6 resultados para Indicators and Reagents

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the degree of persistence in five inflation indicators for Angola, and to identify the implications for decision making. Our results suggest that when structural breaks are accounted for, all five inflation indicators are stationary. Second, our findings suggest that persistence is not too high. Moreover, the degree of persistence is similar among the five inflation indicators and throughout the sample period. Finally, our results also show that extracting the most volatile components of the headline inflation indicator does not generate a new inflation indicator that is less volatile and more persistent than the original. These results have important policy implications as the National Bank of Angola is preparing to change its monetary policy focus to a more inflation-targeting regime


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Objetivo: Investigar os benefícios de um programa de reabilitação psicomotora em pessoas idosas institucionalizadas ao nível de indicadores de saúde e do bem-estar. Metodologia: A amostra integrou 42 participantes (84±6.2 anos), dos quais 21 pertenciam ao grupo experimental (programa de reabilitação) e 21 ao grupo controlo. Os indicadores de saúde e bem-estar foram avaliados pelo Profile of Mood Stats (POMS), pela Escala de Dor (Instrumento P4), pela Perceção de Estado de Saúde (EQVAS) e pelo Índice de Barthel. Resultados: Os testes de comparação evidenciaram melhorias significativas no grupo experimental, nas variáveis depressão, irritação, confusão, principalmente no score total sem e com irritação da avaliação de estados emocionais e de humor, em relação à escala de dor as variáveis escala de dor1 e score total escala de dor foram as que tiveram melhorias significativas, p= <0.05. Conclusão: O programa de reabilitação psicomotora promoveu melhorias ao nível dos indicadores de saúde e do bem-estar das pessoas idosas institucionalizadas, com maior impacto nos estados emocionais e de humor e diminuição de intensidade de dor; Abstract: Effect of a psychomotor rehabilitation intervention in elderly people institutionalized at the level of health indicators and welfare. Objective: The aim is to investigate the benefits of a psychomotor rehabilitation program in orderly people institutionalized at the level of health indicators and welfare. Methodology: The sample consisted of 42 participants (84 ± 6.2 years), 21 of them belonged to the experimental group (rehabilitation program), and the other 21, to the control group. The following surveys were conducted by the Profile of Mood Stats (POMS), the Pain Scale (P4 Instrument), the Perception of Health Status (EQVAS) and the Barthel Index. Results: Significant improvements were observed in the experimental group, in the following dimensions: depression, anger, confusion, mainly in the total score with and without irritation assessment of emotional states and mood, regarding the pain scale, the variables pain scale and total average score were the ones that had higher significant improvements, p = <0.05. Conclusion: The psychomotor rehabilitation program led to improvements in health indicators and well-being of the institutionalized older ones, with greater impact on emotional states and mood and decrease in pain intensity.


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Sumário: A morbilidade evitável relacionada com medicamentos (MERM) é um problema de saúde pública com considerável impacto negativo para os doentes e os sistemas de saúde. Os indicadores de MERM constituem medidas operacionais de gestão do risco terapêutico, uma vez que permitem identificar processos de cuidados de saúde que predizem um resultado clínico negativo potencialmente evitável. O uso destes indicadores pode contribuir para reduzir a morbilidade evitável relacionada com medicamentos, evitando danos desnecessários e desperdício de recursos. Objectivo: Desenvolver novos indicadores de MERM para cuidados primários em Portugal a partir da análise de resumos das características de medicamentos (RCM's) e determinar a validade preliminar de face e de conteúdo dos indicadores derivados para este setting. Métodos: A primeira fase deste estudo consistiu num ensaio piloto, com o intuito de testar uma metodologia de inclusão dos RCM's com base na frequência de dispensa da especialidade farmacêutica no ambulatório. Seguidamente procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de mais indicadores de MERM utilizando a metodologia testada no ensaio piloto. Os indicadores obtidos foram alvo de uma primeira análise com base em aspectos como duplicações e relevância para cuidados primários, de modo a seleccionar os que poderiam passar à fase de validade preliminar de face e de conteúdo. Procedeu­ se então à pesquisa de evidência clínica em fontes de referência para estes indicadores. Na última fase do estudo estes indicadores, bem como a respectiva evidência clínica, foram analisados por um painel de peritos constituído por quatro académicos (dois médicos de família e dois farmacêuticos), sendo aprovados ou eliminados com base num critério de consenso. Resultados: Obteve-se um total de 64 indicadores de MERM, a partir da análise de 35 RCM's. Sujeitaram-se à determinação da validade preliminar de face e de conteúdo 44 indicadores. Foram aprovados por consenso 28 indicadores, tendo sido excluídos 17 (4 por consenso e 13 sem obtenção de consenso). Conclusão: É exequível derivar novos indicadores de MERM para cuidados primários a partir da análise de RCM's. A validade formal de face e de conteúdo destes indicadores obtidos será objecto de estudo de ulterior investigação. /ABSTRACT: Backgroud: Preventable drug-relate morbidity (PDRM) is a public health problem with significant negative impact at a patient and system level. PDRM indicators are operational measures of therapeutic risk management; they identifying processes of care leading to preventable adverse outcomes. The use of these indicators may contribute to tackle preventable drug related morbidity, avoiding unnecessary harm and waste of resources. Objective: To develop new PDRM indicators to Portuguese primary care based on the analysis of summaries of product characteristics (SPC’s) and to determine their preliminary face and content validity to this setting. Methods: Firstly a pilot study was conducted to test a methodology for including SPC's based on the most frequently sold medicines in the ambulatory. Then more indicators were developed using the previously tested methodology. The indicators obtained were analyzed in respect to aspects such as duplications and relevance for primary care to select those that could proceed to the next stage. Clinical evidence was searched for each of these indicators in gold-standard information sources. Finally, this set of indicators and the respective clinical evidence were analysised by a panel of four experts (two academic general practitioners and two academic pharmacists). Preliminary face and content validity was established by means of consensus. Results: A total of 64 indicators was obtained, based on the analysis of 35 SPCs. Forty­ four indicators were subjected to a preliminary assessment of face and content validity, resulting in 28 consensus-approved indicators. Seventeen indicators were excluded (4 rejected by consensus and 13 that did not reach consensus). Conclusion: lt is feasible to derive new PDRM indicators for primary care based on SPC's. The formal face and content validity of the indicators will be determined in a further study.


