4 resultados para Human body

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Living organisms are open dissipative thermodynamic systems that rely on mechanothermo-electrochemical interactions to survive. Plant physiological processes allow plants to survive by converting solar radiation into chemical energy, and store that energy in form that can be used. Mammals catabolize food to obtain energy that is used to fuel, build and repair the cellular components. The exergy balance is a combined statement of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. It provides insight into the performance of systems. In this paper, exergy balance equations for both mammal’s and green plants are presented and analyzed.


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O presente trabalho congrega, em si, o estabelecimento de uma ligação entre as áreas científica e artística, justificando o trabalho do actor com elementos inerentes à anatomia humana e aos progressos na ciência sobre o estudo do comportamento e cérebro humanos. A arte do actor é, neste estudo, vista como uma ciência de palco desenvolvida a partir do esqueleto e do corpo em vida, atentos aos impulsos psico-fisicos, prolongando a acção quotidiana na acção extra-quotidiana. Se na ciência a menor unidade, viva, do organismo humano é a célula, este estudo reclama o impulso como a unidade mínima do teatro e, por conseguinte, do trabalho de actor. Esta análise complementa-se, perspectivando a célula vivente como o núcleo da relação entre o invisível, como processo mental, e o visível como processo e manifestação física do trabalho do actor dentro e fora do palco. ABSTRACT; The present work congregates the creation of a connection between scientific and artistic areas, justifying the actor's work through characteristic elements of human anatomy and through the scientific advances on the study of the human brain and of human behaviour. ln this study, the actor's art, is viewed as a stage science based on the human skeleton and on the living body, both conscious of the psycho-physical impulses that extend everyday action to the extraordinary action. If in science the smallest living unit in the human body is the cell, then, this study argues that the impulse is the smallest unit in theater and therefore, of the actor's work. This analysis complements itself, envisaging the living cell as the core of the relationship between the invisible, as a mental process, and the visible, as a process of physical manifestation of the actor's work in(side) and out(side) of stage.


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Endotoxinas bacterianas são lipopolissacáridos da membrana externa das bactérias Gram-negativas e são responsáveis pela libertação de citocinas no organismo humano. Estas citocinas podem exacerbar a sintomatologia de determinadas patologias, nomeadamente do foro pulmonar, agravando a sua situação clínica. A procura de melhor conforto habitacional, com a criação de micro ambientes "artificiais" dentro de casa, oferece bem-estar, mas por vezes arrasta consigo uma maior quantidade de poluentes aéreos indoor, nomeadamente bioaerossóis. A influência das bactérias Oram­ negativas em suspensão indoor nos níveis basais dos marcadores analíticos sanguíneos de resposta inflamatória e alérgica, é um ponto importante a ter em consideração quando se pretende elevar o grau de conforto de uma habitação sem implicações negativas para a saúde humana. Este estudo demonstra que a presença das endotoxinas bacterianas indoor, na ausência de patologia aguda, não prejudica o ser humano e a melhoria das condições habitacionais não degrada o estado fisiológico dos indivíduos. /Summary: Bacterial endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides found in the outer membrane of Gram­ negative bacteria and are responsible for the release of cytokines in the human body. These cytokines may exacerbate the symptoms of certain diseases, including pulmonary events, worsening their medical condition. The demand for better housing comfort with the creation of "artificial" micro-environments in the house, offers well-being, but often brings a greater quantity of indoor air pollutants, including bioaerosols. The influence of suspended indoor Gram-negative bacteria in basal levels of blood analytical markers of inflammatory and allergic rhinitis, is an important point to consider when attempting to raise the comfort level of a dwelling without negative implications for human health. This study proves that the presence of indoor bacterial endotoxin in the absence of acute pathology, do not affect humans and the improvement of living conditions does not degrade the physiological status of individuals.


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The hydrothermal carbonization can be considered an environmental friendly process for the production of carbon materials with tailored properties, such as regular porous structure and specific surface chemistry. This process is easy to perform and uses mild temperatures without the use of solvents or gases, which results in a positive environmental balance when compared with the usual pyrolysis process [1]. Diabetes affects more than 152 million people in Europe and is on the rise all over the World. Metformin is one of the most used drugs to treat type 2 diabetes. This drug is an endocrine disruptor with a potential negative impact in the environment due to the fact that metformin is almost not metabolized in the human body and the incorrect disposal into the domestic garbage. Another relevant aspect is the danger of overdose intake of the drug that can lead to lactic acidosis, which in extreme cases can be lethal. The work now reported study the in vitro adsorption of metformin onto activated carbons using simulated gastric and intestinal fluids.