5 resultados para Hearing deficient - Social exclusion
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
As Redes Sociais, enquanto estrutura social, são um sistema aberto, altamente dinâmico e susceptível de inovação (Castells, 2000) constituindo-se como um importante recurso para combater a pobreza e a exclusão social, através de uma acção concertada e coerente. No presente estudo, apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo qualitativo cujo objectivo foi o de conhecer os benefícios da actuação em rede como estratégia de combate à pobreza e exclusão social. Realizou-se uma entrevista semi-estruturada a 13 colaboradores de organizações, não-lucrativas, que operam em rede. As respostas foram analisadas a partir da metodologia qualitativa Consesual Qualitative Research (Clara Hill, 1997). Os resultados obtidos permitiram obter como principal atributo estratégico, da actuação em rede, a orientação para o processo, enquanto medida adaptável e geradora de resultados. As conclusões obtidas são discutidas quanto ao seu contributo para incentivar as políticas sociais que considerem o reconhecimento e activação da solidariedade social local. / ABSTRACT: Social Networks, as a social structure, are an open system, highly dynamic and capable of innovation (Castells, 2000) constituting itself as an important resource to combat Poverty and Social Exclusion, through a concerted and coherent action. ln this study, we present the results of a qualitative investigation whose aim was to know the benefits of building social networks of support in fighting against poverty and social exclusion. There were performed semi-structured interviews with 13 employees of nonprofit organizations, operating in network. The responses were analyzed based on Consensual Qualitative Research (Clara Hill, 1997). The results have enabled the orientation to process as the main strategic attribute of the implementation Strategies of Social Network as an adaptive measure and as capable of generating results. The main conclusions are discussed in terms of its contribution to promote social policies that consider the recognition and activation of local charities.
O presente estudo pretende analisar a perspetiva dos empregadores face à integração socioprofissional de pessoas com Dificuldades Intelectuais e de Desenvolvimento (DID). Considerando as políticas que consagram direitos e igualdade de oportunidades, pretende-se analisar a integração social ou exclusão existente aquando da contratação laboral de uma pessoa com deficiência e/ou incapacidade. Foi aplicada uma entrevista semiestruturada a 13 empregadores, dos quais sete já têm no seu quadro empresarial pessoas com DID e seis que nunca integraram esta população nas suas organizações. As entrevistas foram analisadas a partir da metodologia de análise. Os resultados revelaram que os empregadores que integram população com DID manifestam uma abertura à empregabilidade de indivíduos com DID, numa lógica de igualdade de oportunidades face ao emprego. No entanto, o vínculo laboral às entidades empregadoras continua a ser precário (e.g. estágios e medidas de apoio à contratação). Os resultados também sugerem as características individuais da pessoa com DID um importante determinante da sua contratação. No que respeita os empregadores que nunca integraram pessoas com DID os resultados revelaram que estes participantes estão muito pouco informados acerca da problemática da deficiência, principalmente de indivíduos com DID. Os resultados voltam a sugerir que o ajustamento entre características pessoais e posto de trabalho são decisivas para a integração de pessoas com DID no mercado de trabalho. O conjunto dos resultados é discutido considerando as limitações da presente investigação bem como suas implicações para a investigação e a prática; The employers perspective concerning social and professional integration of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disability Abstract: The present study aims to analyze the employers perspective concerning social and professional integration of people with “Intellectual and Developmental Disability” (IDD). Considering that policies establish equal rights and opportunities, we intend to analyze the social integration or social exclusion that occurs when hiring a disabled person. We conducted a semi-structured interview to 13 employers, seven of which have already have people with IDD in their business environment and the other six had never had people with IDD in their organizations. The interviews were analyzed using analysis methodology. The results showed that employers who integrate people with IDD are more open to the employability of these individuals, pursuing employment gender equality. However the employment contract for employers remain precarious (eg, internships and employment support measures). The results also suggest that the individual’s characteristics are an important determinant for hiring the person with IDD. Employers who have never integrated individuals with IDD lack awareness about disability issues. As suggested by the results, the adjustment between personal characteristics and the workstation is crucial for the integration of people with IDD in the labor market. This particular set of results is discussed considering the limitations of this research and its implications for future research and practice.
