibilitam a realização de actividades que até então poderiam não só ser demoradas, como estar sujeitas a erros inerentes à actividade humana. A investigação desenvolvida no âmbito desta tese, tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de um software e algoritmos que permitam a avaliação e classificação de queijos produzidos na região de Évora, através do processamento de imagens digitais. No decurso desta investigação, foram desenvolvidos algoritmos e metodologias que permitem a identificação dos olhos e dimensões do queijo, a presença de textura na parte exterior do queijo, assim como características relativas à cor do mesmo, permitindo que com base nestes parâmetros possa ser efectuada uma classificação e avaliação do queijo. A aplicação de software, resultou num produto de simples utilização. As fotografias devem respeitar algumas regras simples, sobre as quais se efectuará o processamento e classificação do queijo. ABSTRACT: The widespread use of computers for the automation of repetitive tasks, has resulted in developing applications that allow a range of activities, that until now could not only be time consuming and also subject to errors inherent to human activity, to be performed without or with little human intervention. The research carried out within this thesis, aims to develop a software application and algorithms that enable the assessment and classification of cheeses produced in the region of Évora, by digital images processing. Throughout this research, algorithms and methodologies have been developed that allow the identification of the cheese eyes, the dimensions of the cheese, the presence of texture on the outside of cheese, as well as an analysis of the color, so that, based on these parameters, a classification and evaluation of the cheese can be conducted. The developed software application, is product simple to use, requiring no special computer knowledge. Requires only the acquisition of the photographs following a simple set of rules, based on which it will do the processing and classification of cheese.
Business intelligence em sistemas de apoio à gestão de frotas: Análise de Tecnologias e metodologias
O objecto de estudo desta tese de mestrado surgiu da necessidade de dar resposta a uma proposta para uma solução de business intelligence a pedido de um cliente da empresa onde até à data me encontro a desempenhar funções de analista programador júnior. O projecto consistiu na realização de um sistema de monitorização de eventos e análise de operações, portanto um sistema integrado de gestão de frotas com módulo de business intelligence. Durante o decurso deste projecto foi necessário analisar metodologias de desenvolvimento, aprender novas linguagens, ferramentas, como C#, JasperReport, visual studio, Microsoft SQL Server entre outros. ABSTRACT: Business Intelligence applied to fleet management systems - Technologies and Methodologies Analysis. The object of study of this master's thesis was the necessity of responding to a proposal for a business intelligence solution at the request of a client company where so far I find the duties of junior programmer. The project consisted of a system event monitoring and analysis of operations, so an integrated fleet management with integrated business intelligence. During the course of this project was necessary to analyze development methodologies, learn new languages, tools such as C #, JasperReports, visual studio, Microsoft Sql Server and others.