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O aleitamento materno exclusivo é uma recomendação universal e o contacto pele-a-pele mãe/recém-nascido é fator de desenvolvimento para a díade. O trabalho académico desenvolvido centra-se nos indicadores de medida e evidência - amamentação na 1ª hora de vida & contacto pele a pele entre a díade. Tal enraíza-se no projeto Maternidade com Qualidade, da Ordem dos Enfermeiros Portugueses e em curso no Centro Hospitalar Barreiro-Montijo EPE. O projeto iniciou-se em setembro de 2015, seguindo-se os procedimentos que se relatam no atual documento. No diagnóstico de situação recolheu-se o estado dos indicadores. A vertente de investigação considerou como amostras profissionais e utentes do Centro Hospitalar Barreiro-Montijo e recolheu dados. A intervenção realizada produziu evolução positiva nos indicadores. O bonding em período sensível é reconhecido pelos profissionais como um elemento relevante nos cuidados. Com a implementação deste projeto contribuiu-se para a melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados na área de saúde materna; Mother-Child early relationship. Evaluating postpartum indicators from the Project Maternity with Quality at CHBM-EPE ABSTRACT: Exclusive breastfeeding is a universal recommendation and skin-to-skin mother / newborn is a development factor for the dyad. The academic work focuses on the measurement indicators and evidence - breastfeeding within the 1st hour of life & skin-to-skin between the dyad. This is rooted in the Maternity design with quality, of the Portuguese Nurses and ongoing in-Hospital Center Barreiro Montijo EPE. The project began in September 2015, following the procedures that are reported in the current document. In the situation analysis was collected status indicators. The research strand considers sample practitioners and users Barreiro-Montijo Hospital Center and collects data. The intervention performed produced positive results for these indicators. The bonding in the sensitive period is recognized by professionals as an important element in the care. With the implementation of this project contributed to improving the quality of care in maternal health.


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Soil is a key resource that provides the basis of food production and sustains and delivers several ecosystems services including regulating and supporting services such as water and climate regulation, soil formation and the cycling of nutrients carbon and water. During the last decades, population growth, dietary changes and the subsequent pressure on food production, have caused severe damages on soil quality as a consequence of intensive, high input-based agriculture. While agriculture is supposed to maintain and steward its most important resource base, it compromises soil quality and fertility through its impact on erosion, soil organic matter and biodiversity decline, compaction, etc., and thus the necessary yield increases for the next decades. New or improved cropping systems and agricultural practices are needed to ensure a sustainable use of this resource and to fully take the advantages of its associated ecosystem services. Also, new and better soil quality indicators are crucial for fast and in-field soil diagnosis to help farmers decide on the best management practices to adopt under specific pedo-climatic conditions. Conservation Agriculture and its fundamental principles: minimum (or no) soil disturbance, permanent organic soil cover and crop rotation /intercropping certainly figure among the possibilities capable to guarantee sustainable soil management. The iSQAPER project – Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience – is tackling this problem with the development of a Soil Quality application (SQAPP) that links soil and agricultural management practices to soil quality indicators and will provide an easy-to-use tool for farmers and land managers to judge their soil status. The University of Évora is the leader of WP6 - Evaluating and demonstrating measures to improve Soil Quality. In this work package, several promising soil and agricultural management practices will be tested at selected sites and evaluated using the set of soil quality indicators defined for the SQAPP tool. The project as a whole and WP6 in specific can contribute to proof and demonstrate under different pedoclimatic conditions the impact of Conservation Agriculture practices on soil quality and function as was named the call under which this project was submitted.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the degree of persistence in five inflation indicators for Angola, and to identify the implications for decision-making. Understanding inflation persistence in Angola is crucial because the National Bank of Angola is preparing to change its monetary policy focus to a more inflation-targeting regime. Our results suggest that when structural breaks are accounted for, all five inflation indicators are stationary, so that a shock will give temporary effects. Secondly, our findings suggest that persistence is not too high. Moreover, the degree of persistence is similar among the five inflation indicators and throughout the sample period. Finally, our results also show that extracting the most volatile components of the headline inflation indicator does not generate a new inflation indicator that is less volatile and more persistent than the original. These results have important implications for the design, implementation and effectiveness of monetary policy in Angola, especially when following an inflation-targeting regime. First, a not too high degree of persistence means monetary policy aiming for price stability must be implemented with a permanent policy stance. Secondly, a low degree of persistence also means that inflation can be stabilized in a short period of time following a shock. Lastly, the results are also relevant for prediction and modeling purposes.