5 resultados para IUCN categories and criteria

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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In the early modern period, trade became a truly global phenomenon. The logistics, financial and organizational complexity associated with it increased in order to connect distant geographies and merchants from different backgrounds. How did these merchants prevent their partners from dishonesty in a time where formal institutions and legislation did not traverse these different worlds? This book studies the mechanisms and criteria of cooperation in early modern trading networks. It uses an interdisciplinary approach, through the case study of a Castilian long-distance merchant of the sixteenth century, Simon Ruiz, who traded within the limits of the Portuguese and Spanish overseas empires. Early Modern Trading Networks in Europe discusses the importance of reciprocity mechanisms, trust and reputation in the context of early modern business relations, using network analysis methodology, combining quantitative data with qualitative information. It considers how cooperation and prevention could simultaneously create a business relationship, and describes the mechanisms of control, policing and punishment used to avoid opportunism and deception among a group of business partners. Using bills of exchange and correspondence from Simon Ruiz’s private archive, it charts the evolution of this business network through time, debating which criteria should be included or excluded from business networks, as well as the emergence of standards. This book intends to put forward a new approach to early modern trade which focuses on individuals interacting in self-organized structures, rather than on states or empires. It shows how indirect reciprocity was much more frequent than direct reciprocity among early modern merchants and how informal norms, like ostracism or signaling, helped to prevent defection and deception in an effective way.


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Com a presente dissertação pretendemos caracterizar os possíveis contornos de uma parceria entre as escolas e outras instituições do concelho de Moura, de forma a melhorar a colaboração e com isso a maximização dos recursos materiais e humanos existentes no território. Com fundamento nos contributos de diversos autores relevantes no campo de conhecimento em análise e nas diferentes orientações legais, procuramos atingir os seguintes objetivos: a) identificar as instituições existentes; b) caracterizar as instituições; c) identificar domínios onde possam ser promovidas parcerias e d) identificar os recursos existentes na comunidade educativa de Moura. De forma a encontrar resposta às questões da investigação, (relacionadas com a promoção de parcerias locais, com base na partilha de recursos), optamos por uma metodologia mista, qualitativa/quantitativa, por se considerar mais apropriada ao objeto do estudo. Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de questionários aplicados a uma amostra do universo de instituições do Concelho de Moura. A análise originou um quadro de categorias, subcategorias e indicadores com os quais criamos uma base de dados. Após ter sido efetuada a investigação e a cartografia institucional do Concelho de Moura, chegámos aos seguintes resultados: a) foram identificadas áreas prioritárias para a promoção de parcerias; b) identificaram-se recursos plausíveis de serem utilizados em termos de parcerias. Apesar das suas limitações, este estudo poderá contribuir para: a) identificar áreas comuns de formação entre instituições da comunidade; b) facilitar a adaptação do currículo nacional à realidade envolvendo diversos parceiros; c) alertar para uma efetiva necessidade de articulação entre as instituições. /ABSTRACT - With this dissertation we intend to characterize the possible layouts of a partnership between the schools and other institutions of the Moura County as to improve the collaboration and thus maximize the material and human resources existing in the territory. Based on the contributions of several significant authors in the field of the knowledge in analysis and in the different legal diplomas, we aim to: a) identify the existing institutions; b) characterize those institutions; c) identify the areas where partnerships can be promoted and d) identify the existing resources in the school community of Moura. In order to find an answer to the questions of investigation, (connected to the promotion of local partnerships, based on the sharing of resources), we choose a mixed methodology, qualitative/quantitative, because we find it more appropriate to the matter in study. The data was gathered by the use of questionnaires applied to a sample of the universe of institutions of the Moura County. The analysis gave origin to a board of categories, and indicators with which we created a database. After the investigation and the institutional cartography of the Moura County, we came to the following results: a) priority areas for the promotion of partnerships were identified; b) resources that can be used in partnerships were identified. Despite its limitations, this study is able to contribute to: a) the identification of common training areas between institutions of the community; b) facilitate the adaptation of the national curriculum to the reality involving different partners; c9 to alert to a true need of articulation between the institutions.


