5 resultados para Low-nitrogen Diet

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic, rheumatic disease characterized by widespread myofascial pain, of unknown aetiology, having a major impact on quality of life (QOL). Available pharmacotherapy for FM is marginally effective. FM is associated with co-morbidities of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There is growing evidence that diets low in FODMAPs, “fermentable oligo-, di- or mono-saccharides and polyols” [Low FODMAP Diet (LFD)], are effective in treating IBS. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the effects of LFDs on symptoms of FM, especially with regard to pain, QOL and GI disorders. Methods A longitudinal study using LFD intervention was performed on 38, 51 ± 10 year-old, female patients diagnosed with FM for an average of 10 years, based on ACR (American College of Rheumatology) 2010 criteria. The study was conducted from January through May, 2015, using a four-week, repeated-assessment model, as follows: Moment 0 – introduction of the protocol to participants; Moment 1 – first assessment and delivery of individual LFD dietary plans; Moment 2 – second assessment and reintroduction of FODMAPs; Moment 3 – last assessment and final nutritional counselling. Assessment tools used were the following: RFIQ (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire), FSQ (Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire), IBS-SSS (Severity Score System), EQ-5D (Euro-QOL quality of life instrument), and VAS (Visual Analogue Scale). Daily consumption of FODMAPs was quantified based on published food content analyses. Statistical analyses included ANOVA, non-parametric Friedman, t-student and Chi-square tests, using SPSS 22 software. Results The mean scores of the 38 participants at the beginning of the study were: FSQ (severity of FM, 0–31) – 22 ± 4.4; RFIQ (0–100) – 65 ± 17; IBS-SSS (0–500) – 275 ± 101; and EQ-5D (0–100) – 48 ± 19. Mean adherence to dietary regimens was 86%, confirmed by significant difference in FODMAP intakes (25 g/day vs. 2.5 g/day; p < 0.01). Comparisons between the three moments of assessment showed significant (p < 0.01) declines in scores in VAS, FSQ, and RFIQ scores, in all domains measured. An important improvement was observed with a reduction in the severity of GI symptoms, with 50% reduction in IBS scores to 138 ± 117, following LFD therapy. A significant correlation (r = 0.36; p < 0.05) was found between improvements in FM impact (declined scores) and gastrointestinal scores. There was also a significant correlation (r = 0.65; p < 0.01) between “satisfaction with improvement” after introduction of LFDs and “diet adherence”, with satisfaction of the diet achieving 77% among participants. A significant difference was observed between patients who improved as compared to those that did not improve (Chi-square χ2 = 6.16; p < .05), showing that the probability of improvement, depends on the severity of the RFIQ score. Conclusions Implementation of diet therapy involving FODMAP restrictions, in this cohort of FM patients, resulted in a significant reduction in GI disorders and FM symptoms, including pain scores. These results need to be extended in future larger studies on dietary therapy for treatment of FM. Implications According to current scientific knowledge, these are the first relevant results found in an intervention with LFD therapy in FM and must be reproduced looking for a future dietetic approach in FM.


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This study presents for the first time the diet of a Late Antiquity population in southern Portugal (Civitas of Pax Julia), from the Roman villa of Monte da Cegonha (predominantly 7th century CE). Stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr) of human and faunal bone collagen and apatite was conducted in order to understand the influence of Roman subsistence strategies on the way of life of rural inhabitants of the area of Pax Julia and to explore their diet (types of ingested plants, amount of animal resources, terrestrial versus marine resources). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses were used to determine the degree of bone diagenesis and assess the reliability of the bone stable isotopic composition for palaeodietary reconstruction. Anthropological analysis revealed a cariogenic diet, rich in starchy food and carbohydrates, in at least in two individuals based on the frequency of dental caries. Collagen and apatite carbon isotopic analysis suggested that C3 plants were the basis of the population's diet, complemented with some terrestrial meat and its by-products as reflected by the observed bone collagen nitrogen isotopic composition. Moreover, whilst the fairly low apatite-collagen spacing recorded in some skeletons (at around 4‰) may have been due to freshwater organisms intake, the relatively low nitrogen values observed indicate that this consumption did not occur very often, unless in the form of fresh fish of low trophic level or fish sauces. There were no significant differences in isotopic values depending on gender or burial type. Strontium and oxygen isotopic composition of bone apatite revealed a sedentary community, with the exception of a male individual who probably did not spend his childhood in Monte da Cegonha.


