4 resultados para Low water activity
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Meat industry needs to reduce salt in their products due to health issues. The present study evaluated the effect of salt reduction from 6% to 3% in two Portuguese traditional blood dry-cured sausages. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters, biogenic amines, fatty acids and texture profiles and sensory panel evaluations were considered. Differences due to salt reduction were perceptible in a faint decline of water activity, which slightly favoured microbial growth. Total biogenic amines content ranged from 88.86 to 796.68 mg kg 1 fresh matter, with higher amounts, particularly of cadaverine, histamine and tyramine, in low-salt products. Still, histamine and other vasoactive amines remained at low levels, thus not affecting consumers’ health. Regarding fatty acids, no significant differences were observed due to salt. However, texture profile analysis revealed lower resilience and cohesiveness in low-salt products, although no textural changes were observed by the sensory panel. Nevertheless, low-salt sausages were clearly preferred by panellists.
Health issues such as cardiovascular disease are often due to dietary habits. Thus, meat industry needs to reduce salt in their products. However, production of low-salt content dry-cured not affected. The current study evaluated the effect of salt reduction from 6% to 3% in two Portuguese traditional blood dry-cured sausages. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters, biogenic amines content, fatty acids profile, texture profile analyses and sensory panel evaluations were considered. Differences due to salt reduction were noticeable in a faint increase in water activity, which slightly favoured microbial growth, with the highest yeasts numbers found in 6% salt sausages. Total biogenic amines content ranged from 224.72 to 1302.81 mg kg-1 dry matter, with higher amounts, particularly of cadaverine, histamine and tyramine, in low-salt products. Still, histamine significant differences were observed due to salt content. However, texture profile analysis revealed that low-salt products showed lower resilience and cohesiveness, even though no textural changes were observed by the panellists. Nevertheless, low-salt sausages were clearly preferred. Still, taking the safety of these traditional meat products into account, the results obtained for pH, aw and biogenic amines, have shown that a reduction in salt content should be accompanied by complementary safety measures, such as the use of starter cultures to minimise microbiological and chemical risks.
Pretende-se perceber se existe uma relação entre o nível regular de actividade física praticado pelas pessoas idosas e a sua autonomia instrumental. Desenvolveu-se um estudo descritivo, correlacional e transversal, no ano 2010, com amostra intencional constituída por 100 indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, de ambos sexos. A colheita de dados foi efectuada em dois ginásios e dois centros de dia localizados na cidade de Lisboa, e foram utilizados como instrumentos a Escala de Actividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária de Lawton e Brody e o International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Obteve-se uma média de idades de 76 anos, sendo 78% dos inquiridos do sexo feminino. Inseriram-se 30% na categoria de actividade física “ligeira”, 45% na “moderada” e 25% na “vigorosa”. Relativamente à autonomia instrumental, a maioria era moderadamente dependente. Verificou-se que o grau de autonomia instrumental dos idosos aumenta com o incremento da actividade física praticada (ρS=0.815; p-value<0.001); Abstract: This work seeks to realize if there is a relationship between the level of regular physical activity practiced by elderly persons and its instrumental autonomy. A descriptive, related and transversal study was developed in the year 2010, with an intentional sample consisting of 100 individuals, aged 60 years or above, of both genders. The data collection was carried out in two gymnasiums and two day care centers located in the city of Lisbon, and were used the Lawton and Brody’s Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. A mean age of 76 years was obtained and 78% of the respondents were female. 30% were classified as having a "low" physical activity level, 45% as "moderate" and 25% as "high". Regarding instrumental autonomy, most were moderately dependent. It was verified that the degree of instrumental autonomy of the elderly increases with increased physical activity (ρS=0.815; p-value<0.001).
Na actualidade, face ao desenvolvimento de betões de alto desempenho caracterizados por apresentarem muito baixa razão água cimento (A/C), tornou-se pertinente o estudo da retracção autogénea, por motivos relacionados com a resistência, durabilidade e estética destes materiais. Nesta dissertação foi elaborado um estudo prático com o intuito de avaliar o impacto da adição de agregado na redução da retracção autogénea, em seis misturas cimentícias. Através de ensaios foram obtidos valores reais de retracção autogénea, sendo estes posteriormente comparados com os valores obtidos teoricamente com recurso ao modelo proposto por Hobbs na década de 70. Tendo em consideração os valores teóricos e sua comparação com os valores reais obtidos nos ensaios é proposta uma alteração ao modelo teórico, que tem em conta a maior resistência à compressão dos betões actuais. Esta modificação permitiu estimar com maior exactidão os valores de retracção autogénea nas diferentes misturas. /ABSTRACT: Nowadays the development of high performance concretes characterized by a low water-to cement ratio (W/C), it became relevant to study the autogenous shrinkage, for reasons relating to the strength, durability and aesthetics of these materials. ln this study the effect of adding aggregate in six cementitious mixtures was evaluated. The results obtained in the experimental test were compared with theoretical values from a model propose by Hobbs in the 70's for autogenous shrinkage. Given the theoretical values and its comparison with the actual values obtained in the tests an amendment is proposed to the theoretical model that takes into account the higher compressive strength of actual concrete. This modification allowed us to estimate accurately the values of autogenous shrinkage in the different mixtures.