3 resultados para Infeasible solution space search

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Num mundo complexo e globalizado como o de hoje, as instituições não sobreviverão se tiverem visões que não ultrapassem seus obstáculos. Elas precisam descobrir parceiros que possam ajudá-las a atingir resultados mais amplos e eficazes. A complexidade dos problemas do mundo rural, ultrapassam as capacidades institucionais das organizações, com e sem fins lucrativas, de isoladamente darem as devidas respostas. A cooperação emerge como espaço de novas possibilidades. Nenhuma entidade isolada possui todos os elementos necessários para abordar e dar resposta aos problemas com que as zonas rurais estão confrontadas. A busca de soluções a nível local sem descurar o intercâmbio de ideias a nível nacional é o caminho viável. Trata-se de mobilizar os atores locais para que se envolvam no futuro da sua zona e de abrir os espaços rurais a outros territórios. Neste contexto nas regiões menos favorecidas como é o caso do Alentejo, com falta de população, as parcerias aparecem como instrumento fundamental para levar a frente projetos ligados ao desenvolvimento local. ABSTRACT: ln a complex and globalized world like the one we are currently living in, institutions are not going to survive if they have visions that do not extrapolate their obstacles. They need to look further in order to discover partners that can help them in achieving higher and more efficient results. The growing extension and complexity of social and economical challenges go beyond the institutional capacities of organizations, which have to deal with them individually - whether they are profit-seeking or not. Cooperation emerges with space of new possibilities. No isolated entity has all the necessary elements for discussing and answering the problems which rural zones face. The search for solution on a local level without mentioning the exchange on national level ideas is a save way. This is about mobilization of local actors with the purpose of a major involvement in the future of the zone and opens the rural spaces to other territories. ln this context the regions less beneficiaries through the lack of enough population like the Alentejo case, the partnerships show up as a fundamental instrument to bring forward projects connected to the local development.


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Declarative techniques such as Constraint Programming can be very effective in modeling and assisting management decisions. We present a method for managing university classrooms which extends the previous design of a Constraint-Informed Information System to generate the timetables while dealing with spatial resource optimization issues. We seek to maximize space utilization along two dimensions: classroom use and occupancy rates. While we want to maximize the room use rate, we still need to satisfy the soft constraints which model students’ and lecturers’ preferences. We present a constraint logic programming-based local search method which relies on an evaluation function that combines room utilization and timetable soft preferences. Based on this, we developed a tool which we applied to the improvement of classroom allocation in a University. Comparing the results to the current timetables obtained without optimizing space utilization, the initial versions of our tool manages to reach a 30% improvement in space utilization, while preserving the quality of the timetable, both for students and lecturers.


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It is well known that human resources play a valuable role in a sustainable organizational development. Indeed, this work will focus on the development of a decision support system to assess workers’ satisfaction based on factors related to human resources management practices. The framework is built on top of a Logic Programming approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, complemented with a Case Based approach to computing. The proposed solution is unique in itself, once it caters for the explicit treatment of incomplete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information, either in terms of a qualitative or quantitative setting. Furthermore, clustering methods based on similarity analysis among cases were used to distinguish and aggregate collections of historical data or knowledge in order to reduce the search space, therefore enhancing the cases retrieval and the overall computational process.