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Activated carbon (AC) has proved to be an effective adsorbent for the removal of an assortment of organic and inorganic pollutants from aqueous or gaseous media. However, the pursuit for more effective and cheaper AC is still very active and a diversity of textural and chemical treatments are described as a way to expand their applications. It is well known that the surface area and surface chemistry of AC strongly affect their adsorption capacity [1-3]. In particular, an increase in the nitrogen content has been related to an increase of the basic character and also to the development of the porous structure. In most published work this was achieved through an AC post treatment, including either a reaction with nitrogen containing reagents, such as ammonia, nitric acid, or a diversity of amines. However, the AC prepared directly from a nitrogen rich precursor through a physical or chemical activation is referred to as presenting the best characteristics, namely high nitrogen content, high basic character, low nitrogen leaching and also a good thermal stability [4]. To improve the AC adsorption capacities for acidic pesticide removal from the aqueous phase, we intend to improve the porous structure and introduce nitrogenated groups directly into the AC matrix, using different co-adjuvant activating agents as a nitrogen source, by chemical activation, with potassium hydroxide, of cork or poly(ethyleneterephthalate) (PET) precursors.


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O objectivo do presente ensaio é avaliar o efeito do teor proteico da dieta na digestibilidade da bolota em porcos Alentejanos. Para tal, nove animais foram seccionados e colocados em caixas metabólicas onde as dietas foram distribuídas aleatoriamente, segundo o Modelo de Quadrado Latino 3 x 3. O ensaio in vivo foi assim dividido em três períodos, durante os quais se recolheram amostras de alimento, refugos fezes e urina para posterior análise em laboratório. Foi determinada a composição química do alimento e calculada a digestibilidade e balanço de azoto dos três tratamentos. Também foi determinado o conteúdo em compostos fenólicos e taninos da bolota pelo método do Folin­ Ciocalteu, taninos condensados pelo método do Butanol-HCl e a capacidade complexante dos taninos pelo método da Difusão Radial. Devido à reduzida capacidade de os taninos complexarem as proteínas e à baixa ingestão da luzerna não foi possível verificar diferenças na proteína ingerida entre os tratamentos testados. ABSTRACT; The aim of present experiment is to evaluate the effect of protein content in diet digestibility of oak acorn in Alentejano pigs. For that, nine animals were selected and housed in metabolic cages where diets were given randomly, in a Latin Square model3 x 3. The in vivo experiment was divided in three periods, during which were collected feed, refusals, feces and urine samples for subsequent laboratory analyses. Chemical feed composition was determinate and calculated the digestibility and nitrogen balance in three treatments. It was also determinate the amount of phenolic compounds and tannins on oak acorn by Folin-Ciocalteu assay, condensed tannins by Butanol-HCl assay and the availability to form complex with protein by Radial Diffusion assay. It was observed a reduced availability of tannins to bind proteins and a low Lucerne intake, so it wasn't possible to verify differences on protein intake, between tested treatments.


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Chalcolithic diet at Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz) was investigated using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of human bone collagen. Strontium isotopes of faunal dental enamel were used to establish the site local range and to distinguish the presence of non-local individuals. ATR-FTIR and EA analysis were used to determine the degree of bone diagenesis and to evaluate the reliability of the stable isotopic composition for paleodietary reconstruction. The individuals from which paleodietary results were obtained had a diet based on C3 terrestrial resources and some animal protein. Data from Perdigões site, was compared with the published data from other Iberian Chalcolithic populations. Site comparison revealed that diet through Iberian Peninsula have mainly maintained terrestrial dietary focus consistent with animal husbandry and farming on C3 plants with occasional intake of freshwater or marine resources. Strontium isotopic composition of enamel revealed that some of the individuals from Perdigões site were non-local; Resumo: A dieta de indivíduos do período Calcolítico dos Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz) foi investigada através de análise de isótopos estáveis de carbono e azoto no colagénio ósseo. Isótopos de estrôncio do esmalte dentário de fauna foram utilizados para estabelecer o sinal local dos Perdigões, permitindo distinguir a presença de alguns indivíduos e fauna não-locais. A avaliação da diagénese óssea foi efectuada através de análises realizadas com analisador elementar e com ATR-FTIR, de forma a validar dos resultados isotópicos obtidos. Os indivíduos para os quais foi possivel obter resultados isotópicos de carbono e azoto apresentam uma dieta baseada em recursos terrestres, plantas C3, e alguma proteína animal. A comparação efectuada com outros sitios arqueológicos da Peninsula Ibérica revelaram que a dieta das populações é sobretudo feita à base de plantas C3, com ingestão de alguma proteina animal e ingestão ocasional de produtos marinhos ou provenientes de água doce.