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Numa economia global sujeita a mudanças nas dinâmicas de mercado e a uma concorrência crescente, o papel das marcas nunca foi tão importante como agora. As marcas servem de mapa orientador para comportamento de compra e, quando geridas de forma correta, resultam geralmente num valor significativo para os seus detentores. Pretende-se com este trabalho desenvolver uma marca para o medronho, fruto nacional ainda pouco comercializado em fresco. Procurou criar-se uma identidade de marca forte, tendo em atenção os vários elementos de marca de modo a contribuir positivamente para a construção de capital de marca (brand equity). Na metodologia privilegia-se a análise qualitativa, com a realização de uma entrevista e um questionário, com o intuito de aprofundar respetivamente o conhecimento da empresa e a perceção dos consumidores em relação ao fruto. Neste sentido, e depois de uma análise cuidada da literatura, este projeto reflete a aplicação dos modelos de construção de marcas e dos critérios para a escolha dos elementos da marca definidos por Keller (2005). Deste trabalho resulta uma proposta de construção dos elementos da marca, a ser utilizada pelo centro de excelência para a valorização dos recursos mediterrâneos (CEVRM); Definition of the Brand Identity for the arbutus Abstract: In a global economy subject to changes in market dynamics and increasing competition, the role of brands has never been as important as now. Trademarks serve advisor map to buying behavior and, when managed correctly, often result in significant value for its owners. The aim of this work is to develop a brand for the arbutus, national fruit poorly marketed fresh. Sought to create is a strong brand identity, taking into account the various mode brand elements to contribute positively to building brand equity (brand equity). The methodology emphasizes the qualitative analysis, conducting an interview and a questionnaire, in order to deepen respectively the company's knowledge and perception of consumers in relation to the fruit. In this sense, and after a careful analysis of the literature, this project reflects the application of model building brands and criteria for the choice of brand elements defined by Keller. This work results in a proposal to build the brand elements to be used by the CEVRM.


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O presente trabalho tem como âmbito de estudo o campo da educação não formal. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa descritiva, com o objectivo geral de descrever todos os aspectos da actividade de uma folk school, um espaço de educação não formal, situada no sul da Dinamarca, sob as perspectivas de professores e alunos. Participaram neste estudo três entidades que fazem parte deste modelo de educação não formal, tendo sido realizadas entrevistas ao Director, a três professores e a sete alunos. Para a recolha de dados foi utilizado um guião de entrevista semi-estruturada. Os dados recolhidos pelas entrevistas foram organizados em categorias e foi realizada a análise de conteúdo. Como resultado deste estudo temos a descrição do funcionamento da escola analisada, bem como testemunhos da forma como este tipo de educação desenvolve o espírito de comunidade e cidadania, potenciando, também, o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. /ABSTRACT: This work develops in the study field of non-formal education. It is a descriptive, qualitative research, with the overall aim of describing all aspects of the activity of a folk school, located in southern Denmark, an institution of non­formal education, seen through the perspectives of both teachers and students. Three entities that are involved in this type of non-formal education have participated in present study, so the director, three teachers and seven students were interviewed. ln order to collect data we applied semi-structured interviews. The data thus obtained in the interviews was organized into categories and, afterwards, their content was analyzed. From this study results the description of the activity done in the school studied, as well as the testimony of how this kind of education develops a spirit of community and citizenship, also enhancing the personal and professional development and improvement.


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A close analysis of the specifically cinematographic procedure in Akira Kurosawa’s ‘Dream’ Crows reveals it as an articulated and insightful philosophical statement, endowed with general relevance concerning ‘natural’ perception, phenomenological Erlebnis, mechanical image and aesthetic rapture. The antagonism between the Benjaminian lineage of a mechanical irreducibility of the cinematic image to anthropocentric categories, and the Cartesian tradition of a film-philosophy still relying on the equally irreducible structure of the intentional act, be it the one of a deeply embodied and enworlded counsciousness, in accounting for the essential structure of film and spectator (and their relation), i.e., the antagonism between the decentering primacy of the image and the self-centered primacy of perception, cannot be settled through a simple Phenomenological shift from occularcentric, intentional counsciousness to its embodyment ‘in-the-world’ as yet another carrier of intentionality. Still it remains to be explained what is it in the mechanical image that is able to so deeply affect the human flesh, and conversely, to what features in the human bodily experience is its mechanical other, the fascinating image, so successfuly adressing? It should be expected from the anti-Cartesianism of both the early and the late Merleau-Ponty the textual support for an approach to the essential condition of passivity in movie watching, that would be convergent with Benjamin. The Chapter ‘Le sentir’, in Phénoménologie de la perception, will offer us the proper guide to elucidate what we are already perceiving and conceiving in Kurosawa’s film, where the ex-static phenomenological body of the aesthetical contemplator ‘enters the frame’ like the Benjaminian surgeon enters the body and like the painter - and always already like our deepest level of ‘sensing’, previously to any act of cousciousness - ‘just looses himself in the scene before him’. The Polichinello secret of cinema watching is nonetheless too evident to be seen, and that is where Phenomenological description and reduction are still required.