4 resultados para IDEATION

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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This study evaluated whether psychache (i.e., mental pain) mediates the association between general distress, assessed as the frequency and the intensity of psychological symptoms in the previous week, and suicide ideation in community adults. For a sample of 202 adults, psychache fully mediated the relationship between suicide ideation and the frequency of psychological symptoms, and partially mediated the relationship between suicide ideation and the intensity of psychological symptoms. As such, mental pain fully or partially explains the process linking the frequency and the intensity of general distress to suicide ideation and, thus, mental pain is a target for potential intervention.


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O objetivo desta investigação é testar o contributo das necessidades interpessoais - os sentimentos de não pertença e a perceção de ser um fardo – para o risco de suicídio, avaliado através da ideação suicida. Também se pretende investigar a possível interação entre as necessidades interpessoais e respetivos efeitos quadráticos, controlando o impacto de um conjunto de variáveis que apresentam, muitas vezes, uma correlação significativa com a ideação suicida. Neste estudo participaram 80 utentes idosos em recuperação de uma doença aguda. De acordo com os resultados, os sentimentos de não pertença e a perceção de ser um fardo correlacionam-se com a ideação suicida. No entanto, quando numa análise da regressão múltipla se considera simultaneamente o efeito de ambas as variáveis, apenas os sentimentos de não pertença contribuem significativamente na previsão da ideação suicida. Não se verificaram efeitos de interação nem efeitos quadráticos entre as variáveis necessidades interpessoais; Abstract: “Interpersonal needs and suicide risk in a sample of elderly patients” The aim of this study is to test the contribution of interpersonal needs - thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness - to the risk of suicide, assessed by the presence of suicidal ideation. It also intends to investigate the possible interaction between interpersonal needs and the respective quadratic effects, by controlling the impact of a set of variables which have, many times, a significant correlation with suicidal ideation. In this study participated 80 elderly patients recovering from an acute medical condition. According to the results, thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness are correlated with suicidal ideation. However, when in a multiple regression analysis we considerate simultaneously the effect of both variables, only thwarted belongingness contributes significatively to suicide ideation prediction. No interactions effects or quadratic effects were observed between interpersonal needs variables.


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O objetivo deste estudo longitudinal é testar numa amostra da comunidade, a contribuição da dor psicológica para o risco suicidário, avaliando o seu impacto na ideação suicida, importante sinalizador do risco. Os dados foram recolhidos em dois momentos com um intervalo de três meses. Participaram 218 adultos, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 65 anos, que responderam ao Brief Symptom Inventory, à Psychache Scale, ao Questionário de Ideação Suicida e a um Questionário Sociodemográfico e Clínico. De acordo com os resultados, a dor psicológica previu variações na ideação suicida ao longo de três meses, avaliada numa população de baixo risco, explicando uma parte da variação desta, mesmo quando se controlou estatisticamente o efeito do distress. Os resultados reforçam a ideia de que a ideação suicida não é um fenómeno exclusivamente associado à perturbação e mostram a relevância da dor psicológica enquanto importante fator de risco suicidário; ABSTRACT: “Psychache and suicidal risk: a longitudinal study in a community sample” The aim of this longitudinal study is to test a community sample, the contribution of psychological pain for suicidality risk, assessing its impact on suicidal ideation, an important risk factor. Data were collected at two different times with an interval of three months. A final sample of 218 participants, aged between 18 and 65 years, responded to the Brief Symptom Inventory, the Psychache Scale, the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire and a socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire. According to the results, the psychological pain predicted variations in suicide ideation over three months evaluated in a low-risk sample, explaining a part of this variation, even when distress were statistically controlled. The results reinforce the idea that suicide ideation is not exclusively a phenomenon associated with perturbation and show the relevance of psychological pain as an important risk factor for suicide.


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Literature emphasises the sparse research focused in collaborative and open approaches in the design conceptualisation stage, also known as the Fuzzy Front-End (FFE). Presently, the most challenging discussion arising from this specific field of research lies in understanding on whether or not to structure the referred conceptual stage. Accordingly, the established hypothesis behind this study sustains that a structured approach in the FFE would benefit the interdisciplinary dialogue. Therefore, two objectives support this study: to understand the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach in the FFE, and to test one proposed model for this conceptual stage. By means of a small-scale design experiment, this paper pretends to give additional contributions to this area of research, in the context of new product development (NPD). The general research supporting this specific study aims to conceptualise in the area of newly and futuristic aircraft configurations. Hence, this same topic based the conceptualisation process in the conducted ideation sessions, which are conducted by five different teams of three elements each. The results of the different ideation sessions reinforce the contemporary paradigm of Open Innovation (OI), which is based in trust and communication to better collaborate. The postulated hypothesis for this study is partially validated as teams testing the proposed and structured model generally consider that its usage would benefit the integration of different disciplines. Besides, a general feeling that a structured approach integrates different perspectives and gives creativity a focus pervades. Nevertheless, the small-scale of the design experiment attributes some limitations to this study, despite giving new insights in how to better organise coming and more sustained studies. Interestingly, the importance of sketching as an interdisciplinary means of communication is underlined with the obtained results.