em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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We present an isogeometric thin shell formulation for multi-patches based on rational splines over hierarchical T-meshes (RHT-splines). Nitsche’s method is employed to efficiently couple the patches. The RHT-splines have the advantages of allowing a computationally feasible local refine- ment, are free from linear independence, possess high order continuity and satisfy the partition of unity and non-negativity, properties. In addition, C 1 continuity of the RHT-splines obviates to use of rotational degrees of freedom. The good performance of the present method is demonstrated by a number of numerical examples.


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A finite-strain solid–shell element is proposed. It is based on least-squares in-plane assumed strains, assumed natural transverse shear and normal strains. The singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to define local (integration-point) orthogonal frames-of-reference solely from the Jacobian matrix. The complete finite-strain formulation is derived and tested. Assumed strains obtained from least-squares fitting are an alternative to the enhanced-assumed-strain (EAS) formulations and, in contrast with these, the result is an element satisfying the Patch test. There are no additional degrees-of-freedom, as it is the case with the enhanced-assumed-strain case, even by means of static condensation. Least-squares fitting produces invariant finite strain elements which are shear-locking free and amenable to be incorporated in large-scale codes. With that goal, we use automatically generated code produced by AceGen and Mathematica. All benchmarks show excellent results, similar to the best available shell and hybrid solid elements with significantly lower computational cost.


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A finite-strain solid–shell element is proposed. It is based on least-squares in-plane assumed strains, assumed natural transverse shear and normal strains. The singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to define local (integration-point) orthogonal frames-of- reference solely from the Jacobian matrix. The complete finite-strain formulation is derived and tested. Assumed strains obtained from least-squares fitting are an alternative to the enhanced-assumed-strain (EAS) formulations and, in contrast with these, the result is an element satisfying the Patch test. There are no additional degrees-of-freedom, as it is the case with the enhanced- assumed-strain case, even by means of static condensation. Least-squares fitting produces invariant finite strain elements which are shear-locking free and amenable to be incorporated in large-scale codes. With that goal, we use automatically generated code produced by AceGen and Mathematica. All benchmarks show excellent results, similar to the best available shell and hybrid solid elements with significantly lower computational cost.


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With a new finite strain anisotropic framework, we introduce a unified approach for constitutive model- ing and delamination of composites. We describe a finite-strain semi-implicit integration algorithm and the application to assumed-strain hexahedra. In a laminate composite, the laminae are modeled by an anisotropic Kirchhoff/Saint-Venant material and the interfaces are modeled by the exponential cohesive law with intrinsic characteristic length and the criterion by Benzeggagh and Kenane for the equivalent fracture toughness. For the element formulation, a weighted least-squares algorithm is used to calculate the mixed strain. Löwdin frames are used to model orthotropic materials without the added task of per- forming a polar decomposition or empirical frames. To assess the validity of our proposals and inspect step and mesh size dependence, a least-squares based hexahedral element is implemented and tested in depth in both deformation and delamination examples.


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We develop an algorithm and computational implementation for simulation of problems that combine Cahn–Hilliard type diffusion with finite strain elasticity. We have in mind applications such as the electro-chemo- mechanics of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries. We concentrate on basic computational aspects. A staggered algorithm is pro- posed for the coupled multi-field model. For the diffusion problem, the fourth order differential equation is replaced by a system of second order equations to deal with the issue of the regularity required for the approximation spaces. Low order finite elements are used for discretization in space of the involved fields (displacement, concentration, nonlocal concentration). Three (both 2D and 3D) extensively worked numerical examples show the capabilities of our approach for the representation of (i) phase separation, (ii) the effect of concentration in deformation and stress, (iii) the effect of Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00466-015-1235-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. B P. Areias pmaa@uevora.pt 1 Department of Physics, University of Évora, Colégio Luís António Verney, Rua Romão Ramalho, 59, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 2 ICIST, Lisbon, Portugal 3 School of Engineering, Universidad de Cuenca, Av. 12 de Abril s/n. 01-01-168, Cuenca, Ecuador 4 Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Marienstraße 15, 99423 Weimar, Germany strain in concentration, and (iv) lithiation. We analyze con- vergence with respect to spatial and time discretization and found that very good results are achievable using both a stag- gered scheme and approximated strain interpolation.


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Two novelties are introduced: (i) a finite-strain semi-implicit integration algorithm compatible with current element technologies and (ii) the application to assumed-strain hexahedra. The Löwdin algo- rithm is adopted to obtain evolving frames applicable to finite strain anisotropy and a weighted least- squares algorithm is used to determine the mixed strain. Löwdin frames are very convenient to model anisotropic materials. Weighted least-squares circumvent the use of internal degrees-of-freedom. Het- erogeneity of element technologies introduce apparently incompatible constitutive requirements. Assumed-strain and enhanced strain elements can be either formulated in terms of the deformation gradient or the Green–Lagrange strain, many of the high-performance shell formulations are corotational and constitutive constraints (such as incompressibility, plane stress and zero normal stress in shells) also depend on specific element formulations. We propose a unified integration algorithm compatible with possibly all element technologies. To assess its validity, a least-squares based hexahedral element is implemented and tested in depth. Basic linear problems as well as 5 finite-strain examples are inspected for correctness and competitive accuracy.