5 resultados para Level of physical activity
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Introduction Institutionalization in a nursing home restricts autonomy, most notably free will, free choice, and free action. Decreased physical activity and fitness are predictive of disability and dependence (Rikli & Jones, 2013; Tak, Kuiper, Chorus, & Hopman-Rock, 2014); however little is known about the impact of these factors on institutionalization. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the impact of physical activity and fitness and on the risk of elderly people without cognitive impairment become institutionalized. Methods This cross-sectional study involved 195 non-institutionalized (80.14.4yrs) and 186 institutionalized (83.85.2yrs) participants. Cognitive impairment was assessed using Mini-Mental State Examination, physical activity was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and measures of physical fitness were determined by the Senior Fitness Test. Results: Multivariate binary logistic analysis selected 4 main predictors of institutionalization in both genders. The likelihood of becoming institutionalized increased by +18.6% for each additional year of age, while it decreased by -24.8% by each fewer kg/m2 in BMI, by -0.9% for each additional meter performed in the aerobic endurance test and by -2.0% for each additional 100MET-min/wk of physical activity expenditure (p<0.05). Values ≤50th percentile (age ≥81yrs, BMI≥26.7kg/m2, aerobic endurance ≤367.6m, and physical activity ≤693MET-min/wk) were computed using Receiver Operating Characteristics analysis as cut-offs discriminating institutionalized from non-institutionalized elderly people. Conclusion The performance of physical activity, allied to an improvement in physical fitness (mainly BMI and aerobic endurance) may prevent the institutionalization of elderly people without cognitive impairment only if they are above the 50th percentile; the following is highly recommend: expending ≥693MET-min/wk on physical activity, being ≤26.7kg/m2 on BMI, and being able to walk ≥367.6m in the aerobic endurance test, especially above the age of 80 years. The discovery of this trigger justifies the development of physical activity programs targeting the pointed cut-offs in old, and very old people. References Rikli, R., & Jones, C. (2013). Development and validation of criterion-referenced clinically relevant fitness standards for maintaining physical independence in later years. Gerontologist, 53, 255-267. Tak, E., Kuiper, R., Chorus, A., & Hopman-Rock, M. (2014). Prevention of onset and progression of basic ADL disability by physical activity in community dwelling older adults: a meta-analysis. Ageing Res Rev, 12, 329-338.
Background: This article describes the procedures and development of the rst Portuguese Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents. Methods: Comprehensive searches for data related to indicators of physical activity (PA) were completed by a committee of physical activity and sports specialists. Grades were assigned to each indicator consistent with the process and methodology outlined by the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card model. Results: Nine indicators of PA were graded. The following grades were assigned: Overall Physical Activity Levels, D; Organized Sport Participation, B; Active Play, D; Active Transportation, C; Sedentary Behaviors, D; Family and Peers, C; Schools, B; Community and the Built Environment, D; and Government, C. Conclusions: Portuguese children and adolescents do not reach suf cient physical activity levels and spend larger amounts of time spent in sedentary behaviors compared with recommendations. Effective policies of PA promotion and implementation are needed in different domains of young people’s daily lives.
Background: This article describes the procedures and development of the first Portuguese Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents. Methods: Comprehensive searches for data related to indicators of physical activity (PA) were completed by a committee of physical activity and sports specialists. Grades were assigned to each indicator consistent with the process and methodology outlined by the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card model. Results: Nine indicators of PA were graded. The following grades were assigned: Overall Physical Activity Levels, D; Organized Sport Participation, B; Active Play, D; Active Transportation, C; Sedentary Behaviors, D; Family and Peers, C; Schools, B; Community and the Built Environment, D; and Government, C. Conclusions: Portuguese children and adolescents do not reach sufficient physical activity levels and spend larger amounts of time spent in sedentary behaviors compared with recommendations. Effective policies of PA promotion and implementation are needed in different domains of young people’s daily lives.
No século XXI, fatores socioeconómicos dão origem a uma diminuição da atividade física (AF) (TV, internet, etc.). Estima-se que 50% da população da União Europeia (EU) tem excesso de peso ou obesidade devido a uma dieta inadequada e sedentarismo, que fazem disparar a ocorrência de doenças crónicas (cardiovasculares, músculo esqueléticas, psicológicas, diabetes tipo 2, cancro, etc.) e uma consequente ameaça para a sustentabilidade dos sistemas de saúde e segurança social. A degradação da saúde nos países desenvolvidos, derivada dos estilos de vida atuais, apresenta também alterações no modelo de vivência familiar (famílias menos numerosas e monoparentais com crescimentos na ordem dos 36%). As famílias têm ainda que lidar com a escassez de tempo, a competitividade feroz no trabalho, o stress diário e os perigos em que os elementos mais jovens do agregado familiar incorrem (consumo substâncias ilícitas, distúrbios alimentares, depressão, suicídio e isolamento social) decorrentes do uso das novas tecnologias. “Atualmente, conforme as economias crescem as pessoas param de se movimentar. É urgente, apresentar uma estrutura para a ação, para que os stakeholders, revertam a situação de modo a combater os impactos desta epidemia de inatividade física, construindo ações preventivas e inovadoras, com impacto positivo no desenvolvimento humano”. Objetivo: Pretende-se através da oferta de actividade física e desportiva (AFD) planeada para famílias, promover além da saúde e estilos de vida saudáveis e resilientes, a coesão familiar. Dar resposta científica às preocupações da UE, intervindo como medida de implementação de políticas publicas consideradas prioritárias, de promoção da AF e estilos de vida saudáveis e resilientes, para assegurar um alto nível de proteção da saúde, com repercussão na diminuição dos custos com as doenças e suas consequências.
Objectivo: Caracterizar a qualidade de vida dos idosos do concelho de Évora, avaliando a influência da institucionalização e do nível de actividade física na mesma. Métodos: Foram analisados 196 idosos institucionalizados em lar da rede pública e 189 idosos não institucionalizados pertencentes a associações de reformados do concelho. A recolha dos dados foi efectuada utilizando o questionário de qualidade de vida da OMS- WHOQOL-BREF e o questionário de avaliação do nível de actividade física-IPAQ. Resultados: Os idosos do concelho de Évora têm uma avaliação positiva da qualidade de vida, apresentando os idosos não institucionalizados melhores resultados no domínio físico, psicológico e do ambiente. Verificou-se ainda que os idosos mais activos apresentam melhores resultados no domínio físico e psicológico da qualidade de vida, assim como uma melhor percepção da qualidade de vida global. Conclusão: A principal conclusão deste estudo revela que, embora a institucionalização contribua negativamente para a qualidade de vida dos idosos, esta poderia ser compensada pela prática regular de actividade física e pela implementação de actividades organizadas que promovam a actividade física dos idosos institucionalizados. ABSTRATC; Objective: Characterize the quality of life of elderly in the district of Évora, by assessing the influence of institutionalization and the level of physical activity in it. Methods: We analyzed 196 elderly institutionalized in a public home, and 189 non-institutionalized elderly that belong to associations of pensioners of the county. The collection of data was conducted using the questionnaire of quality of life of the WHO-WHOQOL-BREF, and the questionnaire for assessing the level of physical activity-IPAQ. Results: The elderly in the district of Évora have a positive assessment of the quality of life where the non-institutionalized elderly people have better results in physical, psychological and environmental domains. Additionally it was assessed that the elderly with more assets have better physical and psychological quality of life and a better perception of quality of life in overall. Conclusion: The main conclusion of this study shows that although the institutionalization contributes negatively on the quality of life of older people, these could be offset by regular practice of physical activity and implementation of activities that promote physical activity in institutionalized elderly.