Embora de natureza radicalmente distinta, bullying e vinculação são fenómenos de natureza relacional. Se o bullying é descrito como um abuso sistemático de poder, que ocorre intencional e repetidamente entre pares, a vinculação refere-se ao estabelecimento de laços afectivos fortes com determinadas pessoas significativas, especialmente em momentos percepcionados como perigosos. A investigação, apesar do reduzido número de estudos, mostra uma relação entre estes conceitos. A agressão instrumental interpares parece estar relacionada com vinculações inseguras. O objectivo deste estudo é compreender a relação entre o bullying e os padrões de vinculação. Foi realizado em três escolas da zona de Évora, com os alunos do 7° ano (237 alunos). Utilizaram-se dois questionários de auto-relato: o QEVE - Questionário de Exclusão Social e Violência Escolar e o IVIA - Inventário sobre Vinculação para a Infância e a Adolescência. Os resultados deste estudo corroboram os estudos anteriores, relativamente aos comportamentos agressivos entre pares. Mostram que existem correlações estatisticamente significativas entre as dimensões da vitimação e da agressão e, ainda, verificou-se que a vinculação segura parece funcionar como um factor protector para a vitimação e a agressividade e a vinculação ansiosa parece relacionar-se com a vitimação. ABSTRACT: Although radically different, bullying and attachment are relational in nature phenomena. lf the bullying is described as a systematic abuse of power, which is intentionally and repeatedly between peers, attachment refers to the establishment of strong emotional ties with certain significant others, especially at times perceived as dangerous. The research, despite the small number of studies show a relationship between these concepts. Instrumental peer aggression seems to be associated with insecure attachments. The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between bullying and patterns of binding. lt was conducted in three schools in the district of Évora with the students of 7th Grade (237 students). We used two questionnaires self-report: the QEVE - Questionnaire of Social Exclusion and Violence in School and IVIA - lnventory on Attachment for Children and Adolescents. These results corroborate previous studies, for aggressive behavior among peers. Show that there are statistically significant correlations between the dimensions of victimization and aggression and also found that a secure attachment appears to be a protective factor for victimization and aggression and anxious attachment seems to relate to the victimization.
Access, participation and exclusion from higher education for marginalized and disadvan-taged sections of the population are an intricate socio-political as well as economic practice that has manifold explanations and outcomes. During the last three decades, the higher education has experienced expansion in both enrolments and institutions. The approaches and means of delivery have changed besides the diversification in provision. The role of the state and mar¬ket has also reformed. This characteristic has also altered the nature of equity in higher edu¬cation across the globe. The chapters of this book on different countries of Asia, Europe and Latin America examine access and describe the several spaces where cohorts of relevant age group are included, excluded, or are at threat of exclusion in higher education. The chapters also narrate the state of affairs in which despite numerous alike structure in the experience and outcomes of social exclusion across disenfranchised groups and regions, how some critical differences have led to different paths of struggles and policy formation to attain the objective of equity in higher education.
School failure is a chronic problem in many developing countries and in some developed as Portugal due to factors like cognitive deficiencies of children, an inadequate family environment, low SES and bad teaching methods or school organization. It is important to develop effective and simple intervention strategies able to cope with the problem at an individual level independently of the cause. The general objective of the following study is to develop behavioral training techniques to help children with problems of school failure. 6 - 12 years old children attending ISCED 1, with academic difficulties because of family problems, social exclusion (living in poverty or belonging to an ethnic minority) or poor schooling were trained. Cognitive-behavioral techniques that have been widely used to train persons with intellectual, sensorial, physical or social deficiencies were applied. Results are evaluated in terms of % of attained objectives, time, and (subjective) teacher satisfaction. Some results of individual children are shown. Training programs seem to be successful independently of the (mostly unknown) cause of failure of the trained subject.