2 resultados para Inégalité des revenus

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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7 RESUME/ABSTRACT Au Sénégal, il existe des pratiques culturelles et cultuelles, séculaires que l’on retrouve au niveau de toutes les composantes ethnolinguistiques. Une donnée qui nous interpelle, chacun en ce qui nous concerne, et nous invite à repenser le devenir de nos spécificités et particularités culturelles face aux assauts répétés et multiformes de la modernité. La caractéristique qui entoure les rites et rituels est le plus souvent sujette à plusieurs formes d’interprétations fantaisistes et parfois dévalorisantes. Force est de reconnaître que le recours à la médecine moderne ne saurait pleinement répondre à ce besoin de tranquillité et de sérénité mystique qui habite chaque africain en général et chaque sénégalais en particulier. Il s’agit ici, pour l’africain et en ce qui nous concerne le sénégalais, de trouver une tranquillité psychologique et une assurance symbolique propres à créer les conditions d’une guérison physique et/ou morale. En ce sens que l’emprise du modernise ne peut aucunement influer totalement sur cette croyance ancestrale que bon nombre de sénégalais, et pas des moindres, ont en l’endroit de ces pratiques. Une prédisposition culturelle sous-tendue par des préoccupations cultuelles qui font l’objet d’une communion agissante entre les différents membres des communautés. Une prise de conscience qui se manifeste à travers des cérémonies ponctuellement organisées et présidées par des prêtres et prêtresses. Notre présente étude participe de la recherche d’un juste équilibre spirituel et temporel apte à offrir une possibilité de concilier les aspects traditionnels des spécificités culturelles de nos composantes ethnolinguistiques avec ce qui constitue les contraintes et exigences de la modernité. Il reste certes évident que cette opposition a généré une sorte de fracture culturelle en véhiculant une autre manière de voir, mais surtout de percevoir nos traditions et coutumes. Cependant à l’heure d’un redimensionnement et d’une adaptation contextuelle de ce qui constitue nos valeurs identitaires, il nous revient de procéder à une démarche de sensibilisation et d’explication pour conférer plus de lisibilité à nos expressions culturelles. La mise en place d’un écomusée des pratiques divinatoires et curatives, est un moyen moderne et pratique de sauvegarde et de valorisation des savoirs et connaissances thérapeutiques endogènes. Outre la création d’emplois et de revenus, cette infrastructure sera une vitrine du patrimoine local qui favorisera le développement d’un tourisme culturel source de devises et vecteur de développement local; ABSTRACT: In Senegal, there are cultural and religious practices, ancient that we find in all the ethno-linguistic components. A given that challenges us, each in our case, and invites us to rethink the future of our cultural specificities and characteristics and multifaceted face of repeated assaults of modernity. The characteristic surrounding the rites and rituals is usually subject to various forms of demeaning and sometimes fanciful interpretations. We must recognize that the use of modern medicine can not fully meet this need of tranquility and mystical serenity that inhabits every African in general and Senegal in particular each. This is, for Africa and for us Senegalese, find a psychological tranquility and symbolic own insurance to create conditions for physical healing and / or legal. In that the grip of modernizing can in no way affect totally on this ancient belief that many Senegalese, not least, have the place of such practices. A cultural predisposition underpinned by cultic concerns that are the subject of an active communion between the community members. An awareness that manifests itself through occasionally organized ceremonies presided over by priests and priestesses. Our present study involved the search for a fair balance spiritual and temporal able to offer an opportunity to reconcile the traditional aspects of the cultural specificities of our ethno-linguistic components with which constitutes the constraints and demands of modernity. While it remains clear that this opposition has generated a kind of cultural divide by conveying a different way of seeing, but above all to collect our traditions and customs. However at the time resizing and contextual adaptation of what constitutes our identity values, it is our responsibility to conduct an outreach approach and explanation to give greater clarity to our cultural expressions. The establishment of a museum of divination and healing practices, is a modern and convenient way to backup and recovery of therapeutic knowledge and endogenous knowledge. In addition to creating jobs and income, this infrastructure will be a showcase of local heritage that promote the development of cultural tourism source of foreign exchange and local development vector.


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A problemática que constitui o ponto de partida do presente estudo evidencia a importância de se conhecer e compreender a forma como se processa a inserção profissional dos recém-diplomados em Ensino Básico - 1º Ciclo. De entre distintas ópticas possíveis, considerou-se importante assumir, como elemento estratégico deste processo, e na linha do pensamento de M. Alves (2001), o entendimento de que o processo de inserção profissional assume um carácter dinâmico, que envolve três actores fundamentais: os diplomados, os empregadores e os estabelecimentos de ensino superior. É tendo como base de trabalho esta perspectiva (conceito de inserção profissional articulado com o paradigma da aprendizagem ao longo da vida) que se edifica o presente estudo, estruturando-se em quatro partes. A primeira delas visa, embora não de forma exclusiva, a explanação dos principais referenciais teóricos relativos à temática em questão; a segunda parte explicita as opções metodológicas adoptadas; a terceira debruça-se sobre a análise e interpretação dos resultados e a quarta remete para algumas conclusões que emergiram de todo o processo de investigação empreendido. Procurando desenvolver-se uma investigação descritiva assente numa metodologia integrada e complementar com abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas, a recolha de dados incide num questionário e numa entrevista, tendo-se sempre em consideração os objectivos subjacentes ao estudo e optando-se, para tal, como sujeitos, pelos licenciados em Ensino Básico - 1.° Ciclo que realizaram a sua formação nas instituições formadoras do Alentejo (Escolas Superiores de Beja e Portalegre e Universidade de Évora), no período compreendido entre 2001 e 2003. As trajectórias profissionais destes licenciados ficam marcadas por sentimentos de ilusão, incerteza e indignação, mas também por um forte sentimento de frustração. Não foi pacífico, para muitos deles, aceitar que a realização do curso não lhes conferiu o acesso ao emprego esperado. A sua maioria encontrava-se integrada em sectores profissionais que não estavam directamente relacionados com o curso ou, então, permaneciam desempregados. A esperança de virem a exercer a profissão docente parecia ser cada vez mais ténue. /***Abstract - The problem that constitutes the start of the present study emphasizes the importance of knowing and understanding the way it proceeds the professional insertion of the new graduates of the Ensino Básico — V Ciclo (primary school).Between several visions, it has been important, as a strategic element of this process and following the line of M. Alves (2001), the understanding that the professional insertion assumes a dynamic character, that envolves three fundamental elements: the graduates, the employers and. the universities. This study, structured in four parts, is based in the concept that links profession insertion with life long learning. The purpose of the first part is to expose, not in an exclusive way, the several theories connected with the theme in question the second part explains the methodology used; the third consists of the analysis and interpretation of the results and the fourth and. last one, exposes some conclusions that carne out of the investigation process. It has been tried in this study to develop a descriptive investigation, based on an integrated and complementary methodology that includes a qualitative and quantitative analysis. Therefore, the gathering of data is based on a questionnaire and an interview. Always considering the underlying objectives of the study, we have chosen, as subjects, the graduates in Ensino Básico - 1º Ciclo that performed their formation in the institutes of Alentejo (Escola Superior de Educação de Beja, Escola Superior de Educação de Portalegre e Universidade de Évora), in the period between 2001 and. 2003. The professional trajectory of these graduates is full of uncertainty, indignation and also full of strong feelings of frustration. It was not easy for many of them to accept that the course they have completed doesn't open the doors for the job they've dreamed of and expected. The majority was integrated in professional areas not directly connected with their course or then remained unemployed. The hope of becoming teachers was turning more and more tenuous.